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james macdonald julie roys
Wow! Vernick, however, believes abuse is grounds for divorce. And I remember being in the meeting thinking, I cant believe were arguing about this. And you know, told her that I would get it to the motherboard. Ive looked back at that email thread, Ron Duitsman who was the elder board chairman, resigned that day. Like, I cant believe this. Because your article seemed to conflate all these things. None of those charges were looked into. Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. I agree that its loving to speak the truth, even when its unpopular, but the New Testament also has a lot to say about the way we conduct ourselves and how we should treat each other. His employment is coming to an end. Thanks for for standing up for what was right. Unfortunately, immature children in grown mens bodies seems to be a thing now. You can review it. I know James McDonald says it was a conference call. But James McDonald, he did not like to fly with the commoners, from what I understand. But he said when he and Scott Phelps and Barry Slebaugh went into a meeting with James in the summer of 2012, asking for, whats your salary James? And this wasnt a one time thing. So at the end of the night, no one got the letters. How much do you make? So grateful to be healthy and happy in the Lord to where I can finally wade into the filth from JuLIE Roys. So so sorry for anyone who has had to face the James MacDonald storm. One, its impossible, and were gonna get killed, were gonna get slaughtered on that. MacDonald notes in the email that about a month after the settlement, he was able to write to recipients of the email. #JRgossipslut #JRcancerinChristsbody. Well, Dan, like I said, on an earlier podcast that I had with Mancow Muller, I was hoping to be done with James McDonald and reporting on Harvest months ago. But I think my kat has watched too much Kenneth Copeland. And I was still on the board. ARC is one of the largest church planting organizations in North America. The fruit which was souls coming to Christ was enormous. Like Tullian Tchvidjian, he would be a great salesman. . Hi. It was positioned as an attack because the ministry was growing and those people were bitter, etc. My spouse and I and many others went to college with James in the eighties in Canada. And I hope I hope that a lot of people have read that and they dont owe me anything, but I hope its been healing to them. Dr. John Street, the head of counseling at MacArthurs The Masters University, takes a harder line. And there was a group and we had two prayer meetings of people who had been former elders, staff people who have gone on the record with me. No, its not how it went down, Julie. Of it could be that shes been taken in by him. Her articles have appeared in numerous periodicals. And there is one thing we know about Satan. Also, any comments with profanity, name-calling, and/or a nasty tone will be deleted. As I saw it, this letter of unconditional support was a huge and somewhat desperate PR move on James MacDonalds part, to say, hey, look, all our leaders stand with us, I must be okay. Jacob Ross, all the credit card that James used for personal expenses. Prominent evangelical scholar, author, and missiologist, Ed Stetzer, is leaving his position as executive director of Wheaton Colleges The Billy Graham Center, Despite being disqualified from public ministry by his former megachurch for a pattern of sinful behavior, James MacDonald is preaching at Generation, An Arizona megachurch has hired Landon MacDonald as a lead pastor, despite allegations MacDonald bullied and abused those in his care while. A strong woman with a stronger husband will become an unstoppable, gracious, and capable woman. So appreciate that and appreciate your humility. Im sorry, before a so called board.removes a man of God they must first consider the fruit of his ministry. Not all he said was false because then it would have been obvious to any discerning Christian. That was a very common part of how Harvest approached things like that. And I just remember my first feeling, you know, just honestly, relief. . It was a Wednesday or Thursday night on the Rolling Meadows campus. Still. Then let me just ask you from the start, why are you doing this? That would be my word to Ron Duitsman. Because I believe in the church. Again, six, absolutely scathing letters. James McDonald recently did a video with Ron Duitsman, as you said, former chairman of the elder board, where he claims this was all part of a campaign by Dallas Jenkins, whos a former executive leadership team member at Harvest. According to anindependent auditof Harvest Bible Chapel, disgraced celebrity pastor, James MacDonald, siphoned off millions in church funds to support his lavish lifestyle. Again, she was the the wife of Dave Corning who was an elder at Harvest for over 20 years, and telling her stories, and one of her stories was you know about pictures of her being put up on a on a wall as a target practice for James McDonald and her seeing this shot up with a pellet gun. And so we had a long meeting that Saturday to talk about what we were going to do. Okay thats what Gods word says. And I just felt this incredible weight. And again, youre one of the people who actually apologized for that. This was months months later. Dominican Republic, a resort there and invited their wives to come with