methods of evaluating the effectiveness of the massage treatment

methods of evaluating the effectiveness of the massage treatment

To address this issue, this paper performs the classification between the periocular images taken before performing the eye massage therapy and those after performing the eye massage therapy to address the above difficulty. A comparison of the effects of 2 types of massage and usual care on chronic low back pain: a randomized, controlled trial. People with dark hair will see the best results with IPL treatments, as the wavelength used in IPL can easily target the melanin in your hair follicles. No. Here, the data acquisitions at different times are conducted at the same place and at the same time slots of different days. Correspondence to Which is true about the effectiveness of massage? official website and that any information you provide is encrypted In order to eliminatethe size inconsistence issue, the DCT is applied to normalize the size of the rectangular box to 3264., Lemp MA, Foulks GN (2007) The definition and classification of dry eye disease. Moraska AF, Stenerson L, Butryn N, et al. Fellowes D, Barnes K, Wilkinson S. (2004). Website: Figure11 shows the image with the inner circle and the outer circle of the iris. Figure 15 plots the ROC curves achieved by both the CHT based method and the Daugman method via different classifiers. Next, the discrete cosine transform is used to normalize the size of the rectangular box to 3264. Here, H(a,b,r) counts the total number of the edge points on the circle. Next, the CHT is employed to characterize the iris. Massage therapy may be helpful for neck or shoulder pain, but the benefits may only last for a short time. Massage-induced brachial plexus injury. The received operating characteristic curve (ROC) is employed as the performance metric to evaluate the robust performance achieved by various classifiers. Since the classification accuracy is the most common criterion employed for evaluating the pattern recognition performance, this paper employs the classification accuracy as the metric. government site. 2021 Nov;50(11):2211-2218. doi: 10.18502/ijph.v50i11.7575. Two examples of the periocular images are shown in Fig. Increase milk supply. Table 5 shows the mean classification accuracies based on these ten fold cross validations achieved by both the CHT based method and the Daugman method via different classifiers. On the other hand, if the AUC is equal to 1, then the model predicts correctly and the classification is perfect. Int J Ther Massage Bodywork. 2004. The most common form of massage therapy in Western countries is called Swedish or classical massage; it is the core of most massage training programs. N Engl J Med, 328(4):246-52. Effects of Cool-Down Exercise and Cold-Water Immersion Therapy on Basic Fitness and Sport-Specific Skills among Korean College Soccer Players. Sport massage, a manual therapy for muscle and soft tissue pain and weakness, is a popular and widely used modality for recovery after intense exercise. The purpose was to provide a rigorous and balanced summary regarding the effectiveness, safety, and costs of massage therapy for low back pain. Patients who had received massage demonstrated a statistically significant improvement in the range of flexion (p = 0.022), lateral bend to the right (p = 0.018), and lateral bend to the left (p = 0.003). It involves manipulating the soft tissues of the body. However several relatively recent developments have increased the amount of good research in this area. Eisenberg DM, Kessler RC, Foster C, Norlock FE, Calkins DR, Delbanco TL. Epub 2004 Jul 20. This paper proposes a method to evaluate the effectiveness of the eye message therapy. In a 36-year-old woman with neck pain, will manipulation and mobilization be beneficial for reducing her reports of neck pain? Massage therapy. This is because it can keep the edge information while does not blur the image. Our objective is to determine the effectiveness of sport massage for improving recovery after strenuous exercise., Article Multimed Tools Appl 81, 57435760 (2022). 2014;2014:204360. doi: 10.1155/2014/204360. Performing the edge detection is to identify the pixels at the border. The computer numerical simulation results are shown in Section4. Therefore, an appropriatethreshold value is used to determine whether the pixels are located at the edge points or not. Sci Rep 6(1):18. Telecommunications relay service (TRS): 7-1-1, Email: (link sends email). official website and that any information you provide is encrypted Deng GE, Rausch SM, Jones LW, et al. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue 4. Some of the reported cases have involved vigorous types of massage, such as deep tissue massage, or patients who might be at increased risk of injury, such as elderly people. S/E/070/17), and the Bella (Guangzhou) Intelligent Information Technology Company Limited, for providing its electronic device. Massage therapy has been studied for several types of pain, including low-back pain, neck and shoulder pain, pain from osteoarthritis of the knee, and headaches. Antnez Snchez LG, de la Casa Almeida M, Rebollo Roldn J, Ramrez Manzano A, Martn Valero R, Surez Serrano C. Aten Primaria. Cold-Water Immersion and Sports Massage Can Improve Pain Sensation but Not Functionality in Athletes with Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. Let xp,q be the grayscale pixel value at the index (p,q). The effectiveness of therapeutic massage is comparable to the effectiveness of rehabilitation based only on physical therapy and kinesiotherapy. However, these methods were sensitive to the noises. Of 6 studies that evaluated massage therapy for osteoarthritis of the knee (408 total participants), 5 found that it provided short-term pain relief. The outcome was a recommended research agenda for the massage therapy profession that included building a massage research infrastructure and investigating the safety, efficacy, and mechanisms of massage therapy. Clinical Evidence of Chinese Massage Therapy (. Let (xi,yi) be the coordinates of the edge points. Massage and touch for dementia. Abstract. 