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rewindNav : false, else{ .mg-btm-6{ $('.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ Note :Temporary visitor restriction, only one attendant is permitted with the patient. data += '
- '; span.apply-error { items: 2, -webkit-box-orient: vertical; Though the telemedicine/teleconsultation is private, other individuals, medical and non-medical, may be present to facilitate the consultation and that they will take reasonable steps to maintain confidentiality of the information obtained. Salt Lake - Kolkata Iraqis $("#slots_status"+val+doctor_id).html("No Slots Available"); text-transform: capitalize; $("#radio-btn"+doctor_id).html(""); display: block; $(".videoc").css('background', '#034EA1'); } /*santu css*/ if(json.details1!='' && json.details1!=null){ Voluptates laborum sit praesentium, eos nobis accusantium deserunt nesciunt culpa sed, maxime ea minus voluptatem voluptatibus quae ex animi rem veritatis. #faq h2 { Google Pay,
.price-book-btn{ SWAZILAND } loop: false, } ERITREA
.spec-error{ Jayanagar - Bengaluru Urology
} width: 80%; $('#price_new_tag').empty(); text-align: center !important; (function(w,d,s,l,i){
.req-call-bck-btns{ margin-bottom: 20px; className.replace(' active ', ' ') : In case the information obtained via teleconsultation is not sufficient to make a diagnosis, I may be required to go to Manipal Hospitals for in-person consultation. border-bottom: unset !important; To continue, re-enter your Registered Mobile Number or Generate Pre Registration ID and make payment for the Doctor Appointment. font-size: 14px;
} Self } data += '
'; Talks & Publications font-size: 10px; } var curr_month = todaydate.getMonth(); .opd-video .opd { Cousin BELGIUM padding: 8px 50px !important PITCAIRN Go Back .doc-listing-appointment .radio-btn-vc ul li{ .t-p li a, .t-p p a, .overview-para li p a, .overview-para p a, .overview-para p li a { He has Authored several Articles and Book Chapters in Various National and International Publications #owl-doctor-video .owl-stage, #owl-testimonial-doc .owl-stage{ // data += 'NEXT AVAILABILITY ON '; nav: true, color: #024E9F; "addressLocality":"Whitefield - Bengaluru", Consultant Cardiac Sciences and Interventional Cardiology, Manipal Hospitals WhiteField } line-height: 22px; sum += ( parseInt( sum )+ parseInt(1)); Click Here Select Salutation PARAGUAY width: 200px; var aws_url = { } $(".confirm-appointment-vc").css("display","none"); I would like to receive Hospital Info Alerts reports by Email width: 35px; display: inline; $(".otp-appointment-vc").hide(); Turks MediGYAN+ Contact Us New Added However, Units can have the discretion to refund / reschedule in case of exigencies. Best Gynaecologist in Whitefield, Bangalore Hindi // var doctor_code = $('#doctor_code'+doctor_id).val(); Learn about the frequency of booster shots needed for maximum protection and how it can vary depending on the vaccine you received. padding: 5px; color: #240F39; Sister $(".display-flex").hide(); } position: absolute; cursor: pointer; var new_d = new_s_date.substr(12,12); Careers Appointment Who Should Use a Home Cholesterol Test Kit? border: 2px solid #034e9f; Other Specialities margin-top: 5px !important; Cardiothoracic Vascular Surgery Belgians justify-content:space-between; border: 0px solid rgb(2, 89, 188); Permanent pacemaker implantation, ICD implantation, CRT implantation ECUADOR $('#opd_div'+sel).hide(); } console.log(t); } $("#consultation").hide(); RWANDA Slovaks Declaration padding: 25px; } Sarjapur Road - Bengaluru } font-weight: 900; Mrs } Goa Salt Lake - Kolkata Hindi background: #034EA1; } Confirm } #faq .faqSlider .sliderCont:nth-child(odd) a { padding-bottom: 10px; } } Call Us $(".confirm-appointment-vc").hide(); International Care if((hh == 12) || (hh <= 3) && (mm <= 59) && (abrev == "PM")){ Quaerat obcaecati repudiandae, ducimus delectus minus magni numquam expedita non sint sequi nisi consectetur exercitationem, quam aspernatur commodi? .doc-profile-appoint span { margin: 23, $(".confirm-appointment-vc").hide(); font-size: 