them. Honestly dont to this day. It was one of the big red flags to me, or I guess it was a yellow flag could have been a red flag, I wouldnt have done it. It does. But again, you push that issue, you got those letters. We knew what we knew what we were going to do. It was a large elder board. Im Julie Roys. Roys detailed evidence from former Harvest elders, employees, and members that . It was the elders failure. Its funny how things turn out, and this situation isnt wrapped up, yet. And remember, a week before the decision had been made, in terms of not qualified as an elder and his employment would be over. We knew I needed to do it. That this was all a plot by him that he was vengeful, towards James McDonald. In June, Visconti also posted a picture of him and his wife with James MacDonald and his wife. I was there at HBC & witnessed it. Again, James is is now saying, oh, all of that had approval. Also, any comments with profanity, name-calling, and/or a nasty tone will be deleted. But by the time we were done that night, the decision that night was two things. I know its your hope too, Dan, and I just want to thank you. Our marriage improved incredibly after we both agreed that neither one of us was Jesus. Dan, thank you for being a humble man of God. Gosh she is just filthy with gossip as fact and at very best half the story. So those letters, and I just, I had to thank you, Dan, because those letters may have never reached the full elder board had you not push the issue. . Whats the point of arguing the point, you know, like, okay, youre gonna say you dont remember that part. So I had a pretty good sense of what the meeting was gonna be from that point on. And Im just trying to smear him. But according to a recent email by MacDonald, hes a victim of defamation by an envious childand needs your money to rebuild.. And from the video that he recorded with James, it sounds like the spin is that James was actually guilty. Its not being nice, polite, or inoffensive. I knew that there were hundreds of people, probably more, that were hurt that all this stuff happened. It basically says Jesus is as real as Santa Claus. What it really means to speak the truth in love, one post read. I appreciate elders (Hebrews 13:17). Julie can and has spoken for herself, but I must speak up against loaded questions like this. You are Julie. For more information on Marquardt Buick go to And Stetzer is a huge, huge part of the crooked machine. SMH. Production and performance have replaced biblical exegesis and fellowship. I remember going home, my wife picked me up, I went home, and I just laid on the couch and looked at her. I mean, again, it was a meeting into the wee hours of the night, early morning. God will deal with him. when men make the final decision in the marriage, even if they consult with their wife first, chances of divorce increases 7.4 times . Charles, It was demonic. While we were doing that, I was in my office at home. I agree. I wish Id never done it. And so I felt relief. James Macdonald is a wolf and sadly so many have been fooled by this charlatan. Hed been the senior pastor the whole time. In this episode of The Roys Report, former Harvest elder, Dan George, joins Julie to tell the real story of MacDonalds firing. *, In an email to TRR, Gregoire claimed that Viscontis view about women does not match the research. And I checked my voicemail. Were supposed to approve this budget, and we dont even have a line item. year. The Roys Report has over 78 articles dedicated to MacDonald and/or HBC, many of which were written by Roys. Makes me sad and understand why his life went out of control. But the one letter that isnt published came from Sandy Song. But I think it was And anyway, hes fired. This is a story that directly contradicts what MacDonald published in recent videos and statements on his webpage. Understanding & Overcoming Spiritual Abuse, Part II, Understanding & Overcoming Spiritual Abuse, Escaping & Healing from Abusive Churches, Part 2. Instead of focusing on who is stronger and who is weaker, why dont we focus on how both of us can be strong for the kingdom and live out the calling that God has given to each of us individually and as a couple?, Visconti also posted recently on his Instagram story that abuse is not a biblical justification for divorce. In our required Old and New Testament classes, we utilized the Oxford Annotated Bible. Hes a large imposing man. We see this is the third article this month youve found worth reading. Again, youre seeing it from a total other perspective where Im the bad guy, James is a good guy. This is James said what he said. And I thought, Oh, my gosh! Church, Ministry News So quick to forgive and people were giving me hugs the next night. I felt physically sick reading the letter. Hes talking about James McDonald, but not calling him out by name. And her being in my house and literally shaking as shes recounting. A strong woman with a weak husband will become a toxic woman. He scared me in bible college I wanted nothing to do with him. I have them up at my website if you want to see those. But, I dont believe I have ever heard anyone say in any of these posts, husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself for her. So Rick was, in effect, the Assistant senior pastor. He was an incredible communicator both orally and his deportment was engaging. Come out of her, my people. We dont know what it would look like tomorrow. Pastor