2010. However, this approach is very expensive. Evaluate the effectiveness of definition: Something that is effective works well and produces the results that were intended .. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples The diagnoses of the dry eye diseases were performed using the images acquired from the vivo confocal microscopic and the optical coherence tomographic instruments. 3.2.1. : CD005038. 4. Massage therapy, with or without aromatherapy (the use of essential oils) has been used to attempt to relieve pain, anxiety, and other symptoms in people with cancer. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, in a 2016 evaluation of nondrug therapies for low-back pain, examined 20 studies that compared massage to usual care or other interventions and found that there was evidence that massage was helpful for chronic low-back pain but the strength of the evidence was low. Massage therapy may be helpful for some fibromyalgia symptoms if its continued for long enough. First, guidelines of varying quality, from both public and private sources, have been proliferating. Efficacy of lower limb compression and combined treatment of manual massage and lower limb compression on symptoms of exercise-induced muscle damage in women. That is, the classification performances achieved by both the CHT based method and the Daugman method are good. FOIA Yuan SLK, Matsutani LA, Marques AP. Next, the inverse DCT is applied to the processed rectangular box and the rectangular box with the unified sizes are obtained. 'client recommends me to friends and work mates'. It performs the following steps [21]. NCCIH has provided this material for your information. Ann Intern Med. On the other hand, the rest 30% of the selected images are employed for performing the testing. The block diagram for performing the iris segmentation. Reference sections of included articles were scanned to identify additional relevant articles. Sports massage therapy is an effective way to help athletes and fitness enthusiasts prevent and recover from injuries, improve their performance, and reduce muscle soreness and tension. In particular, the gradients of the pixel values are computed. Int J Emerg Technol Adv Eng 2(6):177185. With appropriate precautions, massage therapy can be part of supportive care for cancer patients who would like to try it; however, the evidence that it can relieve pain and anxiety is not strong. Some background The Prevalence of Use of Various Post-Exercise Recovery Methods after Training among Elite Endurance Athletes. Then, the Canny operator is employed to perform the edge detection. Careers. 2014. However, just because a randomized clinical trial can't be placebo-controlled or double-blinded, doesn't mean it can't be of high quality and contribute to the greater scientific knowledge. Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. Aromatherapy and massage for symptom relief in patients with cancer. The Canny edge detection is the most common edge detection algorithm. First, the iris segmentation is performed. Knig A, Radke S, Molzen H, Haase M, Mller C, Drexler D, Natalis M, Krauss M, Behrens N, Irnich D. Z Orthop Ihre Grenzgeb. In Proceedings. Massage as a Mechanotherapy for Skeletal Muscle. Different techniques were used for detecting the location of the eye via detecting the location of the centre of the pupil for performing the iris segmentation. It is worth noting that the median filtering is a typical nonlinear operator used to suppress the impulsive noise. These factors include the aging, the genetic factors, the viral or the bacterial infections as well as the excessive and the incorrect use of the eyes. The study evaluated the effectiveness of massage therapy for chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) in patients with breast and gastrointestinal (GI) cancer. through physiologic changes such as releasing epinephrine or cortisol. Website: Conclusions: Know the Science: 9 Questions To Help You Make Sense of Health Research. Finally, the iris region is segmented from each color plane. Hillier SL, Louw Q, Morris L, Uwimana J, Statham S. Massage therapy for people with HIV/AIDS. Isolated unilateral vertebral pedicle fracture caused by a back massage in an elderly patient: a case report and literature review. eCollection 2021 Mar. (1996). International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics. Sports Med Health Sci. Resolve blocked ducts that are restricting milk flow. MeSH The aim is to identify the effectiveness of breast massage in the treatment of women with breastfeeding problems. Data sources: Design and method: A literature review of nine databases were searched and 13 papers found. of National Conf. Sign in | Create an account. Duplication is encouraged. Massage therapy is used to help manage a health condition or enhance wellness. Here, the rubber sheet model is employed for performing the normalization [16]. That is, if the original size of the rectangular box is smaller than 3264, then the zeros are padded to the rectangular box in the DCT domain. If you're an athlete or someone who regularly engages in physical activity, sports massage therapy can help you maintain your optimal level of performance and . Then, the Canny edge detection is employed for generating the edge maps. No.:CD007502. For more information, see NCCIHs fact sheet on cancer. 501130144), the Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Commission, Enterprise Support Scheme (no. Ask about the training, experience, and credentials of the massage therapist you are considering. Massage therapy for osteoarthritis of the knee. The block diagram for performing the iris segmentation is shown in Fig. While the evidence to date is most compelling for low back pain, there are also promising results regarding massage's effectiveness for pre-term infants, and symptom management in cancer and dementia sufferers. The computer numerical simulation results show that our proposed method can achieve the high classification accuracies. Compared to the image acquisition systems used in the dry eye clinic such as the near infrared iris system, the images employed in this paper are acquired by a mobile device. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. (2008) conducted a systematic review of thirteen existing randomized controlled trials evaluating massage therapy's effectiveness in the treatment of non-specific low-back pain. Venous thromboembolism following vigorous deep tissue massage. No. Effect of aromatherapy massage with lavender essential oil on pain in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee: a randomized controlled clinical trial. Like many complementary therapies, high quality research on massage has been limited due to the lack of funding. Section3 presents the method for performing the evaluation of the effectiveness of the eye massage therapy. Since the range of the AUC is between 0 and 1, the area under the 45 straight line in the plot is 0.5. Work 52(2):303314. Further, while attempts can be made to make the sham treatment appear legitimate to the patient, it becomes difficult as patients learn more about massage therapy from friends, media, and their own experience. Further investigation using standardized protocols measuring similar outcome variables is necessary to more conclusively determine the efficacy of sport massage and the optimal strategy for its implementation to enhance recovery following intense exercise. Two of the studies that showed pain relief (149 participants) involved the use of essential oils (aromatherapy massage)., Huang Y P, Luo SW, Chen, E Y (2002) An efficient iris recognition system. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help Evaluation of effectiveness of eye massage therapy via classification of periocular images, $${\left({x}_{i}-a\right)}^{2}+{\left({y}_{i}-b\right)}^{2}={r}^{2}$$, $$h\left(x,y,a,b,r\left\{\begin{array}{ccc}1& if& {\left({x}_{i}-a\right)}^{2}+{\left({y}_{i}-b\right)}^{2}={r}^{2}\\ 0& & otherwise\end{array}\right\}\right)$$, $$H\left(a,b,r\right)=\sum_{i=1}^{n}h\left({x}_{i},{y}_{i},a,b,r\right)$$, $${x}_{p}\left(\theta \right)={x}_{p0}+{x}_{p}\mathrm{cos}\theta ,$$, $${y}_{p}\left(\theta \right)={y}_{p0}+{r}_{p}\mathrm{sin}\theta ,$$, $${x}_{i}\left(\theta \right)={x}_{i0}+{r}_{i}\mathrm{cos}\theta$$, $${y}_{i}\left(\theta \right)={y}_{i0}+{r}_{i}\mathrm{sin}\theta$$, $$x\left(r,\theta \right)=\left(1-w\right){x}_{p}\left(\theta \right)+{wx}_{i}\left(\theta \right)$$, $$y\left(r,\theta \right)=\left(1-w\right){y}_{p}\left(\theta \right)+{wy}_{i}\left(\theta \right).$$, $${y}_{i,j}=median\left(\left[{x}_{i,j}\Lambda {x}_{i,j+s-1}\Lambda {x}_{i+r-1,j}\Lambda {x}_{i+r-1,j+s-1}\right]\right)$$,, Evaluation of the effectiveness of the eye massage therapy, Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Anterior Segment Eye Abnormalities using Visible Wavelength Image Analysis Based Machine Learning, Automated classification of retinal images into AMD/non-AMD Classa study using multi-threshold and Gassian-filter enhanced images, A new expert system based on hybrid colour and structure descriptor and machine learning algorithms for early glaucoma diagnosis, Automated Microaneurysms Detection and Classification using Multilevel Thresholding and Multilayer Perceptron, Automated glaucoma screening method based on image segmentation and feature extraction, A robust iris localization scheme for the iris recognition, Distance-Based Method used to Localize the Eyeball Effectively for Cerebral Palsy Rehabilitation, Automatic early glaucoma detection by extracting parapapillary atrophy and optic disc from fundus image using SVM, Features extraction using encoded local binary pattern for detection and grading diabetic retinopathy,,,,,, Figure1 illustrates this concept. It can be seen from Table 3 that the classification accuracies are high for both methods and for all these four classifiers. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. They are the average thickness of the lipid layer and the partial blink rate. In Proc. Massage has been practiced in most cultures, both Eastern and Western, throughout human history, and was one of the earliest tools that people used to try to relieve pain. 2017 Aug-Sep;49(7):417-425. doi: 10.1016/j.aprim.2016.09.010. Conclusions: Both groups did not differ significantly in terms of NDI and VAS scores at baseline (NDI: p = 0.56, VAS: P = 0.231) and after rehabilitation (NDI: p = 0.203; VAS: P = 0.401). The computer numerical simulation results scientifically validate the effectiveness of the eye massage therapy. The PubMed wordmark and PubMed logo are registered trademarks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Jnhagen S, Ackermann P, Eriksson T, Saartok T, Renstrm PA. Am J Sports Med. The site includes questions and answers about clinical trials, guidance on how to find clinical trials through and other resources, and stories about the personal experiences of clinical trial participants. [Effectiveness of an individualised physiotherapy program versus group therapy on neck pain and disability in patients with acute and subacute mechanical neck pain]. Sci Rep 6(1):17. Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. Theres some evidence that massage therapy may have benefits for anxiety, depression, and quality of life in people with HIV/AIDS, but the amount of research and number of people studied are small., DOI: In addition, the American Massage Therapy Association, recognizing the importance of high quality research, convened a working group of established research scientists and leaders in massage therapy in 1999. systematic reviews), which evaluate the effectiveness of massage therapy. The reviews summarize the results of clinical trials on health care interventions. ose of this study is to evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of massage in the treatment of muscular torticollis in children. Disclaimer. Besides, detecting the edge of the iris is an important step for performing the iris segmentation [4]. The mechanism by which massage therapy might increase weight gain is not well understood. Barnes P, Powell-Griner E, McFann K, Nahin R. (2002). Slider with three articles shown per slide. Other styles include sports massage, clinical massage to accomplish specific goals such as releasing muscle spasms, and massage traditions