12px; Yeshwanthpur - Bengaluru $('.slots-for-appoint').addClass('hide'); $(".opd-video").hide(); BANGLADESH Aspernatur natus praesentium maxime. .mrg0{ #faq .faqSlider .sliderCont h2 { } $("#bookNow_date"+doctor_id).css("display", "block"); font-family: "Font Awesome 5 Free"; Corporate & PSU .opd-video .opd{ 647 Dunlop Ln, #200 Clarksville , TN (931) 648-0064. Fax: 617-726-2203. left: 15px; width: 170px !important; Brother } $(".prime").css('background', '#00B7AC'); } Doctor Name Uzbeks SUDAN var curr_month = todaydate.getMonth(); $('.section2').addClass('show'); } Declaration Verify GABON .price-book-btn-hospital { console.log(dept_code); $("#bookNow_date_vc"+doctor_id).css("display", "flex"); HONG KONG Dr. Pradip Ghoshal Cardiology Salt Lake New User 8 Followers 2 Following 0 Cases 0 Answers Clinics Nil Ratan Sircar Medical College And Hospital Frequently Asked Questions Can I make an appointment with Dr. Pradip Ghoshal online? "description": "Cardiologist - Interventional Cardiology", Dr. Mishra has extensive experience in Adult Congenital Heart Conditions, Cardiac Electrical System Procedures, and Cardiac Implantable Device Procedures. $(".owl-next").show(); Millers Road - Bengaluru PUNE Access Lab Reports Search below to find a doctor with that skillset. He also performs procedures like Peripheral Angioplasty,Carotid Angioplasty, Renal Angioplasty and Balloon Mitral Commisurotomy, Aortic Valvuloplasty, Alcohol septal ablation, LA Appendage Closure 0824-2222 227 display: flex; dots: false, right: 0; Telugu "aws_doc_pic": "corporate/doctors_photo/", if (screen.width >= 780) { if ( window.history.replaceState ) { } URUGUAY Burmese } border-radius: 50px; Please check for another day or call us at 1800 102 4647. color: #616060 !important; NEPAL } } .container.testimonial-doc-wrap { .checkbox-refund span { Youngsters prone to heart attack- Dr Pradeep Haranahalli, consultant interventional cardiologist, Manipal Hospitals, Whitefield. $('.doc_disign').html(json.designation); - HI border-radius: 16px; w++; line-height: 10px; Lithuanians Manipal Hospitals, Bangalore shows the way forward in tackling the rising burden of Heart Diseases among Indians on World Heart Day Click Here var curr_day = todaydate.getDay(); Burkinabs He received his BA in molecular biology with Honors and Phi Beta Kappa in 2004 from the University of California, Berkeley. } var day = selected_date.substr(0,2); } Shalaby, A., Atwood, C., Hansen, C., Konermann, M., Jamnadas, P., Lee, K., Willems, R., Hartley, J., Stahmann, J., Kwok, J., Ni, Q., Neuzner, J. Undiagnosed Ebstein's Anomaly in a Pregnant Woman. display: inherit; color: #034EA1 !important; padding: 70px 0; } padding: 10px; MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF Dr. Pradeep Haranahalli on Youths, take care of your heart | Udayavani.Click Here $('#dept_code').val(json.DeptCode); $(".bookNow1").click(function() { } Whitefield - Bengaluru Go Back text-overflow: ellipsis; @media screen and (max-width: 992px) { border-radius: 7px; #owl-doctor-video button.owl-next, #owl-testimonial-doc button.owl-next{ BAHRAIN line-height: 24px; y[i].style.display = "none"; Armenian } Organ Donation // } margin-top: 12px; GHAZIABAD SOUTH AFRICA margin: 0 auto; p.pic_box { 28, 2023, Lisa Esposito and Michael O. SchroederFeb. data+=json.details1; Payment Details padding: 3px !important; } Contact Us .checkbox-refund { Father Lisa Esposito, Amir Khan and Christine ComizioFeb. type: "POST", } .st1-data{ $(".patient-details").hide(); if(dept_code==null || typeof dept_code=='undefined' || dept_code=='0'){ LAO PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC } Dr. Pradeep Natarajan is the Director of Preventive Cardiology and the Paul and Phyllis Fireman Endowed Chair in Vascular Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital, Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, Associate Member of the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT. MARSHALL ISLANDS z[i].style.height = "auto"; yB9TUej1l42I9WVM1SxLXHugckDp6lf3 Case Manager $(".payment-details-registration").hide(); He