James MacDonald. #JRgossipslut James MacDonald (@jamesmacdonald) June 15, 2021 We STILL confuse sex and gender, which leads to conflating a lot of issues when discussing this. The Roys Report reached out to MacDonald with questions about the email, which he would not answer on the record. And scripture is really clear that its got to be, you know, two or three witnesses. I acknowledge my sin to you. And why do you do it in front of everybody? We got to pray. Well, and I remember, I remember this whole thing, because Im getting bits and pieces from different sources about whats going on and whats happening. And to hear that, its still got to be pretty tough to stand up to that, or at that point where you like, now I know the truth, Im moving forward. I didnt know these things were going on, but Im so sorry. And I hadnt I hadnt signed that yet, I hadnt given a statement yet. But like I said, Hes really working hard to rewrite history. Again, Dan was one of the elders who confronted James back in 2012, and then got excommunicated from Harvest. I wasnt looking forward to that. John MacArthur, for example, has preached, Scripture does not automatically permit divorce in the case of a physically abusive husband. Instead, MacArthur urges abused wives not to provoke any circumstances that will make your husband become violent. But if he continues to be abusive, The wife should remove herself from danger by fleeing the home if necessary.. In that same meeting that same Thursday night, he argued, the elders shouldnt have the letters. And what happened and all the backroom meetings, private conversations and phone calls leading up to that fateful event? Who Will Pay for the SBCs Abuse Reforms Over the Long Term? ChurchLeaders has reported extensively on MacDonald and Harvest, which began experiencing unrest back in 2013. I remember that too. Again, thanks so much for joining me today. It is not an ecclesiastical remedy at least not any longer. Im not positive on that. And my job was to get it to fellow elder board. Toward that end, the site requires that people use their full name when commenting. Opinion: What is Revivaland is it Happening at Asbury? Ministry News. So thats why I think its so important to get the truth out there and to just keep speaking the truth. Yet another American megachurch is immersed in accusations of wrongdoings. It seems we are being punished for the acts of someone who was our spiritual leader and was misleading us in a very unqualified way. And yet so many still have not and still waiting for James McDonald to do that. Divorce sadly acknowledges the truth. Keep in touch with Julie and get updates in your inbox! . How can a husband love his wife as Christ loved the church when he is emotionally, mentally, physically, and sexually abusive? Visconti also had posts supporting far-right causes. You know, they asked him as an executive committee member and the elder board chairman. So what happened? When I did, I told her letters were coming in, would she consider writing it. Thank you. I knew that I wasnt going to win any arguments in the room. And we already know the answer: the men are in charge no matter what and despite their failings and abuses. And I sat down on the couch in my office and cried. I know a lot of people look at this. Both are true. I say this as a Christian who was taken to task by Christian doctors who told me of all sorts of cases that are not as the woman loved murdering her baby as many pro-life conservatives want everyone to believe. As youll hear in this podcast, there was a strong push to suppress those letters by those loyal to James McDonald. Right, so now you have this meeting that ends you know, Tuesday night meeting that ends in the wee hours of the Wednesday, February 6. Rick Donald said that that would make us the judge, the elders, if we had the letter. He surrounded himself with yes men and used intimidation tactics to keep people in line. What really caused Harvest Bible Chapel to fire James McDonald? That was really wrongdoing at Harvest, would be to repent. Just finished my post on clarifiers that will precede the deception lists. And I dont need to know. And then he apologized. I didnt, I didnt argue with him. And with that opening, I felt like it was confirmed. Were talking about the difference of maybe a day. Is that an accurate representation? Maybe if the shoe was on the other foot and the men were the ones being abused we might hear them singing a different tune. And I knew that I needed to do something publicly. Yeah, I can share some of it. She gave it to me to get to the elders. On that Haiti trip. I mean, I got exonerated rather quickly. We see this is the third article this month youve found worth reading. I mean just absolutely devastating stories and, and feeling the pain. And that reminded me of something that Dan Marquardt told me. There was just an absolute refusal to rebuke him publicly. James MacDonald and His Earlier Attacks on Julie Roys. That this wasnt just James failure. I remember one other elder leading over to me and said repentant people dont ask for money. She sends it to me and I wrote it. And welcome to the podcast. But somewhere around 2008-10 his preaching changed a bit. Later that night, or first thing you know, into the wee hours of the next morning, the communication was out to the people of Harvest, and it was over. And that was actually the night we went, we went into the I