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inequality for all quotes
30. WebDiscover and share Inequality For All Quotes. It kept on growing. Its not even trust, Reich comments, they are worried about the undermining of democracy. Inequality for All 2013 PG 1 h 29 m IMDb RATING 8.0 /10 6.9K YOUR RATING Rate Play trailer 1:47 1 Video 5 Photos Documentary A documentary that follows former U.S. Labor Secretary Robert Reich as he looks to raise awareness of the country's widening economic gap. He thus directs criticism at the neoliberals among his camp, and blames them rather than some imaginary Russia collusion. None. Its equality of opportunity. WebOne of the Commandments is 'All animals are equal'. "Robert Reich?" This is the 50th anniversary, of course, of the 1963 March on Washington, as well. WebFrom the movie: Wrong Is Right. WebDon Yaeger. Before God, we are all equally wise, and equally foolish. - Albert Einstein. Crunch time in the US is looking ugly. 30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.. These men ask for just the same thing: fairness, and fairness only. It should be our crunch time too. WebInequality For All Quotes & Sayings . This is the 50th anniversary, of course, of the 1963 March on Washington, as well. I ask the director Jacob Kornbluth. First of all, Reich does not believe that inequality can be totally eradicated, or that all inequality, or some inequality, is essentially bad: Some inequality is inevitable. Racial discrimination continues to be in the labor market. Middle class, we can intuitively figure out, means something like not the working poor. more than 23% of total income. if (this.auth.status === "not_authorized") { that there were two peak years. James Anthony Froude. And it's this, the gentle humour at the heart of the film, and the lightness of its direction, that are its winning ingredients, disguising what is, in fact, incredibly powerful. I am a feminist. Inequality for All 2013 PG 1 h 29 m IMDb RATING 8.0 /10 6.9K YOUR RATING Rate Play trailer 1:47 1 Video 5 Photos Documentary A documentary that follows former U.S. Labor Secretary Robert Reich as he looks to raise awareness of the country's widening economic gap. And, in another, parallel universe, a small cohort of alien beings or as we know them, bankers are currently engaged in trying to figure out what to spend their multimillion-pound bonuses on. I n one sense, Inequality for All is absolutely the film of the moment. However, this equality is short-lived and the pigs begin to bend the rules until inequality returns to the farm. "If nothing is done to reverse this trend, Britain will find itself in exactly the same place as America in just a few years' time. WebRobert Reich Quotes - BrainyQuote. Its equality of opportunity. Or, at least, its dearest desire is to precipitate a revolution in the way that we think about economic matters. George Orwell.. Nelson Mandela. Robert Reich. Or why? He was bullied as a child "because that's just what happens when you're small" and repeatedly beaten up. Gender equality is critical to the development and peace of every nation.. And I honestly didn't know what he meant. Inequality for All 2013 PG 1 h 29 m IMDb RATING 8.0 /10 6.9K YOUR RATING Rate Play trailer 1:47 1 Video 5 Photos Documentary A documentary that follows former U.S. Labor Secretary Robert Reich as he looks to raise awareness of the country's widening economic gap. (), Aristotle's axiom: The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal., When you hear men talking," said Cornelia, "all they ever do is speak ill of women. In Denmark it's 24%. There are two problematic concepts that are central to the narrative of this documentary, and at least Reich is aware that they are problematic. Perhaps the most surprising voice in the film is Nick Hanauer's. Based on Reich's 2010 book Aftershock: The Next Economy and America's Future, the film examines widening income inequality in the United States. And then there's Inequality for All; the kind of film that you can't quite believe that anybody, ever, considered a good idea, let alone had the passion and commitment to give it two years of their life. Government makes the rules, Reich keeps on reminding us, over and over. Racial discrimination continues to be in the labor market. On paper it is, indeed, a terrible idea. AMY GOODMAN: Thats Robert Reich, featured in Inequality for All, talking about what inspires you. "And before that," says Reich with impeccable comic timing, "I was a special agent for Abraham Lincoln." --- Abraham Lincoln #Liberty And Equality#Seven Years#Change "These men ask for just the same thing, fairness, and fairness only. To quote the American humorist Kin Hubbard, 'It aint no disgrace to be poor, but it might as well be.' Inequality, in all its forms gender, LGBTQ, racial, or otherwise is an issue that every company must address for its own benefit and to create a better world. The title may therefore be a little misleading, since it could suggest that the film will present a caustic critique of capitalism: whereas socialism preaches equality for all, capitalism actually delivers, only it delivers inequality for all. Which model of growth should the US be emulating? Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. WebThe most recently available Census statistics show that income inequality in America, as of 2018, is at its most extreme point in half a century. One is the concept of globalizationwhich suffers from a glut of competing and divergent definitions, a true amoeba word as others have said. "An economy does not exist in nature. Equality is the soul of liberty; there is, in fact, no liberty without it. - Frances Wright. for income concentration, both of them in which the top 1%. Jim Wallis. 28. Inspiring Gender Equality Quotes. It is, in some respects, a theory of everything. Let's pass it on. George Orwell.. On the one hand, this is a film that could be useful for undergraduate courses in political economy, globalization, and contemporary American sociology; also, even five years after its release it remains timely and relevantespecially as the basic problems of 2008 have not been resolved, and in some respects have worsened. The problem isnt that the rich spend too much of what they earn, Reich argues, its actually, paradoxically, that they spend too little. 31 The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself.There is no commandment greater than these.. American - Economist Born: June 24, 1946. There will also be an American flag no larger than a childs hand glued to a lollipop stick and flying from the cash register. They want an America as good as its promise. 