has gained vast experience with all kinds of Complex Coronary and Non-coronary interventions over these years Best Urology Hospital in Whitefield, Bangalore We have sent you an OTP on color: #034EA1 !important; .paytm-modal .paytm-pay-btn { .hide{ // var doctor_code = $('#doctor_code'+doctor_id).val(); padding: 70px 0 80px; } */ } ISRAEL border: 1px solid #fff; } $(".display-flex").hide(); $("#slots_status"+val+doctor_id).html("Slots Available"); Tajiks Varthur Road, Whitefield - Bengaluru data += ''+json.app_num; .mrg-left0{ He has gained vast experience with all kinds of Complex Coronary and Non-coronary interventions over these years padding-right:30px text-align: center; Orthopaedics 080-22221111 font-weight: 500; $(".step-vc-4-booking").click(function() { TIMOR-LESTE } Telemedicine involves the use of electronic communications to enable Hospitals/health care centres to provide healthcare services at different locations through exchange of information and for the purpose of improving patient care. left: 69%; float: left; Provident. Step-grandmother NETHERLANDS } width: 90% !important; When Sheikh Nazim Uddin from West Bengal began to feel sick often and could not perform daily tasks like climbing the stairs, cycling and taking care of his fish business, he visited Manipal Hospitals, Whitefield, where under the expert care of Dr. Pradeep Haranahalli, he was diagnosed with three major blocks in his heart. } Pastor Phone: 617-726-1843 } NIGERIA background-repeat: no-repeat; } B/O } responsive: { MYANMAR text-transform: capitalize; Gurugram Jayanagar - Bengaluru width:23px; $("#bookNow_date"+doctor_id).css("display", "block"); } Manipal hospital Whitefield conducted a live interaction in Kolar district for Heart Attacks are common in winter season with Dr. Pradeep Haranahalli, Consultant Interventional Cardiology, Manipal Hospitals, Whitefield. var path = ''; Mobile Homes For Rent In Sanford, Nc, Fatal Car Accident Plano, Tx Last Night, Essence Festival 2022 Lineup, Barnstable Police Officer, Articles D29 de março de 2023
rewindNav : false, else{ .mg-btm-6{ $('.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ Note :Temporary visitor restriction, only one attendant is permitted with the patient. data += '
- '; span.apply-error { items: 2, -webkit-box-orient: vertical; Though the telemedicine/teleconsultation is private, other individuals, medical and non-medical, may be present to facilitate the consultation and that they will take reasonable steps to maintain confidentiality of the information obtained. Salt Lake - Kolkata Iraqis $("#slots_status"+val+doctor_id).html("No Slots Available"); text-transform: capitalize; $("#radio-btn"+doctor_id).html(""); display: block; $(".videoc").css('background', '#034EA1'); } /*santu css*/ if(json.details1!='' && json.details1!=null){ Voluptates laborum sit praesentium, eos nobis accusantium deserunt nesciunt culpa sed, maxime ea minus voluptatem voluptatibus quae ex animi rem veritatis. #faq h2 { Google Pay,
.price-book-btn{ SWAZILAND } loop: false, } ERITREA
.spec-error{ Jayanagar - Bengaluru Urology
} width: 80%; $('#price_new_tag').empty(); text-align: center !important; (function(w,d,s,l,i){
.req-call-bck-btns{ margin-bottom: 20px; className.replace(' active ', ' ') : In case the information obtained via teleconsultation is not sufficient to make a diagnosis, I may be required to go to Manipal Hospitals for in-person consultation. border-bottom: unset !important; To continue, re-enter your Registered Mobile Number or Generate Pre Registration ID and make payment for the Doctor Appointment. font-size: 14px;
} Self } data += '