think we went to one oclock in the morning and actually walked through whether James McDonald was qualified as an elder. If hes ok with lies, that calls into question everything he preaches. I shouldnt be doing this. TRR reached out to Visconti numerous times for comment about his partnership with MacDonald and his provocative social media posts, but Visconti did not respond. To donate, James MacDonald Ministries June 13, 2021 Email, Ed Stetzer Named Dean of Biola Universitys Talbot School of Theology, James MacDonald Preaching at ARC Megachurch in Arizona, Landon MacDonald to Lead Arizona Megachurch Despite Allegations of Abuse When at Harvest Bible Chapel, Why Businessman Peter Chung Matters for the Future of The Kings College. I think he might have and the reason I say that is that weekend, so you know, here we are on Tuesday, Tuesday, the fifth. And whats so tough in this whole thing is that there are wolves among the sheep. However, there were a number of people in the room who did know him and knew him well. If youre truly interested in hearing other views ask why or tell me how you landed there. Dan George served as an elder at Harvest Bible Chapel over a period of 10 years, actively serving on the elder board from 2010 through 2015, and rejoining the board in late 2018. Am I characterizing what happened there accurately? And I got it. So then James McDonald flies in, right? I think, how is it that we had the word of God sitting in front of us, which is pretty clear about what to do. Ill tell you one thing, Julie. Leslie said: Julie Roys is a Christian investigative reporter who has called out some big names, and she has suffered for it. Theres 30 men in the room. Following allegations of years-long bullying and financial misconduct, the lead pastor and executive team of an Association of Related Churches (ARC) megachurch, Everyone was laughing and goading, like it was a jokeuntil it wasnt. We are so embarrassed and disgusted by his gross actions in the last 30 years. But like you do what that says and the people responded as you hope Christians do. . Very sad situation for James and the elders as well. And when I look back at it, thats what I think. So that tells you something about the backbone and the integrity of Dan Marquardt. What do you give, he would have been removed from Harvest, theres no doubt. Tell me about that meeting and what he did. What I especially find troubling is this: How come nobody has talked about the false doctrines that MacDonald has been preaching??? Well, you know, we laugh about it. Well, because Scripture says you do it in front of everybody. It was a four hour meeting. Subscribe here for Pastor James' twice-weekly email devotionals straight to you inbox, plus occasional updates regarding his ministries, events, and personal news. I did hear from one after I reached out to him because we had another connection with another organization that hes a head of. If you went back to when the Elephants Debt was launched, I think this is telling. How do you how do you do anything with 30 people? She wrote about, you alluded to it, she wrote about the end of this Risen for the Nations tour when they were in Haiti. This wasnt anything else. You know, Ive been here the whole time. Nah Gary, thats just typical cat behavior for you, with or without Kenneth Copeland. And eventually, and I know you send them with a lot of safeguards, so they couldnt be forwarded. Julie Roys is a veteran investigative reporter and founder of The Roys Report. To myself, I said, and do our job. He teaches that wives should endure abuse like a missionary endures persecution. No, it wasnt edited. Other posts decried abortion, transgenderism, and Christians who are apolitical or nice.. Like so many other cradle to present churched people, all I ever knew was the KJV Bible. Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive a copy of Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse by Dr. Lisa Oakley and Justin Humphreys. The way James MacDonald is said to have treated others while pastor of Harvest and the way he behaves on Twitter dont seem to be in keeping with the way the New Testament says we should behave. "I was sitting in the back seat. He wasnt bringing it to the elders and through a discussion with a couple of the pastors, chose to give it to the elders, which we were thankful for. Ive listened to the entire recording. So I mean, again, this was round. It is grounds for separation but not divorce., This view is popular in fundamentalist Christian circles. harmful to the best interests, Disgraced celebrity pastor, James MacDonald, continued his tirade against me and The Roys Report on Tuesday, repeatedly calling me #JRgossipslut and asserting that I am, According to anindependent auditof Harvest Bible Chapel, disgraced celebrity pastor, James MacDonald, siphoned off millions in church funds to support his lavish lifestyle. Those are simply other examples of posts about controversial issues. And I did it. Had they reached all the elders at this point? Search my early tweet history. Great! And marital and sexual satisfaction plummet., We are meant to set aside power and authority and serve one another (Matthew 20:25-28) as we are partnered together (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12), Gregoire added. Ryan Visconti, the Arizona pastor platforming discredited celebrity preacher James MacDonald is attracting attention . 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29 de março de 2023