1928 and 2007 saw the economy relying on the financial sector to provide all of their money. And before that I was a member of the Carter administration. The box is what he always takes to public-speaking events so that he can reach the podium. and the mother's mother arrives to gloat. But to cower in elegant homes behind golden garden gates, fearful lest the breath of warm humankind touch you, unable to indulge in extravagances for fear they might be glimpsed by the embittered oppressed, to oppress and yet lack the courage to show yourself as an oppressor, even to fear the ones you are oppressing, feeling ill at ease in your own wealth and begrudging others their ease, to resort to disagreeable weapons that require neither true audacity nor manly courage, to have money, but only money, without splendor: Thats what things look like in our cities at present, To insinuate that I would break an oath that I made to the ALMIGHTY for my own personal gain is an insult. Reading this on mobile? Racial Discrimination. Later in bed, she'll pray and think: the world's this way, that's all there is -. Based on Reich's 2010 book Aftershock: The Next Economy and America's Future, the film examines widening income inequality in the United States. There is a problem with inequality, according to Reich, and also a problem with how we may think of inequality. When we study societies archaeologically, usually they have been societies that possessed some form of inequality that produced specialists who in turn produced enduring physical remains (ceremonial sites, pottery, weapons, jewellery, monuments, architectural constructions). WebPierre Poilievre. "Their wages, their jobs, getting by. The powerful documentary Inequality for All was an unexpected hit at the recent Sundance film festival, arguing that US capitalism has fatally abandoned the middle classes while making the super-rich richer. 85+ Best Equality Quotes To Inspire All Of Us 1. The United States of America is a nation where people are not united because of those three glaring frailties: racism, injustices and inequities. He asks: Were companies suddenly that much more profitable? No, instead, one of the big reasons corporations were showing higher profits is, they were keeping pay down. It's also striking what happened in the years after 1928. These men ask for just the same thing: fairness, and fairness only. Related Topics. Director Jacob Kornbluth Stars Robert Reich Dolly Parton (archive footage) We knew that inequality. Look at the figures.". Based on Reich's 2010 book Aftershock: The Next Economy and America's Future, the film examines widening income inequality in the United States. One of the 1%. And why don't women quickly succumb to them, without the need for all this skill and ingenuity in conquering them? If inequality is avoidable, where is the evidence that it has been avoided? 1. Its economy shrinking." In fact, Inequality for All, which premiered at the Sundance film festival a fortnight ago, is anything but dry. labour unions went into decline, a decline that almost exactly matched the decline in the middle class share of national income. I am a feminist. Just click the "Edit page" button at the bottom of the page or learn more in the Quotes submission guide. Not only wages stagnated or shrank, but costs have also risen for healthcare, education, and housing. It's not inevitable. "I've always thought that kitchen-table economics is the most important topic to most people," says Reich. This belongs to us.'. Even desirable. When humans invented inequality and socioeconomic status, they came up with a dominance hierarchy that subordinates like nothing the primate world has ever seen before. However, such an impression of the film would be mistaken. We have banks that are not only too big to fail, but too big to be held accountable., Experience declares that man is the only animal which devours his own kind; for I can apply no milder term to the governments of Europe, and to the general prey of the rich on the poor., How reprehensible it is when those blessed with commodities insist on ignoring the poor. WebPierre Poilievre. Though for a while, nobody noticed. Borrowing to finance spendingresulting in increased household debt. The great man, on the other hand, could marry where he liked, not being restricted to great women; indeed, it was often found sweet and commendable in him to choose a woman of no sort of greatness at all., in practice the standard for what constitutes rape is set not at the level of women's experience of violation but just above the level of coercion acceptable to men., It is not inequality which is the real misfortune, it is dependence., There is no deception on the part of the woman, where a man bewilders himself: if he deludes his own wits, I can certainly acquit the women. Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.. Marxs vision of communism was futuristica society, some point in the future, that would feature true equality. "I had never done anything political before," says Kornbluth. 3. WebEquity Quotes. George Grizzard - President Lockwood. in the late '70s and the 1980s, Edgar Bronfman. $grfb.init.done(function() { The politics of fear. We believe businesses need to focus on closing the equality gap with the same energy put into creating new products and markets. WebInequality for Allis a 2013 documentaryfilm directed by Jacob Kornbluthand narrated by American economist, author and professor Robert Reich. While the film is not a harangue, it clearly has a political agendaproclaimed support for the the middle class, within a framework of capitalism, with some regulatory reform and welfare provisions added. The economy has tanked. His first job was working for Bobby Kennedy. Inspiring Gender Equality Quotes. For now all we know is that the middle class is great at doing one particular thing: consuming. And pasted a link to the Wall Street Journal in which the head of the IMF took George Osborne to task. The best way to maximize the growth in the total labour force is precisely by illegal methods, meaning that the movement is: (a) unregulated by the state, and thus not subject to political debate and legislation; (b) is unrestricted in volume; and, (c) is a situation where undocumented workers cannot avail themselves of rights under labour laws, thus rather than offshoring production to where workers are super-exploited, what we have is the onshoring of super-exploitable workers. $j("#generalRegPrompt").hide(); Equality For All Quotes facebook twitter googleplus The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal. So its your middle class that keeps the economy going. 