danny shelton 3abn biography

danny shelton 3abn biography

Apr 3, 2022. Apparently no parent is claiming this child as a deduction on his or her income tax. Here is a copy of the first e-mail I sent to Danny in response to his offer to send me a copy of a tape that he has. I made the same offer to those guys that if they could prove that Brandy was here before Nov. 2004, or that she spent anytime at 3ABN prior to Nov. of 2004 I would give them $10,000! Yet there is NO evidence whatsoever that Linda ever committed adultery with ANYONE while she was married to Danny Shelton, irrespective of Dannys false accusations. He said, No.. Why did Danny want to change our meeting location to a town other than Thompsonville or West Frankfort? Danny Shelton had no grounds, Biblically, to divorce Linda and remarry in the SDA church. 3. the social security number of each person who is teste That would mean that the child was conceived in May or June of 1999. (Mollie Steenson and her husband), Evangelical Christians whose tendency can be to adore their leader, some have said, in almost a cultic way. Why was I given only Xerox copies, copies that could easily be altered? His actions were so bizarre, Linda couldnt figure out what had happened to him. She later called me to say she wanted to drink some Chik juice. Again, I said, What do you mean by Chik juice? And will you give your answer under oath? There have been times when Danny has tried to justify to me his right to tape Lindas conversation, saying that he did so in her car that he says was jointly registered in his name and hers. Nor was I allowed to have the Social Security numbers for any of them, something that is required by the DNA testing companies. I said this way back in 2005 innocently - not even knowing that Danny and 3ABN were saying that Brandy did not arrive at 3ABN until November of 2004. Shelton, you must be the luckiest man I know, because you have a clean sweep of every satellite in the horizon without microwave interference on those two acres. In addition, there are other events that took place in April and August of 2004, and even before, that strongly suggest that Danny knew Brandy much earlier than announced in fact, long before her supposed November, 2004 arrival. The marriage between Brandy and Kevin Murray lasted a little over four years. 154 In response, the network has sued the group for defamation of character and trademark infringement. They usually are very curious to see what is going on around them. I was taking care of business, working on getting the DNA testing agreement put together and signed. Oh, in my ignorance why do I need a paternity test on her father as I know who the father is. 3ABN's board of directors elected Shelton as president and CEO last week, filling a role vacated by evangelist Jim Gilley, 74, who announced his retirement on July 20. As a studio vocalist she worked with the industry's finest, became a . Subject: Re: From Lorraine Day. Currently 3ABN programming is . Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 2:57 PM In that case she wouldn't have any work records at that time at 3 ABN. She belligerently got out her own video camera and started videotaping me putting her camera almost in my face, while continuously berating me. But that in itself their secrecy about this child speaks volumes! Linda Shelton is NOT an adulteress either spiritually or physically. But it is publicly known that YOU - PERSONALLY - were calling around looking for housing for Brandy and her two children in August of 2004 - just 2 months after you had divorced your wife and had her fired from 3ABN in June of 2004. You're the Dr. so let me ask you if I take a paternity test it will determine whether or not her daughteris mine? As a studio vocalist she worked with the industry's finest, became a . What about those who don't choose God? Although he had no degree in communications, nor any experience in television, Danny immediately began to explore the ideas that finally developed into Three Angels Broadcasting Network. SUBSCRIBE https://bit.ly/3ABN_SubscribeDONATE https://bit.ly/3ABN_DonateFREE MONTHLY MAGAZINE https://bit.ly/3ABN_MagazineFACEBOOK https://www.faceb. Does Danny do nothing unless he can make money at it? 2008 Form 990 on January 5, 2010. Why would Danny Shelton waste that money getting secretly tested if he knew he was not the father of Trinity? I have no interest in trying to "prove" anything. 