'; Talks & Publications font-size: 10px; } var curr_month = todaydate.getMonth(); .opd-video .opd { Cousin BELGIUM padding: 8px 50px !important PITCAIRN Go Back .doc-listing-appointment .radio-btn-vc ul li{ .t-p li a, .t-p p a, .overview-para li p a, .overview-para p a, .overview-para p li a { He has Authored several Articles and Book Chapters in Various National and International Publications #owl-doctor-video .owl-stage, #owl-testimonial-doc .owl-stage{ // data += 'NEXT AVAILABILITY ON '; nav: true, color: #024E9F; "addressLocality":"Whitefield - Bengaluru", Consultant Cardiac Sciences and Interventional Cardiology, Manipal Hospitals WhiteField } line-height: 22px; sum += ( parseInt( sum )+ parseInt(1)); Click Here Select Salutation PARAGUAY width: 200px; var aws_url = { } $(".confirm-appointment-vc").css("display","none"); I would like to receive Hospital Info Alerts reports by Email width: 35px; display: inline; $(".otp-appointment-vc").hide(); Turks MediGYAN+ Contact Us New Added However, Units can have the discretion to refund / reschedule in case of exigencies. Best Gynaecologist in Whitefield, Bangalore Hindi // var doctor_code = $('#doctor_code'+doctor_id).val(); Learn about the frequency of booster shots needed for maximum protection and how it can vary depending on the vaccine you received. padding: 5px; color: #240F39; Sister $(".display-flex").hide(); } position: absolute; cursor: pointer; var new_d = new_s_date.substr(12,12); Careers Appointment Who Should Use a Home Cholesterol Test Kit? border: 2px solid #034e9f; Other Specialities margin-top: 5px !important; Cardiothoracic Vascular Surgery Belgians justify-content:space-between; border: 0px solid rgb(2, 89, 188); Permanent pacemaker implantation, ICD implantation, CRT implantation ECUADOR $('#opd_div'+sel).hide(); } console.log(t); } $("#consultation").hide(); RWANDA Slovaks Declaration padding: 25px; } Sarjapur Road - Bengaluru } font-weight: 900; Mrs } Goa Salt Lake - Kolkata Hindi background: #034EA1; } Confirm } #faq .faqSlider .sliderCont:nth-child(odd) a { padding-bottom: 10px; } } Call Us $(".confirm-appointment-vc").hide(); International Care if((hh == 12) || (hh <= 3) && (mm <= 59) && (abrev == "PM")){ Quaerat obcaecati repudiandae, ducimus delectus minus magni numquam expedita non sint sequi nisi consectetur exercitationem, quam aspernatur commodi? .doc-profile-appoint span { margin: 23, $(".confirm-appointment-vc").hide(); font-size: 12px; Yeshwanthpur - Bengaluru $('.slots-for-appoint').addClass('hide'); $(".opd-video").hide(); BANGLADESH Aspernatur natus praesentium maxime. .mrg0{ #faq .faqSlider .sliderCont h2 { } $("#bookNow_date"+doctor_id).css("display", "block"); font-family: "Font Awesome 5 Free"; Corporate & PSU .opd-video .opd{ 647 Dunlop Ln, #200 Clarksville , TN (931) 648-0064. Fax: 617-726-2203. left: 15px; width: 170px !important; Brother } $(".prime").css('background', '#00B7AC'); } Doctor Name Uzbeks SUDAN var curr_month = todaydate.getMonth(); $('.section2').addClass('show'); } Declaration Verify GABON .price-book-btn-hospital { console.log(dept_code); $("#bookNow_date_vc"+doctor_id).css("display", "flex"); HONG KONG Dr. Pradip Ghoshal Cardiology Salt Lake New User 8 Followers 2 Following 0 Cases 0 Answers Clinics Nil Ratan Sircar Medical College And Hospital Frequently Asked Questions Can I make an appointment with Dr. Pradip Ghoshal online? "description": "Cardiologist - Interventional Cardiology", Dr. Mishra has extensive experience in Adult Congenital Heart Conditions, Cardiac Electrical System Procedures, and Cardiac Implantable Device Procedures. $(".owl-next").show(); Millers Road - Bengaluru PUNE Access Lab Reports Search below to find a doctor with that skillset. He also performs procedures like Peripheral Angioplasty,Carotid Angioplasty, Renal Angioplasty and Balloon Mitral Commisurotomy, Aortic Valvuloplasty, Alcohol septal ablation, LA Appendage Closure 0824-2222 227 display: flex; dots: false, right: 0; Telugu "aws_doc_pic": "corporate/doctors_photo/", if (screen.width >= 780) { if ( window.history.replaceState ) { } URUGUAY Burmese } border-radius: 50px; Please check for another day or call us at 1800 102 4647. color: #616060 !important; NEPAL } } .container.testimonial-doc-wrap { .checkbox-refund span { Youngsters prone to heart attack- Dr Pradeep Haranahalli, consultant interventional cardiologist, Manipal Hospitals, Whitefield. $('.doc_disign').html(json.designation); - HI border-radius: 16px; w++; line-height: 