31 The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself.There is no commandment greater than these.. It is not the wealth it is the abuse of wealth. The time is always right to do what is right.. Photograph: David Mcnew/Getty Images, Flickonomics: eight movies that teach us how money works, Brad Pitt: gangster movie Killing Them Softly reflects economic crimes, Superwoman returns: Nicola Horlick raises funds to finance films, revenues in the last three months of 2012, an independent commission in the UK led by the Resolution Foundation, richest 10% of people in Britain own 40% of the national wealth. The richest 400 people in the United States have more wealth than the bottom 50 million of us. Inequality, in all its forms gender, LGBTQ, racial, or otherwise is an issue that every company must address for its own benefit and to create a better world. Lets get into some of the key details, strengths, and shortcomings of this film. For decades, under both Republicans and Democrats the highest rate of tax didn't dip below 70%. Working hours rose. None. The politics of hate. This is inequality imposed from the top. No good will come of telling the American people what funny foreigners get up to. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dream, Kings, Kids 51 Copy quote The richest 400 people in the United States have more wealth than the bottom 50 million of us. Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.. I mean one of the film-makers I admire is Mike Leigh. Barbara C. Jordan, U.S. congresswoman, 1977. There is just a human race scientifically, anthropologically. His grandmother consoled him by telling him that when he was 10, 11 or 12 he'd shoot up. I am a feminist. Reichs point is that two bubblesthe products of inequalityboth popped, leading to the financial crises: As income got more and more concentrated in fewer and fewer hands, the wealthy turned to the financial sector, and in both periods, the financial sector ballooned. 2. 85+ Best Equality Quotes To Inspire All Of Us 1. In one sense, Inequality for All is absolutely the film of the moment. If we studied them ethnographically, then we studied them within contexts produced by imperial expansion that generated all sorts of inequalities either directly or indirectly. Film Review by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat The income inequality gap between the haves and the have-nots has grown into an abyss. Robert Reich. Nelson Mandela. Reich is backed up by a supportive venture capitalist and pillow manufacturer, Nick Hanauer (yes, Reich was ahead of Trump in having his very own MyPillow guy). 8. At the least, this requires stronger unions and a higher minimum wage. You'll find on these pages information and insights that can help you better understand our deeply unequal world and how we can work to change it. Except that he believes like Warren Buffett that he doesn't pay enough tax. had started to increase. Or on thinktanks. Where does that capital come from? Someone puts someone else up on a pedestal. What Reich also points out is that since the 1990s, particularly from the time Bill Clinton became president, there was a massive upward turn in the slope of stock market gains. Can its star, economist Robert Reich, do for economics what Al Gore did for the environment? 2. However, the mildly good comedy comes in with Senator Marco Rubio, who apparently considered talk of income inequality to be expressive of a class warfare doctrine one might typically find in a Third world countryand here Jon Stewart jumped in, in a clip shown in Reichs film, to show how the US ranked globally in terms of inequality. he says. A man is still likely to earn more money than a woman, even one doing the same job. That politics will become more polarised, more extreme, more hate-filled. My background is comedy. Aristotle Philosophical, Equality, Egalitarianism 170 Copy quote Look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin. - Kofi Annan. These are mostly workers (except for doctors, who may own their own practice). 1928 and 2007. become the peak years. It is essentially an elaborate remix of lectures given by Reich in his Wealth and Poverty class at UC Berkeley, with ample illustrations, interviews with workers and CEOs, and some of Reichs life history and memories of working in the Clinton administration. Ive been female for a long time now. Yuri Kochiyama. Martin Luther King, Jr. Maya Angelou. It is based on the idea, usually associated with European Romantics, that early or primitive societies were egalitarian. Who wouldn't want to know what's going on? And, it gradually transpires, that he's a student in Reich's wealth and poverty class at Berkeley. We knew that inequality. Now, Hanauer says he pays 11% on a six-figure income. It's not a coincidence that he makes a point of saying in the film that he is not, and never has been, a member of the Communist party. 85+ Best Equality Quotes To Inspire All Of Us 1. ", The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little., Washing one's hands of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral. There were "coping mechanisms". That's why I was so excited about the film.". Nelson Mandela. Reich charts the three decades of increasing median income after the second world war, a period he calls "the great prosperity" and then examines what happened in the late 1970s to put an end to it. There's nowhere else left to go. When I ask him about it, he calls our austerity economics "a cruel hoax". Yet I just thought that this could be an amazingly riveting film. Could that happen in America? It is not the wealth it is the abuse of wealth. Some inequality is inevitable, he says. What makes them think they can boast of the same thing that in women brings only shame?, Rather than justice for all, we are evolving into a system of justice for those who can afford it. Muhammad Ali, activist, heavyweight champion, 1975. Director Jacob Kornbluth Stars Robert Reich Dolly Parton (archive footage) 1. You've a lot to learn yet". Why has the US middle class lost so much ground since the 1970s? Inequality, in all its forms gender, LGBTQ, racial, or otherwise is an issue that every company must address for its own benefit and to create a better world. WebEquity Quotes. WebInequality for Allis a 2013 documentaryfilm directed by Jacob Kornbluthand narrated by American economist, author and professor Robert Reich. --- Abraham Lincoln #Liberty And Equality#Seven Years#Change "These men ask for just the same thing, fairness, and fairness only. Racial discrimination continues to be in the labor market. - President Lockwood: We are, only some of us are more equal than others. but you must want what you have, not what you've not -. All images in this article consist of stills from the film, Inequality for All. What Reich, basically, has been saying since the year dot. Equality For All Quotes facebook twitter googleplus The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal. And yet what sucker would try to make a film about it? WebBest Martin Luther King Jr. But at what point does it become a