3ABN and Danny Shelton have been dragging their feet regarding documents the court has ordered them to produce, as well as with the scheduling of their depositions by Lindas attorneys. A court date has been set in the near future to remedy that. Linda knew that Danny had a vasectomy several years before. Whether Linda knew Brandy worked there at that time is irrelevant. Or as I said before, since you eliminated - within a month's time - ALL traces of Linda's 20 years or so of working (and co-founding) 3ABN, why couldn't Brandy's work papers be removed as well? the PDF, Dr. Yvonne Lewis-Shelton, Founder/Consultant for 3ABN's Dare to Dream Network, has enjoyed successful careers as a studio vocalist, doctor, author, lecturer, and television host before coming to 3ABN, and has been pleased to use all her expertise to launch and manage the 3ABN Dare to Dream Network. Can you please tell me how you heard of us? 00:09 The Carter Report Presents, 00:10 The Living Word around the world. Is that correct? Even then, Danny e-mailed me claiming that I still would not show up. She was miserable and decided to give up. If you don't want me to let anyone else listen to it, I won't. Where's the proof. If she has a tape or video where I saidsomething to that effect,then why all the secrecy? After all, He not I was the one who brought up that possibility (the rumor that he was the father of Trinity). Danny Shelton (born August 20, 1993) is famous for being football player. YOU are the one who came up with the suggestion that people think Brandy's child is yours. 5. Walker's lawyer, Jeff Herman, of Miami, said Shelton commuted to 3ABN from his home in Kentucky for the purpose of abusing Walker, which Herman believes makes the civil suit a federal case. No one has a biblical right to accuse me of something without proof. One day he realized that three-phase power would be required to operate the station, but the cost to run lines from the nearest main road was prohibitive. Performance & security by Cloudflare. We are not owned or operated by any person or outside organization, and neither are we funded by any church or denomination, although many of our employees and volunteers are members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Yet Danny states that he first laid eyes on Brandy as an adult when she arrived at 3ABN on November 11, 2004. I agreed. 3ABN's Looking for books by Danny Shelton? Danny and Brandy purposely prevented it. My biggest question is why is there such a monumental, egregious, DOUBLE-STANDARD held by Danny Shelton, 3ABN Board Chairman, Walter Thompson, Kay Kuzma, Mollie Steenson, and the other 3ABN Board Members, as well as many others at the top level of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination. Home testing units are available but the DNA test results are not legally admissible in a court of law. Why do you care so much that I worked with Brandy when I was there? Danny Shelton and other spiritual leaders at 3ABN host this weekly two-hour live version of 3ABN's signature program which features call-in questions and comments and free special offers. Unfortunately, it is NOT ridiculous. 3ABNs ministry accomplishes this goal with 24-hour-a-day television and radio networks, as well as far-reaching ministries of 3ABN Books and 3ABN Music. And that certainly would be a reasonable explanation as to why you behaved as you did. We honestly have no idea.. Subject: Re: From Lorraine Day. I'll let you know hopefully sometime Monday. ----- Original Message ----- In all my years, I have never known of any other divorced person doing such a thing. How could you make such a blatant mistake and say no mistake? I have to get her consent since it is her daughter but I don't see that as a problem especially when I can let her know that you will be paying us $10,000 to see the results that I am not the father. filed in retaliation for Joy and Pickle's blowing the whistle on However, the problem remains that I cannot prove the identity of the child tested, who was presented as Trinity Murray. Danny purportedly sold his former home to new president Jim Gilley for $295,000, and began construction on new property nearby. And this began a full two years before Danny suddenly started accusing Linda. A different picture or signature can be superimposed on any document, something that would completely invalidate it. And will you submit to a paternity test? It was Danny Shelton who repeatedly badgered me saying, I know youre not coming. She said she had her mother and Bill Kerr and that she trusted them. Where did all the money from those book deals go? the building permit for that construction, Danny claimed that I have no idea if that child was Trinity Murray. Finally, Brandy did get out of the truck, but as the videotape will show, she was furious. Three Angels Broadcasting Network began its work in Russia in 1992 when we taped and broadcast a series of evangelistic meetings with Australian evangelist, Pastor John Carter, in the city of Nizhny Novgorod. where's the proof? (Doc. The Three Angels Broadcasting Network, or 3ABN, is a Christian media television and radio network which broadcasts Seventh-day Adventist religious and health-oriented programming, based in West Frankfort, Illinois, United States. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. They would want to make sure that Brandys DNA was close enough to this childs DNA for Brandy to pass as the mother of this child? And I am not the only one who knows that Brandy was in the Thompsonville/West Frankfort area long before November of 2004. copy of the papers Brandy Shelton filed in Tampa. As of early 2009, 3ABN's main TV channel had 69% original programming; 3ABN Latino had 67% original programming; and 3ABN Russia had 100% original programming.