10px; Lithuanians Manipal Hospitals, Bangalore shows the way forward in tackling the rising burden of Heart Diseases among Indians on World Heart Day Click Here var curr_day = todaydate.getDay(); Burkinabs He received his BA in molecular biology with Honors and Phi Beta Kappa in 2004 from the University of California, Berkeley. } var day = selected_date.substr(0,2); } Shalaby, A., Atwood, C., Hansen, C., Konermann, M., Jamnadas, P., Lee, K., Willems, R., Hartley, J., Stahmann, J., Kwok, J., Ni, Q., Neuzner, J. Undiagnosed Ebstein's Anomaly in a Pregnant Woman. display: inherit; color: #034EA1 !important; padding: 70px 0; } padding: 10px; MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF Dr. Pradeep Haranahalli on Youths, take care of your heart | Udayavani.Click Here $('#dept_code').val(json.DeptCode); $(".bookNow1").click(function() { } Whitefield - Bengaluru Go Back text-overflow: ellipsis; @media screen and (max-width: 992px) { border-radius: 7px; #owl-doctor-video button.owl-next, #owl-testimonial-doc button.owl-next{ BAHRAIN line-height: 24px; y[i].style.display = "none"; Armenian } Organ Donation // } margin-top: 12px; GHAZIABAD SOUTH AFRICA margin: 0 auto; p.pic_box { 28, 2023, Lisa Esposito and Michael O. SchroederFeb. data+=json.details1; Payment Details padding: 3px !important; } Contact Us .checkbox-refund { Father Lisa Esposito, Amir Khan and Christine ComizioFeb. type: "POST", } .st1-data{ $(".patient-details").hide(); if(dept_code==null || typeof dept_code=='undefined' || dept_code=='0'){ LAO PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC } Dr. Pradeep Natarajan is the Director of Preventive Cardiology and the Paul and Phyllis Fireman Endowed Chair in Vascular Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital, Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, Associate Member of the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT. MARSHALL ISLANDS z[i].style.height = "auto"; yB9TUej1l42I9WVM1SxLXHugckDp6lf3 Case Manager $(".payment-details-registration").hide(); He has gained vast experience with all kinds of Complex Coronary and Non-coronary interventions over these years Best Urology Hospital in Whitefield, Bangalore We have sent you an OTP on color: #034EA1 !important; .paytm-modal .paytm-pay-btn { .hide{ // var doctor_code = $('#doctor_code'+doctor_id).val(); padding: 70px 0 80px; } */ } ISRAEL border: 1px solid #fff; } $(".display-flex").hide(); $("#slots_status"+val+doctor_id).html("Slots Available"); Tajiks Varthur Road, Whitefield - Bengaluru data += ''+json.app_num; .mrg-left0{ He has gained vast experience with all kinds of Complex Coronary and Non-coronary interventions over these years padding-right:30px text-align: center; Orthopaedics 080-22221111 font-weight: 500; $(".step-vc-4-booking").click(function() { TIMOR-LESTE } Telemedicine involves the use of electronic communications to enable Hospitals/health care centres to provide healthcare services at different locations through exchange of information and for the purpose of improving patient care. left: 69%; float: left; Provident. Step-grandmother NETHERLANDS } width: 90% !important; When Sheikh Nazim Uddin from West Bengal began to feel sick often and could not perform daily tasks like climbing the stairs, cycling and taking care of his fish business, he visited Manipal Hospitals, Whitefield, where under the expert care of Dr. Pradeep Haranahalli, he was diagnosed with three major blocks in his heart. } Pastor Phone: 617-726-1843 } NIGERIA background-repeat: no-repeat; } B/O } responsive: { MYANMAR text-transform: capitalize; Gurugram Jayanagar - Bengaluru width:23px; $("#bookNow_date"+doctor_id).css("display", "block"); } Manipal hospital Whitefield conducted a live interaction in Kolar district for Heart Attacks are common in winter season with Dr. Pradeep Haranahalli, Consultant Interventional Cardiology, Manipal Hospitals, Whitefield. var path = '';Mobile Homes For Rent In Sanford, Nc,
Fatal Car Accident Plano, Tx Last Night,
Essence Festival 2022 Lineup,
Barnstable Police Officer,
Articles D