problem? If more people consume, or if people consume more, then that expands the economy, and thats a good thing, and the best people needed for increasing consumption are middle class people. In fact here we run up against an anthropological mythnot a myth that anthropologists as such have created or defended (though some have), but a myth that is of anthropological nature because it makes fundamental assumptions about the human condition. Inspiring Gender Equality Quotes. These transformations have reduced their pay. "Where America leads, sadly the rest of the world follows. Cruel because "it hurts people who have been hurt enough". For if a man incites himself to drown, and will not restrain himself, it is not the water's fault., [M]en, though they know full well how much women are worth and how great the benefits we bring them, nonetheless seek to destroy us out of envy for our merits. Among the documentarys strong points are that it is generally informative and raises some important questions. In 1913 income tax was instituted. Theres a fundamental difference.. Edgar Bronfman. The time is always right to do what is right.. Reichs middle class, as presented in the form of actual individuals speaking in the film, appears to consist of a particular kind of worker: the one whose wage allows a family to survive above the poverty line. They may not be familiar with the theory of income inequality but they haven't been able to avoid noticing that they've got less money in their pockets. Or people who watch the film? It's a British one too. Be the first to contribute! Maya Angelou. It's not determined. American - Economist Born: June 24, 1946. Or how it happened? These men ask for just the same thing: fairness, and fairness only. There are clips of him from the 90s when he used to be a regular pundit on Fox News, but as American politics has moved to the right, he has found himself cast as a dangerous leftie. Someone falls in love first. This documentary should be played for school children as early as eight grade. It is in fact a crime for an American to be poor, even though America is a nation of poor. His reasonable, practical and realistic model hinges on a growth in consumption. "Something happened in the late 1970s," we hear him tell his Berkeley class. When inequality was lowest And it decides who benefits from those rules, and who is harmed. Web27 "Equality For All" Quotes "Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal." } Which is where it still is. This is, so far as in my power, they, and all others, shall have. "I'd seen him on TV and I just thought he'd make a great tax inspector in this film I was making. Equality of opportunity is not enough. And government is bad. A man is still likely to earn more money than a woman, even one doing the same job. Besides being a garbled statement, the problem here is that class is being defined solely in terms of income, using an arbitrary figure at that. Austerity has cut a swath through the country. Though it too can lend itself to some good comedy, I generally have little use for statements such as these, as spoken by Reich in his film: Of all developed nations today, the United States has the most unequal distribution of income and wealth by far. Sometimes black people really want to hold onto our oppression - 'This is ours! 8. Leaving that aside, the key question is: Is Reich wrong? WebInequality Quotes Quotes tagged as "inequality" Showing 1-30 of 652 You know it's never fifty-fifty in a marriage. And he does McDonald's commercials and I was like 'Whoa!' Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.. An insult to me and an insult to the Order. But then how did they get that wealth, if not from the work of labourers and the spending of consumers? This is the way to give my children a chance -. These men ask for just the same thing: fairness, and fairness only. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.. Strikingly, Reich also has a make America great again message in his film, and his great America lies largely within the exact same time frame of Trumps reference to the past. Because there are some films that practically beg to be made. As for money corrupting politics, this is a long-standing problem in the US, going back at least to the 1800s. I kept on reading the papers and watching the news and I really wanted a story. that there were two peak years. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dream, Kings, Kids 51 Copy quote 30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.. WebWith money comes the power to control politics- we can help you in your next election if you help us- they were there for you at every point and now they want access. And they were still there at the heart of President Obama's inaugural address last month. With these two sides in mind, I cannot rate this film higher than 6/10. It's always seventy-thirty, or sixty-forty. They'd say it's a terrible idea for a film." And how, since 70% of the economy is based on the middle classes buying stuff, if they don't have any money to buy this stuff, it cannot grow. We believe businesses need to focus on closing the equality gap with the same energy put into creating new products and markets. But then "I grew up poor. The faith that anyone could move from rags to riches - with enough guts and gumption, hard work and nose to the grindstone - was once at the core of the American Dream. Someone puts someone else up on a pedestal. Birling treats Eric as if he knows nothing. Or if it is really true that the next generation down is well and truly shafted? Whatever man allows his mind to dwell upon the imprint his imagination has foolishly taken of women, is fanning the flames within himself -- and, since the woman knows nothing about it, she is not to blame. Hanauer himself states in the film, speaking of the profits he makes on investments: most of the return thats being created isnt creating any kind of social utility. His ideas were the basis for Bill Clinton's 1992 election campaign slogan, "Putting People First" (they were both Rhodes scholars and he met Clinton on board the boat to England; he once dated Hillary too, though he only realised this when a New York Times journalist rang him up and reminded him). Someone falls in love first. I see it in his students, they really do walk out of his lectures and want to change the world.". So I've always been very aware of who has what in society." In London and the south-east, one in eight households has almost 1m of assets. but all the way back to 1913, when the income tax. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dream, Kings, Kids 51 Copy quote A strong middle class makes the economy stable. How could you make a movie out of it?". 28. And a hoax because, "It simply doesn't work. 2. 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29 de março de 2023