[4]. Thanks again for your help. his salary given to him as part of a "non-compete agreement. Danny Shelton keeps repeating that, No reason is needed in the State of Illinois for an employer to fire an employee. (How convenient for him and all of you.) 3ABN suedover Tommy! The average person would assume that you had known her much longer. Why was I not allowed to photograph, fingerprint, or examine the identification documents for this child? On July 10, 2008, 3ABN, Danny Shelton, and Attorney Gregory I stayed there three or four days and gave her a whole set of my videos, educated her about God's Health Plan, taught her daughter Tammy how to cook healthful food for her and make the juices, prayed with her and told her the importance of following God's Ten Step health Plan with 100% commitment, including learning to FORGIVE everyone who has ever wronged you, including learning to LOVE one's enemies, including learning to be totally Unselfish, including learning to truly trust in God. In his so-called spare time he enjoys songwriting, writing books, raising horses, and country living. after redacting out addresses, phone numbers, the names of minors, That witness was not even in Thompsonville in November of 2004, so the job interview clearly took place long before that time. If this child WAS Trinity Murray, why was I not allowed to take her fingerprints (as a DNA lab requires for legal testing)? on November 29, 2007, requested documents concerning the gift of these 48 acres of land. Believing a healthy mind promotes a healthy spiritual life, 3ABN considers health programming to be of particular importance. Updated 4/2/2010 But it seems no one cares at all and Brandy is accepted with open arms by the very same people who have destroyed LindaSheltons reputation throughout the world with FALSE accusations of the SAME sin. 1. I'll tell you what I'll do. that 48 acres? As we continue to gather evidence, that hidden, overwhelming factor will eventually become clear to all. Its just something we have to fill out on our order form and I completely missed it. When one of the kits was opened, it was found that the laboratory had sent one envelope marked father and two envelopes marked Child with no envelope marked mother. Since each packet contains 4 sealed sterile long-handled Q-tips for the mouth swab specimens, there is no problem with marking out the word Child and substituting the word Mother which Brandy did, and then initialed the correction. How in the world would I have ever recognized Brandy from her picture on 3ABN if I had never seen her before? To: Danny Shelton But you believed her without proof. Is everyone so apathetic or so blinded by their own self-righteous attitude that they have no interest anymore in Truth? Just what claims am I making that I cannot prove? If Brandy had an over-whelming desire to be associated with a Christian organization, the east-coast headquarters for numerous Christian ministries, including one of the worlds largest and most respected Campus Crusade for Christ - is Orlando, Florida, a short drive up the road of about an hour and a half from where she was living in Tampa. Is the response of present-day Adventists to the need for finding the truth, the equivalent of a young persons casual, nonchalant, uncaring, and disinterested answer - - - - Whatever! For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. I don't have that much money but I could probably borrow it. I don't have to prove what I witnessed myself. PDF posted here which contains Brandy's divorce filing, The parties acknowledge that the Husband had a home which he was awarded pursuant to his agreement In the interrogatories she even asks if I have been to the Bahamas' or Cayman Island since our divorce! It was at that time that Danny said he would only be tested if I would put up $10,000. with his former wife, Linda Sue Shelton. In addition, 3ABN Radio can also be heard around the world via satellite, and on over 200 affiliate stations, and 3ABN Latino Radio carries Spanish radio programming. A talented pianist, ET also appears as a guest artist on network events. . I am. At any rate, if Danny Shelton had really bought those 48 acres as he claimed in his post-nuptial agreement, I guess I should just let you believe what you want as you are as bad as Joy and Pickle in making claims YOU CANNOT PROVE. court papers posted here, Danny agreed to pay Brandy $2,000 a month for So what if Brandy worked at 3ABN in 1999 or 2000?! From: Lorraine Day I quote you. I found the website that had the forty AABB (American Association of Blood Banks) accredited DNA testing centers and picked one that was quite close to where I live. A satellite uplink dish manufacturer agreed to begin building a nearly $400,000 satellite dish with only $10,000 down payment, and over the next few months, studio and office facilities were built and equipment was purchased and installedwithout incurring