Wow! Vernick, however, believes abuse is grounds for divorce. And I remember being in the meeting thinking, I cant believe were arguing about this. And you know, told her that I would get it to the motherboard. Ive looked back at that email thread, Ron Duitsman who was the elder board chairman, resigned that day. Like, I cant believe this. Because your article seemed to conflate all these things. None of those charges were looked into. Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. I agree that its loving to speak the truth, even when its unpopular, but the New Testament also has a lot to say about the way we conduct ourselves and how we should treat each other. His employment is coming to an end. Thanks for for standing up for what was right. Unfortunately, immature children in grown mens bodies seems to be a thing now. You can review it. I know James McDonald says it was a conference call. But James McDonald, he did not like to fly with the commoners, from what I understand. But he said when he and Scott Phelps and Barry Slebaugh went into a meeting with James in the summer of 2012, asking for, whats your salary James? And this wasnt a one time thing. So at the end of the night, no one got the letters. How much do you make? So grateful to be healthy and happy in the Lord to where I can finally wade into the filth from JuLIE Roys. So so sorry for anyone who has had to face the James MacDonald storm. One, its impossible, and were gonna get killed, were gonna get slaughtered on that. MacDonald notes in the email that about a month after the settlement, he was able to write to recipients of the email. #JRgossipslut #JRcancerinChristsbody. Well, Dan, like I said, on an earlier podcast that I had with Mancow Muller, I was hoping to be done with James McDonald and reporting on Harvest months ago. But I think my kat has watched too much Kenneth Copeland. And I was still on the board. ARC is one of the largest church planting organizations in North America. The fruit which was souls coming to Christ was enormous. Like Tullian Tchvidjian, he would be a great salesman. . Hi. It was positioned as an attack because the ministry was growing and those people were bitter, etc. My spouse and I and many others went to college with James in the eighties in Canada. And I hope I hope that a lot of people have read that and they dont owe me anything, but I hope its been healing to them. Dr. John Street, the head of counseling at MacArthurs The Masters University, takes a harder line. And there was a group and we had two prayer meetings of people who had been former elders, staff people who have gone on the record with me. No, its not how it went down, Julie. Of it could be that shes been taken in by him. Her articles have appeared in numerous periodicals. And there is one thing we know about Satan. Also, any comments with profanity, name-calling, and/or a nasty tone will be deleted. As I saw it, this letter of unconditional support was a huge and somewhat desperate PR move on James MacDonalds part, to say, hey, look, all our leaders stand with us, I must be okay. Jacob Ross, all the credit card that James used for personal expenses. Prominent evangelical scholar, author, and missiologist, Ed Stetzer, is leaving his position as executive director of Wheaton Colleges The Billy Graham Center, Despite being disqualified from public ministry by his former megachurch for a pattern of sinful behavior, James MacDonald is preaching at Generation, An Arizona megachurch has hired Landon MacDonald as a lead pastor, despite allegations MacDonald bullied and abused those in his care while. A strong woman with a stronger husband will become an unstoppable, gracious, and capable woman. So appreciate that and appreciate your humility. Im sorry, before a so called board.removes a man of God they must first consider the fruit of his ministry. Not all he said was false because then it would have been obvious to any discerning Christian. That was a very common part of how Harvest approached things like that. And I just remember my first feeling, you know, just honestly, relief. . It was a Wednesday or Thursday night on the Rolling Meadows campus. Still. Then let me just ask you from the start, why are you doing this? That would be my word to Ron Duitsman. Because I believe in the church. Again, six, absolutely scathing letters. James McDonald recently did a video with Ron Duitsman, as you said, former chairman of the elder board, where he claims this was all part of a campaign by Dallas Jenkins, whos a former executive leadership team member at Harvest. According to anindependent auditof Harvest Bible Chapel, disgraced celebrity pastor, James MacDonald, siphoned off millions in church funds to support his lavish lifestyle. Again, she was the the wife of Dave Corning who was an elder at Harvest for over 20 years, and telling her stories, and one of her stories was you know about pictures of her being put up on a on a wall as a target practice for James McDonald and her seeing this shot up with a pellet gun. And so we had a long meeting that Saturday to talk about what we were going to do. Okay thats what Gods word says. And I just felt this incredible weight. And again, youre one of the people who actually apologized for that. This was months months later. Dominican Republic, a resort there and invited their wives to come with them. Honestly dont to this day. It