30. WebDiscover and share Inequality For All Quotes. It kept on growing. Its not even trust, Reich comments, they are worried about the undermining of democracy. Inequality for All 2013 PG 1 h 29 m IMDb RATING 8.0 /10 6.9K YOUR RATING Rate Play trailer 1:47 1 Video 5 Photos Documentary A documentary that follows former U.S. Labor Secretary Robert Reich as he looks to raise awareness of the country's widening economic gap. He thus directs criticism at the neoliberals among his camp, and blames them rather than some imaginary Russia collusion. None. Its equality of opportunity. WebOne of the Commandments is 'All animals are equal'. "Robert Reich?" This is the 50th anniversary, of course, of the 1963 March on Washington, as well. WebFrom the movie: Wrong Is Right. WebDon Yaeger. Before God, we are all equally wise, and equally foolish. - Albert Einstein. Crunch time in the US is looking ugly. 30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.. These men ask for just the same thing: fairness, and fairness only. It should be our crunch time too. WebInequality For All Quotes & Sayings . This is the 50th anniversary, of course, of the 1963 March on Washington, as well. I ask the director Jacob Kornbluth. First of all, Reich does not believe that inequality can be totally eradicated, or that all inequality, or some inequality, is essentially bad: Some inequality is inevitable. Racial discrimination continues to be in the labor market. Middle class, we can intuitively figure out, means something like not the working poor. more than 23% of total income. if (this.auth.status === "not_authorized") { that there were two peak years. James Anthony Froude. And it's this, the gentle humour at the heart of the film, and the lightness of its direction, that are its winning ingredients, disguising what is, in fact, incredibly powerful. I am a feminist. Inequality for All 2013 PG 1 h 29 m IMDb RATING 8.0 /10 6.9K YOUR RATING Rate Play trailer 1:47 1 Video 5 Photos Documentary A documentary that follows former U.S. Labor Secretary Robert Reich as he looks to raise awareness of the country's widening economic gap. And, in another, parallel universe, a small cohort of alien beings or as we know them, bankers are currently engaged in trying to figure out what to spend their multimillion-pound bonuses on. I n one sense, Inequality for All is absolutely the film of the moment. However, this equality is short-lived and the pigs begin to bend the rules until inequality returns to the farm. "If nothing is done to reverse this trend, Britain will find itself in exactly the same place as America in just a few years' time. WebRobert Reich Quotes - BrainyQuote. Its equality of opportunity. Or, at least, its dearest desire is to precipitate a revolution in the way that we think about economic matters. George Orwell.. Nelson Mandela. Robert Reich. Or why? He was bullied as a child "because that's just what happens when you're small" and repeatedly beaten up. Gender equality is critical to the development and peace of every nation.. And I honestly didn't know what he meant. Inequality for All 2013 PG 1 h 29 m IMDb RATING 8.0 /10 6.9K YOUR RATING Rate Play trailer 1:47 1 Video 5 Photos Documentary A documentary that follows former U.S. Labor Secretary Robert Reich as he looks to raise awareness of the country's widening economic gap. (), Aristotle's axiom: The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal., When you hear men talking," said Cornelia, "all they ever do is speak ill of women. In Denmark it's 24%. There are two problematic concepts that are central to the narrative of this documentary, and at least Reich is aware that they are problematic. Perhaps the most surprising voice in the film is Nick Hanauer's. Based on Reich's 2010 book Aftershock: The Next Economy and America's Future, the film examines widening income inequality in the United States. And then there's Inequality for All; the kind of film that you can't quite believe that anybody, ever, considered a good idea, let alone had the passion and commitment to give it two years of their life. Government makes the rules, Reich keeps on reminding us, over and over. Racial discrimination continues to be in the labor market. On paper it is, indeed, a terrible idea. AMY GOODMAN: Thats Robert Reich, featured in Inequality for All, talking about what inspires you. "And before that," says Reich with impeccable comic timing, "I was a special agent for Abraham Lincoln." --- Abraham Lincoln #Liberty And Equality#Seven Years#Change "These men ask for just the same thing, fairness, and fairness only. To quote the American humorist Kin Hubbard, 'It aint no disgrace to be poor, but it might as well be.' Inequality, in all its forms gender, LGBTQ, racial, or otherwise is an issue that every company must address for its own benefit and to create a better world. The title may therefore be a little misleading, since it could suggest that the film will present a caustic critique of capitalism: whereas socialism preaches equality for all, capitalism actually delivers, only it delivers inequality for all. Which model of growth should the US be emulating? Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. WebThe most recently available Census statistics show that income inequality in America, as of 2018, is at its most extreme point in half a century. One is the concept of globalizationwhich suffers from a glut of competing and divergent definitions, a true amoeba word as others have said. "An economy does not exist in nature. Equality is the soul of liberty; there is, in fact, no liberty without it. - Frances Wright. for income concentration, both of them in which the top 1%. Jim Wallis. 28. Inspiring Gender Equality Quotes. It is, in some respects, a theory of everything. Let's pass it on. George Orwell.. On the one hand, this is a film that could be useful for undergraduate courses in political economy, globalization, and contemporary American sociology; also, even five years after its release it remains timely and relevantespecially as the basic problems of 2008 have not been resolved, and in some respects have worsened. The problem isnt that the rich spend too much of what they earn, Reich argues, its actually, paradoxically, that they spend too little. 31 The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself.There is no commandment greater than these.. American - Economist Born: June 24, 1946. There will also be an American flag no larger than a childs hand glued to a lollipop stick and flying from the cash register. They want an America as good as its promise. 