any debt! The flagship program, 3ABN Today, airs daily and features interviews with guests from around the world, as well as a variety of musical artists. I brought fingerprinting equipment, a still camera for picture taking of those being DNA tested and to photograph the original identification documents, as well as a video camera to videotape the actual taking of the DNA specimens, plus I had two people with me to run the cameras (a still camera and a video camera). So again, my challenge to you, Chairman Walter Thompson, and all of you other Board Members who have clearly not done your duty, is to show me and everyone else who has donated their hard-earned money to 3ABN, the evidence that Linda committed adultery with anyone while she was married to Danny Shelton. Programs are designed to bring the viewers important information on medical and lifestyle issues such as cancer prevention, diabetes, and heart disease. And why would Brandy get tested too, something that is not always required in Paternity testing? Here is where I ask Danny if he is willing to take a paternity test since HE (NOT I) brought up the subject of Trinitys paternity. Three Angels Broadcasting Network, or 3ABN, and the Rev. And she is said to have first arrived at 3ABN on November 11, 2004. Although it is not formally tied to any particular church or denomination, much of its programming focuses on Seventh-day Adventist theology and Adventist doctrine. Around September 2007, when Danny Shelton stepped down from being the visible president of 3ABN, some reported that the 3ABN Board had gifted 40 acres of land to Danny. If he knew he was not the father of Trinity as I know who the father of Trinity experience our... Easily be altered child speaks volumes blinded by their own self-righteous attitude that they have no idea if that was... Laid eyes on Brandy as an adult when she arrived at 3ABN on 11... 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On getting the DNA testing agreement put together and signed so much that I worked with when. The building permit for that construction, Danny e-mailed me claiming that can! On network events this page came up with the industry & # x27 ; s finest, became.... Want me to say she wanted to drink some Chik juice I take a test. Not an adulteress either spiritually or physically there at that time is.! Please tell me how you heard of us what had happened to him you. Required in paternity testing there at that time that Danny had a vasectomy years... No interest anymore in Truth x27 ; s finest, became a the one who came up with suggestion... Actions were so bizarre, Linda couldnt figure out what had happened to him e-mailed me claiming danny shelton 3abn biography can! Remedy that attitude that they have no interest anymore in Truth something that would completely invalidate it, that! Copies that could easily be altered Linda couldnt figure out what had happened to him t. New Orleans Zoo Sloth Encounter, Dax Shepard Brother, David, Teacher Pay Rise 2022 England, This Bachelorette Party Was Brought To You By Sayings, Articles D

Apr 3, 2022. Apparently no parent is claiming this child as a deduction on his or her income tax. Here is a copy of the first e-mail I sent to Danny in response to his offer to send me a copy of a tape that he has. I made the same offer to those guys that if they could prove that Brandy was here before Nov. 2004, or that she spent anytime at 3ABN prior to Nov. of 2004 I would give them $10,000! Yet there is NO evidence whatsoever that Linda ever committed adultery with ANYONE while she was married to Danny Shelton, irrespective of Dannys false accusations. He said, No.. Why did Danny want to change our meeting location to a town other than Thompsonville or West Frankfort? Danny Shelton had no grounds, Biblically, to divorce Linda and remarry in the SDA church. 3. the social security number of each person who is teste That would mean that the child was conceived in May or June of 1999. (Mollie Steenson and her husband), Evangelical Christians whose tendency can be to adore their leader, some have said, in almost a cultic way. Why was I given only Xerox copies, copies that could easily be altered? His actions were so bizarre, Linda couldnt figure out what had happened to him. She later called me to say she wanted to drink some Chik juice. Again, I said, What do you mean by Chik juice? And will you give your answer under oath? There have been times when Danny has tried to justify to me his right to tape Lindas conversation, saying that he did so in her car that he says was jointly registered in his name and hers. Nor was I allowed to have the Social Security numbers for any of them, something that is required by the DNA testing companies. I said this way back in 2005 innocently - not even knowing that Danny and 3ABN were saying that Brandy did not arrive at 3ABN until November of 2004. Shelton, you must be the luckiest man I know, because you have a clean sweep of every satellite in the horizon without microwave interference on those two acres. In addition, there are other events that took place in April and August of 2004, and even before, that strongly suggest that Danny knew Brandy much earlier than announced in fact, long before her supposed November, 2004 arrival. The marriage between Brandy and Kevin Murray lasted a little over four years. 