was one of the big red flags to me, or I guess it was a yellow flag could have been a red flag, I wouldnt have done it. It does. But again, you push that issue, you got those letters. We knew what we knew what we were going to do. It was a large elder board. Im Julie Roys. Roys detailed evidence from former Harvest elders, employees, and members that . It was the elders failure. Its funny how things turn out, and this situation isnt wrapped up, yet. And remember, a week before the decision had been made, in terms of not qualified as an elder and his employment would be over. We knew I needed to do it. That this was all a plot by him that he was vengeful, towards James McDonald. In June, Visconti also posted a picture of him and his wife with James MacDonald and his wife. I was there at HBC & witnessed it. Again, James is is now saying, oh, all of that had approval. Also, any comments with profanity, name-calling, and/or a nasty tone will be deleted. But by the time we were done that night, the decision that night was two things. I know its your hope too, Dan, and I just want to thank you. Our marriage improved incredibly after we both agreed that neither one of us was Jesus. Dan, thank you for being a humble man of God. Gosh she is just filthy with gossip as fact and at very best half the story. So those letters, and I just, I had to thank you, Dan, because those letters may have never reached the full elder board had you not push the issue. . Whats the point of arguing the point, you know, like, okay, youre gonna say you dont remember that part. So I had a pretty good sense of what the meeting was gonna be from that point on. And Im just trying to smear him. But according to a recent email by MacDonald, hes a victim of defamation by an envious childand needs your money to rebuild.. And from the video that he recorded with James, it sounds like the spin is that James was actually guilty. Its not being nice, polite, or inoffensive. I knew that there were hundreds of people, probably more, that were hurt that all this stuff happened. It basically says Jesus is as real as Santa Claus. What it really means to speak the truth in love, one post read. I appreciate elders (Hebrews 13:17). Julie can and has spoken for herself, but I must speak up against loaded questions like this. You are Julie. For more information on Marquardt Buick go to And Stetzer is a huge, huge part of the crooked machine. SMH. Production and performance have replaced biblical exegesis and fellowship. I remember going home, my wife picked me up, I went home, and I just laid on the couch and looked at her. I mean, again, it was a meeting into the wee hours of the night, early morning. God will deal with him. when men make the final decision in the marriage, even if they consult with their wife first, chances of divorce increases 7.4 times . Charles, It was demonic. While we were doing that, I was in my office at home. I agree. I wish Id never done it. And so I felt relief. James Macdonald is a wolf and sadly so many have been fooled by this charlatan. Hed been the senior pastor the whole time. In this episode of The Roys Report, former Harvest elder, Dan George, joins Julie to tell the real story of MacDonalds firing. *, In an email to TRR, Gregoire claimed that Viscontis view about women does not match the research. And I checked my voicemail. Were supposed to approve this budget, and we dont even have a line item. year. The Roys Report has over 78 articles dedicated to MacDonald and/or HBC, many of which were written by Roys. Makes me sad and understand why his life went out of control. But the one letter that isnt published came from Sandy Song. But I think it was And anyway, hes fired. This is a story that directly contradicts what MacDonald published in recent videos and statements on his webpage. Understanding & Overcoming Spiritual Abuse, Part II, Understanding & Overcoming Spiritual Abuse, Escaping & Healing from Abusive Churches, Part 2. Instead of focusing on who is stronger and who is weaker, why dont we focus on how both of us can be strong for the kingdom and live out the calling that God has given to each of us individually and as a couple?, Visconti also posted recently on his Instagram story that abuse is not a biblical justification for divorce. In our required Old and New Testament classes, we utilized the Oxford Annotated Bible. Hes a large imposing man. We see this is the third article this month youve found worth reading. Again, youre seeing it from a total other perspective where Im the bad guy, James is a good guy. This is James said what he said. And I thought, Oh, my gosh! Church, Ministry News So quick to forgive and people were giving me hugs the next night. I felt physically sick reading the letter. Hes talking about James McDonald, but not calling him out by name. And her being in my house and literally shaking as shes recounting. A strong woman with a weak husband will become a toxic woman. He scared me in bible college I wanted nothing to do with him. I have them up at my website if you want to see those. But, I dont believe I have ever heard anyone say in any of these posts, husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself for her. So Rick was, in effect, the Assistant senior pastor. He was an incredible communicator both orally and his deportment was engaging. Come out of her, my people. We dont know what it would look like tomorrow. Pastor James MacDonald. #JRgossipslut