1928 and 2007 saw the economy relying on the financial sector to provide all of their money. And before that I was a member of the Carter administration. The box is what he always takes to public-speaking events so that he can reach the podium. and the mother's mother arrives to gloat. But to cower in elegant homes behind golden garden gates, fearful lest the breath of warm humankind touch you, unable to indulge in extravagances for fear they might be glimpsed by the embittered oppressed, to oppress and yet lack the courage to show yourself as an oppressor, even to fear the ones you are oppressing, feeling ill at ease in your own wealth and begrudging others their ease, to resort to disagreeable weapons that require neither true audacity nor manly courage, to have money, but only money, without splendor: Thats what things look like in our cities at present, To insinuate that I would break an oath that I made to the ALMIGHTY for my own personal gain is an insult. Reading this on mobile? Racial Discrimination. Later in bed, she'll pray and think: the world's this way, that's all there is -. Based on Reich's 2010 book Aftershock: The Next Economy and America's Future, the film examines widening income inequality in the United States. There is a problem with inequality, according to Reich, and also a problem with how we may think of inequality. When we study societies archaeologically, usually they have been societies that possessed some form of inequality that produced specialists who in turn produced enduring physical remains (ceremonial sites, pottery, weapons, jewellery, monuments, architectural constructions). WebPierre Poilievre. "Their wages, their jobs, getting by. The powerful documentary Inequality for All was an unexpected hit at the recent Sundance film festival, arguing that US capitalism has fatally abandoned the middle classes while making the super-rich richer. 85+ Best Equality Quotes To Inspire All Of Us 1. The United States of America is a nation where people are not united because of those three glaring frailties: racism, injustices and inequities. He asks: Were companies suddenly that much more profitable? No, instead, one of the big reasons corporations were showing higher profits is, they were keeping pay down. It's also striking what happened in the years after 1928. These men ask for just the same thing: fairness, and fairness only. Related Topics. Director Jacob Kornbluth Stars Robert Reich Dolly Parton (archive footage) We knew that inequality. Look at the figures.". Based on Reich's 2010 book Aftershock: The Next Economy and America's Future, the film examines widening income inequality in the United States. One of the 1%. And why don't women quickly succumb to them, without the need for all this skill and ingenuity in conquering them? If inequality is avoidable, where is the evidence that it has been avoided? 1. Its economy shrinking." In fact, Inequality for All, which premiered at the Sundance film festival a fortnight ago, is anything but dry. labour unions went into decline, a decline that almost exactly matched the decline in the middle class share of national income. I am a feminist. Just click the "Edit page" button at the bottom of the page or learn more in the Quotes submission guide. Not only wages stagnated or shrank, but costs have also risen for healthcare, education, and housing. It's not inevitable. "I've always thought that kitchen-table economics is the most important topic to most people," says Reich. This belongs to us.'. Even desirable. When humans invented inequality and socioeconomic status, they came up with a dominance hierarchy that subordinates like nothing the primate world has ever seen before. However, such an impression of the film would be mistaken. We have banks that are not only too big to fail, but too big to be held accountable., Experience declares that man is the only animal which devours his own kind; for I can apply no milder term to the governments of Europe, and to the general prey of the rich on the poor., How reprehensible it is when those blessed with commodities insist on ignoring the poor. WebPierre Poilievre. Though for a while, nobody noticed. Borrowing to finance spendingresulting in increased household debt. The great man, on the other hand, could marry where he liked, not being restricted to great women; indeed, it was often found sweet and commendable in him to choose a woman of no sort of greatness at all., in practice the standard for what constitutes rape is set not at the level of women's experience of violation but just above the level of coercion acceptable to men., It is not inequality which is the real misfortune, it is dependence., There is no deception on the part of the woman, where a man bewilders himself: if he deludes his own wits, I can certainly acquit the women. Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.. Marxs vision of communism was futuristica society, some point in the future, that would feature true equality. "I had never done anything political before," says Kornbluth. 3. WebEquity Quotes. George Grizzard - President Lockwood. in the late '70s and the 1980s, Edgar Bronfman. $grfb.init.done(function() { The politics of fear. We believe businesses need to focus on closing the equality gap with the same energy put into creating new products and markets. WebInequality for Allis a 2013 documentaryfilm directed by Jacob Kornbluthand narrated by American economist, author and professor Robert Reich. While the film is not a harangue, it clearly has a political agendaproclaimed support for the the middle class, within a framework of capitalism, with some regulatory reform and welfare provisions added. The economy has tanked. His first job was working for Bobby Kennedy. Inspiring Gender Equality Quotes. For now all we know is that the middle class is great at doing one particular thing: consuming. And pasted a link to the Wall Street Journal in which the head of the IMF took George Osborne to task. The best way to maximize the growth in the total labour force is precisely by illegal methods, meaning that the movement is: (a) unregulated by the state, and thus not subject to political debate and legislation; (b) is unrestricted in volume; and, (c) is a situation where undocumented workers cannot avail themselves of rights under labour laws, thus rather than offshoring production to where workers are super-exploited, what we have is the onshoring of super-exploitable workers. $j("#generalRegPrompt").hide(); Equality For All Quotes facebook twitter googleplus The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal. So its your middle class that keeps the economy going. 