154 In response, the network has sued the group for defamation of character and trademark infringement. They usually are very curious to see what is going on around them. I was taking care of business, working on getting the DNA testing agreement put together and signed. Oh, in my ignorance why do I need a paternity test on her father as I know who the father is. 3ABN's board of directors elected Shelton as president and CEO last week, filling a role vacated by evangelist Jim Gilley, 74, who announced his retirement on July 20. As a studio vocalist she worked with the industry's finest, became a . Subject: Re: From Lorraine Day. Currently 3ABN programming is . Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 2:57 PM In that case she wouldn't have any work records at that time at 3 ABN. She belligerently got out her own video camera and started videotaping me putting her camera almost in my face, while continuously berating me. But that in itself their secrecy about this child speaks volumes! Linda Shelton is NOT an adulteress either spiritually or physically. But it is publicly known that YOU - PERSONALLY - were calling around looking for housing for Brandy and her two children in August of 2004 - just 2 months after you had divorced your wife and had her fired from 3ABN in June of 2004. You're the Dr. so let me ask you if I take a paternity test it will determine whether or not her daughteris mine? As a studio vocalist she worked with the industry's finest, became a . What about those who don't choose God? Although he had no degree in communications, nor any experience in television, Danny immediately began to explore the ideas that finally developed into Three Angels Broadcasting Network. SUBSCRIBE https://bit.ly/3ABN_SubscribeDONATE https://bit.ly/3ABN_DonateFREE MONTHLY MAGAZINE https://bit.ly/3ABN_MagazineFACEBOOK https://www.faceb. Does Danny do nothing unless he can make money at it? 2008 Form 990 on January 5, 2010. Why would Danny Shelton waste that money getting secretly tested if he knew he was not the father of Trinity? I have no interest in trying to "prove" anything. 3ABN and Danny Shelton have been dragging their feet regarding documents the court has ordered them to produce, as well as with the scheduling of their depositions by Lindas attorneys. A court date has been set in the near future to remedy that. Linda knew that Danny had a vasectomy several years before. Whether Linda knew Brandy worked there at that time is irrelevant. Or as I said before, since you eliminated - within a month's time - ALL traces of Linda's 20 years or so of working (and co-founding) 3ABN, why couldn't Brandy's work papers be removed as well? the PDF, Dr. Yvonne Lewis-Shelton, Founder/Consultant for 3ABN's Dare to Dream Network, has enjoyed successful careers as a studio vocalist, doctor, author, lecturer, and television host before coming to 3ABN, and has been pleased to use all her expertise to launch and manage the 3ABN Dare to Dream Network. Can you please tell me how you heard of us? 00:09 The Carter Report Presents, 00:10 The Living Word around the world. Is that correct? Even then, Danny e-mailed me claiming that I still would not show up. She was miserable and decided to give up. If you don't want me to let anyone else listen to it, I won't. Where's the proof. If she has a tape or video where I saidsomething to that effect,then why all the secrecy? After all, He not I was the one who brought up that possibility (the rumor that he was the father of Trinity). Danny Shelton (born August 20, 1993) is famous for being football player. YOU are the one who came up with the suggestion that people think Brandy's child is yours. 5. Walker's lawyer, Jeff Herman, of Miami, said Shelton commuted to 3ABN from his home in Kentucky for the purpose of abusing Walker, which Herman believes makes the civil suit a federal case. No one has a biblical right to accuse me of something without proof. One day he realized that three-phase power would be required to operate the station, but the cost to run lines from the nearest main road was prohibitive. Performance & security by Cloudflare. We are not owned or operated by any person or outside organization, and neither are we funded by any church or denomination, although many of our employees and volunteers are members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Yet Danny states that he first laid eyes on Brandy as an adult when she arrived at 3ABN on November 11, 2004. I agreed. 