derived from Eastern cultures, such as Shiatsu and Tuina. Pol Merkur Lekarski. In particular, the Daugman integro-differential operator [6] was used to segment the iris in the Daugman method. Once the test is completed, they are then compared to "normal" behavior. Int J Emerg Technol Adv Eng 3(6):333337, Singh S, Singh S (2015) Iris segmentation along with noise detection using hough transform. In addition, only processing these edge points can reduce the required computational power for some image processing applications. Bookshelf Sun F, Yuan QL, Zhang YG. 2010 Oct;(194):1-764. National Library of Medicine Also, the distances between the camera and the subjects are kept similar for the image acquisitions at different times. Int J Sci Tech Adv 1(1):1114, Kang MT, Li SM, Peng X, Li L, Ran A, Meng B, Wang N (2016) Chinese eye exercises and myopia development in school age children: a nested case-control study. Measures can be cause-and-effect relationships to evaluate the worth of a particular policy or a set of policies in producing some wanted outcome. [Randomised trial of acupuncture compared with conventional massage and "sham" laser acupuncture for treatment of chronic neck pain - range of motion analysis]. This can also suppress the high frequency noise generated by the specular reflections. Evaluation of effectiveness of eye massage therapy via classification of periocular images. Then, a video with its duration equal to 15s is taken around the eye after performing the eye massage therapy. Clinical practice guidelines (guidance for health care providers) for the care of breast cancer patients include massage as one of several approaches that may be helpful for stress reduction, anxiety, depression, fatigue, and quality of life. Then, the Canny edge detection is applied to denoised image. However, meta-analysis data on the efficacy of massage for the treatment of constipation experienced after stroke are almost nonexistent. 14 that the obtained results are consistent with those shown in Table 3. However, there is not perfect classification in practice. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies Let (rp(),yp()) and (xi(),yi()) be the coordinates of the points in the inner circle and the outer circle of the iris along the direction represented in the Cartesian coordinate system, respectively. If the FPR is small, then the classification accuracy will be high. 2003 Jul-Aug;141(4):395-400. doi: 10.1055/s-2003-41566. Li Y-h, Wang F-y, Feng C-q, et al. Our objective is to determine the effectiveness of sport massage for improving recovery after strenuous exercise. Clinical practice guidelines for the care of lung cancer patients suggest that massage therapy could be added as part of supportive care in patients whose anxiety or pain is not adequately controlled by usual care. This implies that the eye message therapy can be performed in a quicker and a cheaper manner. Figure8 shows an example of output after performing the median filtering. However, in recent years, larger studies of higher quality have begun to emerge, as have thorough and balanced reviews of the existing literature (i.e. Hence, it can facilitate the iris classification. Conclusions: 1. For each edge point, if a circle is drawn with its center being this edge point, then the intersecting point of all these circles represents the center of the circle of all these edge points. Signal Process 93(1):230241. Then, we have. Massage therapy, with or without aromatherapy (the use of essential oils) has been used to attempt to relieve pain, anxiety, and other symptoms in people with cancer. This review includes studies published since 2015 performing a method-critical evaluation of the studies. Next, the CHT is employed to characterize the inner circle and the outer circle of the iris in the images. Cherkin DC, Sherman KJ, Deyo RA, Shekelle PG. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the This study evaluated the clinical and cost-effectiveness of a luteinizing hormone (LH)-based modified gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonist protocol in patients with normal ovarian response undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment. Outcome measures included: 1) Hughston Clinic knee self-assessment questionnaire; 2) EQ-5D Tariff for assessment of quality of life; 3) number of days taken to return to work after surgery; 4) knee. On the other hand, the CHT based method was used to segment the iris [14, 19]. First, a video with its duration equal to 15s is taken around the eye before performing the eye massage therapy. Publication types Comparative Study Controlled Clinical Trial MeSH terms Adult Aged Aged, 80 and over Female Humans Kinesiology, Applied 10bshow the inner edge points and the outer edge points of the iris in the image after performing by the Canny edge detection algorithm, respectively. Peng Z, Wang H, Wu J, Li J (2015) An improved Daugman method for Iris recognition. No benefits of massage for normal full-term infants have been clearly demonstrated. A service of the National Library of Medicine, PubMed contains publication information and (in most cases) brief summaries of articles from scientific and medical journals. The Massage Therapy Foundation is a separate organization that is now considered to be the steward organization for moving the research agenda forward and advocating for new studies in massage therapy. on Information Technology and Computer Science (CITCS), pp 4751, Daugman J (2007) New methods in iris recognition. Here, the interferometer provides two important measurements. : CD004871. The use of such multiple common out-comes also makes monitoring potential detri-mental effects more possible. Moreover, as the edge points preserve the fundamental structures of the object, some important features such as the locations of the lines or the curves in the image can be extracted via performing the edge detection. Also, many improvements were achieved based on this approach [23, 24]. how about. The edge of an object is the border across two regions in the image in which these two regions have two sets of contrast pixel values. 