31 The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself.There is no commandment greater than these.. It is not the wealth it is the abuse of wealth. The time is always right to do what is right.. Photograph: David Mcnew/Getty Images, Flickonomics: eight movies that teach us how money works, Brad Pitt: gangster movie Killing Them Softly reflects economic crimes, Superwoman returns: Nicola Horlick raises funds to finance films, revenues in the last three months of 2012, an independent commission in the UK led by the Resolution Foundation, richest 10% of people in Britain own 40% of the national wealth. The richest 400 people in the United States have more wealth than the bottom 50 million of us. Inequality, in all its forms gender, LGBTQ, racial, or otherwise is an issue that every company must address for its own benefit and to create a better world. Lets get into some of the key details, strengths, and shortcomings of this film. For decades, under both Republicans and Democrats the highest rate of tax didn't dip below 70%. Working hours rose. None. The politics of hate. This is inequality imposed from the top. No good will come of telling the American people what funny foreigners get up to. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dream, Kings, Kids 51 Copy quote The richest 400 people in the United States have more wealth than the bottom 50 million of us. Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.. I mean one of the film-makers I admire is Mike Leigh. Barbara C. Jordan, U.S. congresswoman, 1977. There is just a human race scientifically, anthropologically. His grandmother consoled him by telling him that when he was 10, 11 or 12 he'd shoot up. I am a feminist. Reichs point is that two bubblesthe products of inequalityboth popped, leading to the financial crises: As income got more and more concentrated in fewer and fewer hands, the wealthy turned to the financial sector, and in both periods, the financial sector ballooned. 2. 85+ Best Equality Quotes To Inspire All Of Us 1. In one sense, Inequality for All is absolutely the film of the moment. If we studied them ethnographically, then we studied them within contexts produced by imperial expansion that generated all sorts of inequalities either directly or indirectly. Film Review by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat The income inequality gap between the haves and the have-nots has grown into an abyss. Robert Reich. Nelson Mandela. Reich is backed up by a supportive venture capitalist and pillow manufacturer, Nick Hanauer (yes, Reich was ahead of Trump in having his very own MyPillow guy). 8. At the least, this requires stronger unions and a higher minimum wage. You'll find on these pages information and insights that can help you better understand our deeply unequal world and how we can work to change it. Except that he believes like Warren Buffett that he doesn't pay enough tax. had started to increase. Or on thinktanks. Where does that capital come from? Someone puts someone else up on a pedestal. What Reich also points out is that since the 1990s, particularly from the time Bill Clinton became president, there was a massive upward turn in the slope of stock market gains. Can its star, economist Robert Reich, do for economics what Al Gore did for the environment? 2. However, the mildly good comedy comes in with Senator Marco Rubio, who apparently considered talk of income inequality to be expressive of a class warfare doctrine one might typically find in a Third world countryand here Jon Stewart jumped in, in a clip shown in Reichs film, to show how the US ranked globally in terms of inequality. he says. A man is still likely to earn more money than a woman, even one doing the same job. That politics will become more polarised, more extreme, more hate-filled. My background is comedy. Aristotle Philosophical, Equality, Egalitarianism 170 Copy quote Look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin. - Kofi Annan. These are mostly workers (except for doctors, who may own their own practice). 1928 and 2007. become the peak years. It is essentially an elaborate remix of lectures given by Reich in his Wealth and Poverty class at UC Berkeley, with ample illustrations, interviews with workers and CEOs, and some of Reichs life history and memories of working in the Clinton administration. Ive been female for a long time now. Yuri Kochiyama. Martin Luther King, Jr. Maya Angelou. It is based on the idea, usually associated with European Romantics, that early or primitive societies were egalitarian. Who wouldn't want to know what's going on? And, it gradually transpires, that he's a student in Reich's wealth and poverty class at Berkeley. We knew that inequality. Now, Hanauer says he pays 11% on a six-figure income. It's not a coincidence that he makes a point of saying in the film that he is not, and never has been, a member of the Communist party. 85+ Best Equality Quotes To Inspire All Of Us 1. ", The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little., Washing one's hands of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral. There were "coping mechanisms". That's why I was so excited about the film.". Nelson Mandela. Reich charts the three decades of increasing median income after the second world war, a period he calls "the great prosperity" and then examines what happened in the late 1970s to put an end to it. There's nowhere else left to go. When I ask him about it, he calls our austerity economics "a cruel hoax". Yet I just thought that this could be an amazingly riveting film. Could that happen in America? It is not the wealth it is the abuse of wealth. Some inequality is inevitable, he says. What makes them think they can boast of the same thing that in women brings only shame?, Rather than justice for all, we are evolving into a system of justice for those who can afford it. Muhammad Ali, activist, heavyweight champion, 1975. Director Jacob Kornbluth Stars Robert Reich Dolly Parton (archive footage) 1. You've a lot to learn yet". Why has the US middle class lost so much ground since the 1970s? Inequality, in all its forms gender, LGBTQ, racial, or otherwise is an issue that every company must address for its own benefit and to create a better world. WebEquity Quotes. WebInequality for Allis a 2013 documentaryfilm directed by Jacob Kornbluthand narrated by American economist, author and professor Robert Reich. --- Abraham Lincoln #Liberty And Equality#Seven Years#Change "These men ask for just the same thing, fairness, and fairness only. Racial discrimination continues to be in the labor market. - President Lockwood: We are, only some of us are more equal than others. but you must want what you have, not what you've not -. All images in this article consist of stills from the film, Inequality for All. What Reich, basically, has been saying since the year dot. Equality For All Quotes facebook twitter googleplus The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal. And yet what sucker would try to make a film about it? WebBest Martin Luther King Jr. But at what point does it become a problem? If more people consume, or