3ABN's Looking for books by Danny Shelton? Danny and Brandy purposely prevented it. My biggest question is why is there such a monumental, egregious, DOUBLE-STANDARD held by Danny Shelton, 3ABN Board Chairman, Walter Thompson, Kay Kuzma, Mollie Steenson, and the other 3ABN Board Members, as well as many others at the top level of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination. Home testing units are available but the DNA test results are not legally admissible in a court of law. Why do you care so much that I worked with Brandy when I was there? Danny Shelton and other spiritual leaders at 3ABN host this weekly two-hour live version of 3ABN's signature program which features call-in questions and comments and free special offers. Unfortunately, it is NOT ridiculous. 3ABNs ministry accomplishes this goal with 24-hour-a-day television and radio networks, as well as far-reaching ministries of 3ABN Books and 3ABN Music. And that certainly would be a reasonable explanation as to why you behaved as you did. We honestly have no idea.. Subject: Re: From Lorraine Day. I'll let you know hopefully sometime Monday. ----- Original Message ----- In all my years, I have never known of any other divorced person doing such a thing. How could you make such a blatant mistake and say no mistake? I have to get her consent since it is her daughter but I don't see that as a problem especially when I can let her know that you will be paying us $10,000 to see the results that I am not the father. filed in retaliation for Joy and Pickle's blowing the whistle on However, the problem remains that I cannot prove the identity of the child tested, who was presented as Trinity Murray. Danny purportedly sold his former home to new president Jim Gilley for $295,000, and began construction on new property nearby. And this began a full two years before Danny suddenly started accusing Linda. A different picture or signature can be superimposed on any document, something that would completely invalidate it. And will you submit to a paternity test? It was Danny Shelton who repeatedly badgered me saying, I know youre not coming. She said she had her mother and Bill Kerr and that she trusted them. Where did all the money from those book deals go? the building permit for that construction, Danny claimed that I have no idea if that child was Trinity Murray. Finally, Brandy did get out of the truck, but as the videotape will show, she was furious. Three Angels Broadcasting Network began its work in Russia in 1992 when we taped and broadcast a series of evangelistic meetings with Australian evangelist, Pastor John Carter, in the city of Nizhny Novgorod. where's the proof? (Doc. The Three Angels Broadcasting Network, or 3ABN, is a Christian media television and radio network which broadcasts Seventh-day Adventist religious and health-oriented programming, based in West Frankfort, Illinois, United States. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. They would want to make sure that Brandys DNA was close enough to this childs DNA for Brandy to pass as the mother of this child? And I am not the only one who knows that Brandy was in the Thompsonville/West Frankfort area long before November of 2004. copy of the papers Brandy Shelton filed in Tampa. As of early 2009, 3ABN's main TV channel had 69% original programming; 3ABN Latino had 67% original programming; and 3ABN Russia had 100% original programming.[4]. Thanks again for your help. his salary given to him as part of a "non-compete agreement. Danny Shelton keeps repeating that, No reason is needed in the State of Illinois for an employer to fire an employee. (How convenient for him and all of you.) 3ABN suedover Tommy! The average person would assume that you had known her much longer. Why was I not allowed to photograph, fingerprint, or examine the identification documents for this child? On July 10, 2008, 3ABN, Danny Shelton, and Attorney Gregory I stayed there three or four days and gave her a whole set of my videos, educated her about God's Health Plan, taught her daughter Tammy how to cook healthful food for her and make the juices, prayed with her and told her the importance of following God's Ten Step health Plan with 100% commitment, including learning to FORGIVE everyone who has ever wronged you, including learning to LOVE one's enemies, including learning to be totally Unselfish, including learning to truly trust in God. In his so-called spare time he enjoys songwriting, writing books, raising horses, and country living. after redacting out addresses, phone numbers, the names of minors, That witness was not even in Thompsonville in November of 2004, so the job interview clearly took place long before that time. If this child WAS Trinity Murray, why was I not allowed to take her fingerprints (as a DNA lab requires for legal testing)? on November 29, 2007, requested documents concerning the gift of these 48 acres of land. Believing a healthy mind promotes a healthy spiritual life, 3ABN considers health programming to be of particular importance. Updated 4/2/2010 But it seems no one cares at all and Brandy is accepted with open arms by the very same people who have destroyed LindaSheltons reputation throughout the world with FALSE accusations of the SAME sin. 1. I'll tell you what I'll do. that 48 acres? As we continue to