James MacDonald (@jamesmacdonald) June 15, 2021 We STILL confuse sex and gender, which leads to conflating a lot of issues when discussing this. The Roys Report reached out to MacDonald with questions about the email, which he would not answer on the record. And scripture is really clear that its got to be, you know, two or three witnesses. I acknowledge my sin to you. And why do you do it in front of everybody? We got to pray. Well, and I remember, I remember this whole thing, because Im getting bits and pieces from different sources about whats going on and whats happening. And to hear that, its still got to be pretty tough to stand up to that, or at that point where you like, now I know the truth, Im moving forward. I didnt know these things were going on, but Im so sorry. And I hadnt I hadnt signed that yet, I hadnt given a statement yet. But like I said, Hes really working hard to rewrite history. Again, Dan was one of the elders who confronted James back in 2012, and then got excommunicated from Harvest. I wasnt looking forward to that. John MacArthur, for example, has preached, Scripture does not automatically permit divorce in the case of a physically abusive husband. Instead, MacArthur urges abused wives not to provoke any circumstances that will make your husband become violent. But if he continues to be abusive, The wife should remove herself from danger by fleeing the home if necessary.. In that same meeting that same Thursday night, he argued, the elders shouldnt have the letters. And what happened and all the backroom meetings, private conversations and phone calls leading up to that fateful event? Who Will Pay for the SBCs Abuse Reforms Over the Long Term? ChurchLeaders has reported extensively on MacDonald and Harvest, which began experiencing unrest back in 2013. I remember that too. Again, thanks so much for joining me today. It is not an ecclesiastical remedy at least not any longer. Im not positive on that. And my job was to get it to fellow elder board. Toward that end, the site requires that people use their full name when commenting. Opinion: What is Revivaland is it Happening at Asbury? Ministry News. So thats why I think its so important to get the truth out there and to just keep speaking the truth. Yet another American megachurch is immersed in accusations of wrongdoings. It seems we are being punished for the acts of someone who was our spiritual leader and was misleading us in a very unqualified way. And yet so many still have not and still waiting for James McDonald to do that. Divorce sadly acknowledges the truth. Keep in touch with Julie and get updates in your inbox! . How can a husband love his wife as Christ loved the church when he is emotionally, mentally, physically, and sexually abusive? Visconti also had posts supporting far-right causes. You know, they asked him as an executive committee member and the elder board chairman. So what happened? When I did, I told her letters were coming in, would she consider writing it. Thank you. I knew that I wasnt going to win any arguments in the room. And we already know the answer: the men are in charge no matter what and despite their failings and abuses. And I sat down on the couch in my office and cried. I know a lot of people look at this. Both are true. I say this as a Christian who was taken to task by Christian doctors who told me of all sorts of cases that are not as the woman loved murdering her baby as many pro-life conservatives want everyone to believe. As youll hear in this podcast, there was a strong push to suppress those letters by those loyal to James McDonald. Right, so now you have this meeting that ends you know, Tuesday night meeting that ends in the wee hours of the Wednesday, February 6. Rick Donald said that that would make us the judge, the elders, if we had the letter. He surrounded himself with yes men and used intimidation tactics to keep people in line. What really caused Harvest Bible Chapel to fire James McDonald? That was really wrongdoing at Harvest, would be to repent. Just finished my post on clarifiers that will precede the deception lists. And I dont need to know. And then he apologized. I didnt, I didnt argue with him. And with that opening, I felt like it was confirmed. Were talking about the difference of maybe a day. Is that an accurate representation? Maybe if the shoe was on the other foot and the men were the ones being abused we might hear them singing a different tune. And I knew that I needed to do something publicly. Yeah, I can share some of it. She gave it to me to get to the elders. On that Haiti trip. I mean, I got exonerated rather quickly. We see this is the third article this month youve found worth reading. I mean just absolutely devastating stories and, and feeling the pain. And that reminded me of something that Dan Marquardt told me. There was just an absolute refusal to rebuke him publicly. James MacDonald and His Earlier Attacks on Julie Roys. That this wasnt just James failure. I remember one other elder leading over to me and said repentant people dont ask for money. She sends it to me and I wrote it. And welcome to the podcast. But somewhere around 2008-10 his preaching changed a bit. Later that night, or first thing you know, into the wee hours of the next morning, the communication was out to the people of Harvest, and it was over. And that was actually the night we went, we went into the I think we went to one oclock in