if people consume more, then that expands the economy, and thats a good thing, and the best people needed for increasing consumption are middle class people. In fact here we run up against an anthropological mythnot a myth that anthropologists as such have created or defended (though some have), but a myth that is of anthropological nature because it makes fundamental assumptions about the human condition. Inspiring Gender Equality Quotes. These transformations have reduced their pay. "Where America leads, sadly the rest of the world follows. Cruel because "it hurts people who have been hurt enough". For if a man incites himself to drown, and will not restrain himself, it is not the water's fault., [M]en, though they know full well how much women are worth and how great the benefits we bring them, nonetheless seek to destroy us out of envy for our merits. Among the documentarys strong points are that it is generally informative and raises some important questions. In 1913 income tax was instituted. Theres a fundamental difference.. Edgar Bronfman. The time is always right to do what is right.. Reichs middle class, as presented in the form of actual individuals speaking in the film, appears to consist of a particular kind of worker: the one whose wage allows a family to survive above the poverty line. They may not be familiar with the theory of income inequality but they haven't been able to avoid noticing that they've got less money in their pockets. Or people who watch the film? It's a British one too. Be the first to contribute! Maya Angelou. It's not determined. American - Economist Born: June 24, 1946. Or how it happened? These men ask for just the same thing: fairness, and fairness only. There are clips of him from the 90s when he used to be a regular pundit on Fox News, but as American politics has moved to the right, he has found himself cast as a dangerous leftie. Someone falls in love first. This documentary should be played for school children as early as eight grade. It is in fact a crime for an American to be poor, even though America is a nation of poor. His reasonable, practical and realistic model hinges on a growth in consumption. "Something happened in the late 1970s," we hear him tell his Berkeley class. When inequality was lowest And it decides who benefits from those rules, and who is harmed. Web27 "Equality For All" Quotes "Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal." } Which is where it still is. This is, so far as in my power, they, and all others, shall have. "I'd seen him on TV and I just thought he'd make a great tax inspector in this film I was making. Equality of opportunity is not enough. And government is bad. A man is still likely to earn more money than a woman, even one doing the same job. Besides being a garbled statement, the problem here is that class is being defined solely in terms of income, using an arbitrary figure at that. Austerity has cut a swath through the country. Though it too can lend itself to some good comedy, I generally have little use for statements such as these, as spoken by Reich in his film: Of all developed nations today, the United States has the most unequal distribution of income and wealth by far. Sometimes black people really want to hold onto our oppression - 'This is ours! 8. Leaving that aside, the key question is: Is Reich wrong? WebInequality Quotes Quotes tagged as "inequality" Showing 1-30 of 652 You know it's never fifty-fifty in a marriage. And he does McDonald's commercials and I was like 'Whoa!' Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.. An insult to me and an insult to the Order. But then how did they get that wealth, if not from the work of labourers and the spending of consumers? This is the way to give my children a chance -. These men ask for just the same thing: fairness, and fairness only. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.. Strikingly, Reich also has a make America great again message in his film, and his great America lies largely within the exact same time frame of Trumps reference to the past. Because there are some films that practically beg to be made. As for money corrupting politics, this is a long-standing problem in the US, going back at least to the 1800s. I kept on reading the papers and watching the news and I really wanted a story. that there were two peak years. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dream, Kings, Kids 51 Copy quote 30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.. WebWith money comes the power to control politics- we can help you in your next election if you help us- they were there for you at every point and now they want access. And they were still there at the heart of President Obama's inaugural address last month. With these two sides in mind, I cannot rate this film higher than 6/10. It's always seventy-thirty, or sixty-forty. They'd say it's a terrible idea for a film." And how, since 70% of the economy is based on the middle classes buying stuff, if they don't have any money to buy this stuff, it cannot grow. We believe businesses need to focus on closing the equality gap with the same energy put into creating new products and markets. But then "I grew up poor. The faith that anyone could move from rags to riches - with enough guts and gumption, hard work and nose to the grindstone - was once at the core of the American Dream. Someone puts someone else up on a pedestal. Birling treats Eric as if he knows nothing. Or if it is really true that the next generation down is well and truly shafted? Whatever man allows his mind to dwell upon the imprint his imagination has foolishly taken of women, is fanning the flames within himself -- and, since the woman knows nothing about it, she is not to blame. Hanauer himself states in the film, speaking of the profits he makes on investments: most of the return thats being created isnt creating any kind of social utility. His ideas were the basis for Bill Clinton's 1992 election campaign slogan, "Putting People First" (they were both Rhodes scholars and he met Clinton on board the boat to England; he once dated Hillary too, though he only realised this when a New York Times journalist rang him up and reminded him). Someone falls in love first. I see it in his students, they really do walk out of his lectures and want to change the world.". So I've always been very aware of who has what in society." In London and the south-east, one in eight households has almost 1m of assets. but all the way back to 1913, when the income tax. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dream, Kings, Kids 51 Copy quote A strong middle class makes the economy stable. How could you make a movie out of it?". 28. And a hoax because, "It simply doesn't work. 2. 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