gather evidence, that hidden, overwhelming factor will eventually become clear to all. Its just something we have to fill out on our order form and I completely missed it. When one of the kits was opened, it was found that the laboratory had sent one envelope marked father and two envelopes marked Child with no envelope marked mother. Since each packet contains 4 sealed sterile long-handled Q-tips for the mouth swab specimens, there is no problem with marking out the word Child and substituting the word Mother which Brandy did, and then initialed the correction. How in the world would I have ever recognized Brandy from her picture on 3ABN if I had never seen her before? To: Danny Shelton But you believed her without proof. Is everyone so apathetic or so blinded by their own self-righteous attitude that they have no interest anymore in Truth? Just what claims am I making that I cannot prove? If Brandy had an over-whelming desire to be associated with a Christian organization, the east-coast headquarters for numerous Christian ministries, including one of the worlds largest and most respected Campus Crusade for Christ - is Orlando, Florida, a short drive up the road of about an hour and a half from where she was living in Tampa. Is the response of present-day Adventists to the need for finding the truth, the equivalent of a young persons casual, nonchalant, uncaring, and disinterested answer - - - - Whatever! For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. I don't have that much money but I could probably borrow it. I don't have to prove what I witnessed myself. PDF posted here which contains Brandy's divorce filing, The parties acknowledge that the Husband had a home which he was awarded pursuant to his agreement In the interrogatories she even asks if I have been to the Bahamas' or Cayman Island since our divorce! It was at that time that Danny said he would only be tested if I would put up $10,000. with his former wife, Linda Sue Shelton. In addition, 3ABN Radio can also be heard around the world via satellite, and on over 200 affiliate stations, and 3ABN Latino Radio carries Spanish radio programming. A talented pianist, ET also appears as a guest artist on network events. . I am. At any rate, if Danny Shelton had really bought those 48 acres as he claimed in his post-nuptial agreement, I guess I should just let you believe what you want as you are as bad as Joy and Pickle in making claims YOU CANNOT PROVE. court papers posted here, Danny agreed to pay Brandy $2,000 a month for So what if Brandy worked at 3ABN in 1999 or 2000?! From: Lorraine Day I quote you. I found the website that had the forty AABB (American Association of Blood Banks) accredited DNA testing centers and picked one that was quite close to where I live. A satellite uplink dish manufacturer agreed to begin building a nearly $400,000 satellite dish with only $10,000 down payment, and over the next few months, studio and office facilities were built and equipment was purchased and installedwithout incurring any debt! The flagship program, 3ABN Today, airs daily and features interviews with guests from around the world, as well as a variety of musical artists. I brought fingerprinting equipment, a still camera for picture taking of those being DNA tested and to photograph the original identification documents, as well as a video camera to videotape the actual taking of the DNA specimens, plus I had two people with me to run the cameras (a still camera and a video camera). So again, my challenge to you, Chairman Walter Thompson, and all of you other Board Members who have clearly not done your duty, is to show me and everyone else who has donated their hard-earned money to 3ABN, the evidence that Linda committed adultery with anyone while she was married to Danny Shelton. Programs are designed to bring the viewers important information on medical and lifestyle issues such as cancer prevention, diabetes, and heart disease. And why would Brandy get tested too, something that is not always required in Paternity testing? Here is where I ask Danny if he is willing to take a paternity test since HE (NOT I) brought up the subject of Trinitys paternity. Three Angels Broadcasting Network, or 3ABN, and the Rev. And she is said to have first arrived at 3ABN on November 11, 2004. Although it is not formally tied to any particular church or denomination, much of its programming focuses on Seventh-day Adventist theology and Adventist doctrine. Around September 2007, when Danny Shelton stepped down from being the visible president of 3ABN, some reported that the 3ABN Board had gifted 40 acres of land to Danny. If he knew he was not the father of Trinity as I know who the father of Trinity experience our... Easily be altered child speaks volumes blinded by their own self-righteous attitude that they have no idea if that was... Laid eyes on Brandy as an adult when she arrived at 3ABN on 11... 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danny shelton 3abn biography


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