the morning and actually walked through whether James McDonald was qualified as an elder. If hes ok with lies, that calls into question everything he preaches. I shouldnt be doing this. TRR reached out to Visconti numerous times for comment about his partnership with MacDonald and his provocative social media posts, but Visconti did not respond. To donate, James MacDonald Ministries June 13, 2021 Email, Ed Stetzer Named Dean of Biola Universitys Talbot School of Theology, James MacDonald Preaching at ARC Megachurch in Arizona, Landon MacDonald to Lead Arizona Megachurch Despite Allegations of Abuse When at Harvest Bible Chapel, Why Businessman Peter Chung Matters for the Future of The Kings College. I think he might have and the reason I say that is that weekend, so you know, here we are on Tuesday, Tuesday, the fifth. And whats so tough in this whole thing is that there are wolves among the sheep. However, there were a number of people in the room who did know him and knew him well. If youre truly interested in hearing other views ask why or tell me how you landed there. Dan George served as an elder at Harvest Bible Chapel over a period of 10 years, actively serving on the elder board from 2010 through 2015, and rejoining the board in late 2018. Am I characterizing what happened there accurately? And I got it. So then James McDonald flies in, right? I think, how is it that we had the word of God sitting in front of us, which is pretty clear about what to do. Ill tell you one thing, Julie. Leslie said: Julie Roys is a Christian investigative reporter who has called out some big names, and she has suffered for it. Theres 30 men in the room. Following allegations of years-long bullying and financial misconduct, the lead pastor and executive team of an Association of Related Churches (ARC) megachurch, Everyone was laughing and goading, like it was a jokeuntil it wasnt. We are so embarrassed and disgusted by his gross actions in the last 30 years. But like you do what that says and the people responded as you hope Christians do. . Very sad situation for James and the elders as well. And when I look back at it, thats what I think. So that tells you something about the backbone and the integrity of Dan Marquardt. What do you give, he would have been removed from Harvest, theres no doubt. Tell me about that meeting and what he did. What I especially find troubling is this: How come nobody has talked about the false doctrines that MacDonald has been preaching??? Well, you know, we laugh about it. Well, because Scripture says you do it in front of everybody. It was a four hour meeting. Subscribe here for Pastor James' twice-weekly email devotionals straight to you inbox, plus occasional updates regarding his ministries, events, and personal news. I did hear from one after I reached out to him because we had another connection with another organization that hes a head of. If you went back to when the Elephants Debt was launched, I think this is telling. How do you how do you do anything with 30 people? She wrote about, you alluded to it, she wrote about the end of this Risen for the Nations tour when they were in Haiti. This wasnt anything else. You know, Ive been here the whole time. Nah Gary, thats just typical cat behavior for you, with or without Kenneth Copeland. And eventually, and I know you send them with a lot of safeguards, so they couldnt be forwarded. Julie Roys is a veteran investigative reporter and founder of The Roys Report. To myself, I said, and do our job. He teaches that wives should endure abuse like a missionary endures persecution. No, it wasnt edited. Other posts decried abortion, transgenderism, and Christians who are apolitical or nice.. Like so many other cradle to present churched people, all I ever knew was the KJV Bible. Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive a copy of Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse by Dr. Lisa Oakley and Justin Humphreys. The way James MacDonald is said to have treated others while pastor of Harvest and the way he behaves on Twitter dont seem to be in keeping with the way the New Testament says we should behave. "I was sitting in the back seat. He wasnt bringing it to the elders and through a discussion with a couple of the pastors, chose to give it to the elders, which we were thankful for. Ive listened to the entire recording. So I mean, again, this was round. It is grounds for separation but not divorce., This view is popular in fundamentalist Christian circles. harmful to the best interests, Disgraced celebrity pastor, James MacDonald, continued his tirade against me and The Roys Report on Tuesday, repeatedly calling me #JRgossipslut and asserting that I am, According to anindependent auditof Harvest Bible Chapel, disgraced celebrity pastor, James MacDonald, siphoned off millions in church funds to support his lavish lifestyle. Those are simply other examples of posts about controversial issues. And I did it. Had they reached all the elders at this point? Search my early tweet history. Great! And marital and sexual satisfaction plummet., We are meant to set aside power and authority and serve one another (Matthew 20:25-28) as we are partnered together (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12), Gregoire added. Ryan Visconti, the Arizona pastor platforming discredited celebrity preacher James MacDonald is attracting attention . 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