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To address this issue, this paper performs the classification between the periocular images taken before performing the eye massage therapy and those after performing the eye massage therapy to address the above difficulty. A comparison of the effects of 2 types of massage and usual care on chronic low back pain: a randomized, controlled trial. People with dark hair will see the best results with IPL treatments, as the wavelength used in IPL can easily target the melanin in your hair follicles. No. Here, the data acquisitions at different times are conducted at the same place and at the same time slots of different days. Correspondence to Which is true about the effectiveness of massage? official website and that any information you provide is encrypted In order to eliminatethe size inconsistence issue, the DCT is applied to normalize the size of the rectangular box to 3264., Lemp MA, Foulks GN (2007) The definition and classification of dry eye disease. Moraska AF, Stenerson L, Butryn N, et al. Fellowes D, Barnes K, Wilkinson S. (2004). Website: Figure11 shows the image with the inner circle and the outer circle of the iris. Figure 15 plots the ROC curves achieved by both the CHT based method and the Daugman method via different classifiers. Next, the discrete cosine transform is used to normalize the size of the rectangular box to 3264. Here, H(a,b,r) counts the total number of the edge points on the circle. Next, the CHT is employed to characterize the iris. Massage therapy may be helpful for neck or shoulder pain, but the benefits may only last for a short time. Massage-induced brachial plexus injury. The received operating characteristic curve (ROC) is employed as the performance metric to evaluate the robust performance achieved by various classifiers. Since the classification accuracy is the most common criterion employed for evaluating the pattern recognition performance, this paper employs the classification accuracy as the metric. government site. 2021 Nov;50(11):2211-2218. doi: 10.18502/ijph.v50i11.7575. Two examples of the periocular images are shown in Fig. Increase milk supply. Table 5 shows the mean classification accuracies based on these ten fold cross validations achieved by both the CHT based method and the Daugman method via different classifiers. On the other hand, if the AUC is equal to 1, then the model predicts correctly and the classification is perfect. Int J Ther Massage Bodywork. 2004. The most common form of massage therapy in Western countries is called Swedish or classical massage; it is the core of most massage training programs. N Engl J Med, 328(4):246-52. Effects of Cool-Down Exercise and Cold-Water Immersion Therapy on Basic Fitness and Sport-Specific Skills among Korean College Soccer Players. Sport massage, a manual therapy for muscle and soft tissue pain and weakness, is a popular and widely used modality for recovery after intense exercise. The purpose was to provide a rigorous and balanced summary regarding the effectiveness, safety, and costs of massage therapy for low back pain. Patients who had received massage demonstrated a statistically significant improvement in the range of flexion (p = 0.022), lateral bend to the right (p = 0.018), and lateral bend to the left (p = 0.003). It involves manipulating the soft tissues of the body. However several relatively recent developments have increased the amount of good research in this area. Eisenberg DM, Kessler RC, Foster C, Norlock FE, Calkins DR, Delbanco TL. Epub 2004 Jul 20. This paper proposes a method to evaluate the effectiveness of the eye message therapy. In a 36-year-old woman with neck pain, will manipulation and mobilization be beneficial for reducing her reports of neck pain? Massage therapy. This is because it can keep the edge information while does not blur the image. Our objective is to determine the effectiveness of sport massage for improving recovery after strenuous exercise., Article Multimed Tools Appl 81, 57435760 (2022). 2014;2014:204360. doi: 10.1155/2014/204360. Performing the edge detection is to identify the pixels at the border. The computer numerical simulation results are shown in Section4. Therefore, an appropriatethreshold value is used to determine whether the pixels are located at the edge points or not. Sci Rep 6(1):18. Telecommunications relay service (TRS): 7-1-1, Email: (link sends email). official website and that any information you provide is encrypted Deng GE, Rausch SM, Jones LW, et al. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue 4. Some of the reported cases have involved vigorous types of massage, such as deep tissue massage, or patients who might be at increased risk of injury, such as elderly people. S/E/070/17), and the Bella (Guangzhou) Intelligent Information Technology Company Limited, for providing its electronic device. Massage therapy has been studied for several types of pain, including low-back pain, neck and shoulder pain, pain from osteoarthritis of the knee, and headaches. Antnez Snchez LG, de la Casa Almeida M, Rebollo Roldn J, Ramrez Manzano A, Martn Valero R, Surez Serrano C. Aten Primaria. Cold-Water Immersion and Sports Massage Can Improve Pain Sensation but Not Functionality in Athletes with Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. Let xp,q be the grayscale pixel value at the index (p,q). The effectiveness of therapeutic massage is comparable to the effectiveness of rehabilitation based only on physical therapy and kinesiotherapy. However, these methods were sensitive to the noises. Of 6 studies that evaluated massage therapy for osteoarthritis of the knee (408 total participants), 5 found that it provided short-term pain relief. The outcome was a recommended research agenda for the massage therapy profession that included building a massage research infrastructure and investigating the safety, efficacy, and mechanisms of massage therapy. Clinical Evidence of Chinese Massage Therapy (. Let (xi,yi) be the coordinates of the edge points. Massage and touch for dementia. Abstract. 2010. However, this approach is very expensive. Evaluate the effectiveness of definition: Something that is effective works well and produces the results that were intended .. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples The diagnoses of the dry eye diseases were performed using the images acquired from the vivo confocal microscopic and the optical coherence tomographic instruments. 3.2.1. : CD005038. 4. Massage therapy, with or without aromatherapy (the use of essential oils) has been used to attempt to relieve pain, anxiety, and other symptoms in people with cancer. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, in a 2016 evaluation of nondrug therapies for low-back pain, examined 20 studies that compared massage to usual care or other interventions and found that there was evidence that massage was helpful for chronic low-back pain but the strength of the evidence was low. Massage therapy may be helpful for some fibromyalgia symptoms if its continued for long enough. First, guidelines of varying quality, from both public and private sources, have been proliferating. Efficacy of lower limb compression and combined treatment of manual massage and lower limb compression on symptoms of exercise-induced muscle damage in women. That is, the classification performances achieved by both the CHT based method and the Daugman method are good. FOIA Yuan SLK, Matsutani LA, Marques AP. Next, the inverse DCT is applied to the processed rectangular box and the rectangular box with the unified sizes are obtained. 'client recommends me to friends and work mates'. It performs the following steps [21]. NCCIH has provided this material for your information. Ann Intern Med. On the other hand, the rest 30% of the selected images are employed for performing the testing. The block diagram for performing the iris segmentation. Reference sections of included articles were scanned to identify additional relevant articles. Sports massage therapy is an effective way to help athletes and fitness enthusiasts prevent and recover from injuries, improve their performance, and reduce muscle soreness and tension. In particular, the gradients of the pixel values are computed. Int J Emerg Technol Adv Eng 2(6):177185. With appropriate precautions, massage therapy can be part of supportive care for cancer patients who would like to try it; however, the evidence that it can relieve pain and anxiety is not strong. Some background The Prevalence of Use of Various Post-Exercise Recovery Methods after Training among Elite Endurance Athletes. Then, the Canny operator is employed to perform the edge detection. Careers. 2014. However, just because a randomized clinical trial can't be placebo-controlled or double-blinded, doesn't mean it can't be of high quality and contribute to the greater scientific knowledge. Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. Aromatherapy and massage for symptom relief in patients with cancer. The Canny edge detection is the most common edge detection algorithm. First, the iris segmentation is performed. Knig A, Radke S, Molzen H, Haase M, Mller C, Drexler D, Natalis M, Krauss M, Behrens N, Irnich D. Z Orthop Ihre Grenzgeb. In Proceedings. Massage as a Mechanotherapy for Skeletal Muscle. Different techniques were used for detecting the location of the eye via detecting the location of the centre of the pupil for performing the iris segmentation. It is worth noting that the median filtering is a typical nonlinear operator used to suppress the impulsive noise. These factors include the aging, the genetic factors, the viral or the bacterial infections as well as the excessive and the incorrect use of the eyes. The study evaluated the effectiveness of massage therapy for chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) in patients with breast and gastrointestinal (GI) cancer. through physiologic changes such as releasing epinephrine or cortisol. Website: Conclusions: Know the Science: 9 Questions To Help You Make Sense of Health Research. Finally, the iris region is segmented from each color plane. Hillier SL, Louw Q, Morris L, Uwimana J, Statham S. Massage therapy for people with HIV/AIDS. Isolated unilateral vertebral pedicle fracture caused by a back massage in an elderly patient: a case report and literature review. eCollection 2021 Mar. (1996). International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics. Sports Med Health Sci. Resolve blocked ducts that are restricting milk flow. MeSH The aim is to identify the effectiveness of breast massage in the treatment of women with breastfeeding problems. Data sources: Design and method: A literature review of nine databases were searched and 13 papers found. of National Conf. Sign in | Create an account. Duplication is encouraged. Massage therapy is used to help manage a health condition or enhance wellness. Here, the rubber sheet model is employed for performing the normalization [16]. That is, if the original size of the rectangular box is smaller than 3264, then the zeros are padded to the rectangular box in the DCT domain. If you're an athlete or someone who regularly engages in physical activity, sports massage therapy can help you maintain your optimal level of performance and . Then, the Canny edge detection is employed for generating the edge maps. No.:CD007502. For more information, see NCCIHs fact sheet on cancer. 501130144), the Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Commission, Enterprise Support Scheme (no. Ask about the training, experience, and credentials of the massage therapist you are considering. Massage therapy for osteoarthritis of the knee. The block diagram for performing the iris segmentation is shown in Fig. While the evidence to date is most compelling for low back pain, there are also promising results regarding massage's effectiveness for pre-term infants, and symptom management in cancer and dementia sufferers. The computer numerical simulation results show that our proposed method can achieve the high classification accuracies. Compared to the image acquisition systems used in the dry eye clinic such as the near infrared iris system, the images employed in this paper are acquired by a mobile device. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. (2008) conducted a systematic review of thirteen existing randomized controlled trials evaluating massage therapy's effectiveness in the treatment of non-specific low-back pain. Venous thromboembolism following vigorous deep tissue massage. No. Effect of aromatherapy massage with lavender essential oil on pain in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee: a randomized controlled clinical trial. Like many complementary therapies, high quality research on massage has been limited due to the lack of funding. Section3 presents the method for performing the evaluation of the effectiveness of the eye massage therapy. Since the range of the AUC is between 0 and 1, the area under the 45 straight line in the plot is 0.5. Work 52(2):303314. Further, while attempts can be made to make the sham treatment appear legitimate to the patient, it becomes difficult as patients learn more about massage therapy from friends, media, and their own experience. Further investigation using standardized protocols measuring similar outcome variables is necessary to more conclusively determine the efficacy of sport massage and the optimal strategy for its implementation to enhance recovery following intense exercise. Two of the studies that showed pain relief (149 participants) involved the use of essential oils (aromatherapy massage)., Huang Y P, Luo SW, Chen, E Y (2002) An efficient iris recognition system. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help Evaluation of effectiveness of eye massage therapy via classification of periocular images, $${\left({x}_{i}-a\right)}^{2}+{\left({y}_{i}-b\right)}^{2}={r}^{2}$$, $$h\left(x,y,a,b,r\left\{\begin{array}{ccc}1& if& {\left({x}_{i}-a\right)}^{2}+{\left({y}_{i}-b\right)}^{2}={r}^{2}\\ 0& & otherwise\end{array}\right\}\right)$$, $$H\left(a,b,r\right)=\sum_{i=1}^{n}h\left({x}_{i},{y}_{i},a,b,r\right)$$, $${x}_{p}\left(\theta \right)={x}_{p0}+{x}_{p}\mathrm{cos}\theta ,$$, $${y}_{p}\left(\theta \right)={y}_{p0}+{r}_{p}\mathrm{sin}\theta ,$$, $${x}_{i}\left(\theta \right)={x}_{i0}+{r}_{i}\mathrm{cos}\theta$$, $${y}_{i}\left(\theta \right)={y}_{i0}+{r}_{i}\mathrm{sin}\theta$$, $$x\left(r,\theta \right)=\left(1-w\right){x}_{p}\left(\theta \right)+{wx}_{i}\left(\theta \right)$$, $$y\left(r,\theta \right)=\left(1-w\right){y}_{p}\left(\theta \right)+{wy}_{i}\left(\theta \right).$$, $${y}_{i,j}=median\left(\left[{x}_{i,j}\Lambda {x}_{i,j+s-1}\Lambda {x}_{i+r-1,j}\Lambda {x}_{i+r-1,j+s-1}\right]\right)$$,, Evaluation of the effectiveness of the eye massage therapy, Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Anterior Segment Eye Abnormalities using Visible Wavelength Image Analysis Based Machine Learning, Automated classification of retinal images into AMD/non-AMD Classa study using multi-threshold and Gassian-filter enhanced images, A new expert system based on hybrid colour and structure descriptor and machine learning algorithms for early glaucoma diagnosis, Automated Microaneurysms Detection and Classification using Multilevel Thresholding and Multilayer Perceptron, Automated glaucoma screening method based on image segmentation and feature extraction, A robust iris localization scheme for the iris recognition, Distance-Based Method used to Localize the Eyeball Effectively for Cerebral Palsy Rehabilitation, Automatic early glaucoma detection by extracting parapapillary atrophy and optic disc from fundus image using SVM, Features extraction using encoded local binary pattern for detection and grading diabetic retinopathy,,,,,, Figure1 illustrates this concept. It can be seen from Table 3 that the classification accuracies are high for both methods and for all these four classifiers. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. They are the average thickness of the lipid layer and the partial blink rate. In Proc. Massage has been practiced in most cultures, both Eastern and Western, throughout human history, and was one of the earliest tools that people used to try to relieve pain. 2017 Aug-Sep;49(7):417-425. doi: 10.1016/j.aprim.2016.09.010. Conclusions: Both groups did not differ significantly in terms of NDI and VAS scores at baseline (NDI: p = 0.56, VAS: P = 0.231) and after rehabilitation (NDI: p = 0.203; VAS: P = 0.401). The computer numerical simulation results scientifically validate the effectiveness of the eye massage therapy. The PubMed wordmark and PubMed logo are registered trademarks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Jnhagen S, Ackermann P, Eriksson T, Saartok T, Renstrm PA. Am J Sports Med. The site includes questions and answers about clinical trials, guidance on how to find clinical trials through and other resources, and stories about the personal experiences of clinical trial participants. [Effectiveness of an individualised physiotherapy program versus group therapy on neck pain and disability in patients with acute and subacute mechanical neck pain]. Sci Rep 6(1):17. Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. Theres some evidence that massage therapy may have benefits for anxiety, depression, and quality of life in people with HIV/AIDS, but the amount of research and number of people studied are small., DOI: In addition, the American Massage Therapy Association, recognizing the importance of high quality research, convened a working group of established research scientists and leaders in massage therapy in 1999. systematic reviews), which evaluate the effectiveness of massage therapy. The reviews summarize the results of clinical trials on health care interventions. ose of this study is to evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of massage in the treatment of muscular torticollis in children. Disclaimer. Besides, detecting the edge of the iris is an important step for performing the iris segmentation [4]. The mechanism by which massage therapy might increase weight gain is not well understood. Barnes P, Powell-Griner E, McFann K, Nahin R. (2002). Slider with three articles shown per slide. Other styles include sports massage, clinical massage to accomplish specific goals such as releasing muscle spasms, and massage traditions derived from Eastern cultures, such as Shiatsu and Tuina. Pol Merkur Lekarski. In particular, the Daugman integro-differential operator [6] was used to segment the iris in the Daugman method. Once the test is completed, they are then compared to "normal" behavior. Int J Emerg Technol Adv Eng 3(6):333337, Singh S, Singh S (2015) Iris segmentation along with noise detection using hough transform. In addition, only processing these edge points can reduce the required computational power for some image processing applications. Bookshelf Sun F, Yuan QL, Zhang YG. 2010 Oct;(194):1-764. National Library of Medicine Also, the distances between the camera and the subjects are kept similar for the image acquisitions at different times. Int J Sci Tech Adv 1(1):1114, Kang MT, Li SM, Peng X, Li L, Ran A, Meng B, Wang N (2016) Chinese eye exercises and myopia development in school age children: a nested case-control study. Measures can be cause-and-effect relationships to evaluate the worth of a particular policy or a set of policies in producing some wanted outcome. [Randomised trial of acupuncture compared with conventional massage and "sham" laser acupuncture for treatment of chronic neck pain - range of motion analysis]. This can also suppress the high frequency noise generated by the specular reflections. Evaluation of effectiveness of eye massage therapy via classification of periocular images. Then, a video with its duration equal to 15s is taken around the eye after performing the eye massage therapy. Clinical practice guidelines (guidance for health care providers) for the care of breast cancer patients include massage as one of several approaches that may be helpful for stress reduction, anxiety, depression, fatigue, and quality of life. Then, the Canny edge detection is applied to denoised image. However, meta-analysis data on the efficacy of massage for the treatment of constipation experienced after stroke are almost nonexistent. 14 that the obtained results are consistent with those shown in Table 3. However, there is not perfect classification in practice. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies Let (rp(),yp()) and (xi(),yi()) be the coordinates of the points in the inner circle and the outer circle of the iris along the direction represented in the Cartesian coordinate system, respectively. If the FPR is small, then the classification accuracy will be high. 2003 Jul-Aug;141(4):395-400. doi: 10.1055/s-2003-41566. Li Y-h, Wang F-y, Feng C-q, et al. Our objective is to determine the effectiveness of sport massage for improving recovery after strenuous exercise. Clinical practice guidelines for the care of lung cancer patients suggest that massage therapy could be added as part of supportive care in patients whose anxiety or pain is not adequately controlled by usual care. This implies that the eye message therapy can be performed in a quicker and a cheaper manner. Figure8 shows an example of output after performing the median filtering. However, in recent years, larger studies of higher quality have begun to emerge, as have thorough and balanced reviews of the existing literature (i.e. Hence, it can facilitate the iris classification. Conclusions: 1. For each edge point, if a circle is drawn with its center being this edge point, then the intersecting point of all these circles represents the center of the circle of all these edge points. Signal Process 93(1):230241. Then, we have. Massage therapy, with or without aromatherapy (the use of essential oils) has been used to attempt to relieve pain, anxiety, and other symptoms in people with cancer. This review includes studies published since 2015 performing a method-critical evaluation of the studies. Next, the CHT is employed to characterize the inner circle and the outer circle of the iris in the images. Cherkin DC, Sherman KJ, Deyo RA, Shekelle PG. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the This study evaluated the clinical and cost-effectiveness of a luteinizing hormone (LH)-based modified gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonist protocol in patients with normal ovarian response undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment. Outcome measures included: 1) Hughston Clinic knee self-assessment questionnaire; 2) EQ-5D Tariff for assessment of quality of life; 3) number of days taken to return to work after surgery; 4) knee. On the other hand, the CHT based method was used to segment the iris [14, 19]. First, a video with its duration equal to 15s is taken around the eye before performing the eye massage therapy. Publication types Comparative Study Controlled Clinical Trial MeSH terms Adult Aged Aged, 80 and over Female Humans Kinesiology, Applied 10bshow the inner edge points and the outer edge points of the iris in the image after performing by the Canny edge detection algorithm, respectively. Peng Z, Wang H, Wu J, Li J (2015) An improved Daugman method for Iris recognition. No benefits of massage for normal full-term infants have been clearly demonstrated. A service of the National Library of Medicine, PubMed contains publication information and (in most cases) brief summaries of articles from scientific and medical journals. The Massage Therapy Foundation is a separate organization that is now considered to be the steward organization for moving the research agenda forward and advocating for new studies in massage therapy. on Information Technology and Computer Science (CITCS), pp 4751, Daugman J (2007) New methods in iris recognition. Here, the interferometer provides two important measurements. : CD004871. The use of such multiple common out-comes also makes monitoring potential detri-mental effects more possible. Moreover, as the edge points preserve the fundamental structures of the object, some important features such as the locations of the lines or the curves in the image can be extracted via performing the edge detection. Also, many improvements were achieved based on this approach [23, 24]. how about. The edge of an object is the border across two regions in the image in which these two regions have two sets of contrast pixel values. 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methods of evaluating the effectiveness of the massage treatment


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