used mobile homes under $10,000
past mayors of galveston, tx
Broadway Beauties (re: James Moreau Brown, Walter Gresham, Michel B. See also the inventory to the photos in the Photo Collection index notebook. Portraits of Charles Fowler, Minna Wolfe Fowler, Mary Boothe Fowler, and other family members. Of special interest: locomotives (including "General Sherman" and "Little Susie"), Iroquois, U.S.C.G.S. 500 items, Mostly negatives and a few prints produced by Galveston photographer Mary Clayton. Y. Cartwright, Jr. as of 1952-55 Collection, 1976; 3 slide trays, 1 cassette tape. See detailed inventory in the first folder in the collection. Building (3 items) 1967, 1969, 5 Marx & Blum Building (6 items) 1895, 1967, U.S. Representative Jack Brooks, with JRC and John Sullivan, Street dedication with James Thomas and Steve Huffman. Photographs of Raymond Rapp, Jr., and his associates have been placed in the Name File. Subjects: John F. Smith residence; Wolfe residence. Unidentified; possibly a makeshift home for a religious congregation, 1. Also, nine views of Paris, France, and Paris Exposition of 1867. Photographs, snapshots, and negatives separated from Robert A. Nesbitt Papers, 88-0021. Snapshots taken by Joseph L. Schlankey. Of special interest: Pier 41. On Sunday, June 19, there will be a family barbeque in the historic Hillcrest Neighborhood. Font Size: + -. Luna Park (background). Parish Publishing Co. in 1894. 350 items (includes oversized); 1850s - 1970s. Approx. School activities, parties for students and teachers, including a birthday party for Principal Wilson. Crystal Palace Building (background). Sea Wall, Galveston, Texas. Many of the slides are copies of drawings or photographs in books in the Rosenberg Library's collection. Harry Of special interest: Gaido's Restaurant and Moody Compress fire (1930). Packet, ca. Marys Cathedral, 17 St. Johns M.E. Apparently the Loeffs came to Galveston to work with Goedhart & Bates, grade raising contractors. Items removed from damaged album. His work is featured in the seminal book The Galveston That Was (1965). Dyer. Photos showing members of old fishing community which has lived on the West End for several generations. Of special interest:Loading & unloading cotton; Elevator A; Elevator B; cargo pier(interior); switch engines; Mallory Line docks;tractors and trailers; loading & unloading--flour;sulphur; Pier 9; Piers 41 to 27. Photographs of Capt. Also 142 color slides taken in Jan. 1976, June 1978, Dec. 1979, Aug. 1981, Oct. 1982, Jan. 1984, and Feb. 1984 showing St. Vincent's building (exterior and interior), people, and events. W. McDonough 1868-69 : 15, 16, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28. Image is reversed on print. Cavalla; federal quarantine station (background), 53 Garten Verein; Ursuline Convent (background) (pm 1912), 55 Church Street, showing St. Marys Cathedral and Jean Laffite Hotel (pm 1958), 58 Tabernacle of the 33rd Street Methodist Church (Central Methodist Church) (ca. . Photograph of the mayor of League City, Joe Lamb, driving a maroon antique car down Kansas Street in the 34th annual League City Village Fest parade. E Convention: Of special interest: Isaac H. Kempner; Henrietta Blum Kempner; USS Texas (battleship); San Jacinto Battlefield; San Jacinto Inn, 1951; Banquet. Shows completed section and riprap. Hundred of bodies being cremated. On beach\, 1. Photos of an experiment using woven cane to construct jetties for the harbor entrance. The photos feature attractions and performances at the park. Raymond Many of the images are also in G-1771. Tokio Dance Hall (background). Dunlap had a State of Texas Commission as a Branch Pilot for the Galveston Bar and Houston Ship Channel. Color photographs taken by Karen Simon from a family outing to Sea-Arama Marineworld in Galveston, Texas. Some of these images are duplicated in Spec. Of special interest: interior views of unidentified residences and Port of Texas City, Texas. Of special interest:Pleasure Pier; Jack Tar Court Hotel; Herbert Y. Cartwright, Jr.; Orvon; Gene Autry-Galveston visit, 1948 (photographs); Texas City State Relief Fund benefit dinner (menu). Of special interest: Ashbel Smith Building. Fellman Seinsheimer [Jr.]. Albums, ca. Winner/Notes. He would later be stationed on the U.S.S Bon Homme Richard during World War II. Miscellaneous Subjects Album: 1915 Storm, trip to Austin, Rice Institute, Texas Heroes Monument, a battleship, and Cotton Carnival. Of special interest: Lasker residence, League residence, Seeligson family, and children. Photos of Shriner party train trip to and from San Francisco via Canada. Collection, 1920s, 1935-1969, nd; approx.125 items. Accompanying these albums is a superintendent's record book, 1929-1930, owned by Wallace N. Norton, who was superintendent of distribution of the Texas Cities Gas Co. Donor unknown. Subjects: Of special note: Oil spill on Galveston beach, snowstorms (1948 and 1973), and Hurricane 1961 (Carla). 126 gthc@rosenberg-library.orgGalveston and Texas History CenterRosenberg Library2310 Sealy AvenueGalveston, TX 77550 Open Tue-Sat 9-6Directions & Maps. 1860(?)-1920(? Asterisks denote oversized postcards that are kept in folders. Of special interest: FDRs visit to Galveston; 50th anniversary of Buccaneer Hotel; Todd Shipbuilding Corp.; Douglas Corrigans visit to Galveston. John Henry Brown as of 1856-57 C. H. Leonard 1879 Lewis Fisher 1909-17 Isaac H. Kempner as of 1917-19 Adrian Levy as of 1935-39 H. Y. Cartwright, Jr. as of 1952-55 Theodore Stubbs 1960 Events and Candidates (may be incomplete!) 125 Email us Rosenberg Library Museum 2310 Sealy Avenue, 4th Floor Galveston, TX 77550 The Great Storm of 1900 exhibition is located on the 4th floor in the Harris Gallery. Rose. I, promotes business interests of San Leon, Bacliff, and Bayview. Some photos by professional photographer Tommy Rice, others are amateur snapshots. General city views. A. Griffin 1898-1914 Of special interest: Portraits of Fr.[M.] She founded the Galveston chapter of Delta Sigma Theta and served a president of the Federal Credit Union of Holy Rosary. He arrived in the United States in 1915. The photo album includes waterfront and aerial views of Galveston, Texas Star Flour Mills (in a small wooden building), early bathhouses, and sailing vessels, circa 1880s. (re: fire). Projects involved the architectural firm of Rapp Partners. Some negatives are damaged (see Box 1). Mayor defends Galveston on eve of crackdown. A few parade spectators are visible standing on the side of the road. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Official British photographs of World War I. Collection, 1979-1980; ca. 32 folders with snapshots and two albums of color slides all taken by John Glowczski of UTMB in 1991. 1000 items. Images portray shipbuilding activity in Galveston during World War II. An asterisk denotes a print donated by Westminster Presbyterian Church in 2007. [1930], 139A Ciucci Grocery Store, 3901 Ave. O [ca. Photographs, 1980s (bulk 1980); approx. Family photos. Photographer: Witwer Studio. B. Root 1860-65 Collection donated by Mrs. Marylea Huff, granddaughter of Mr. Bartlett, in Sept. 2000. Bathing in the Gulf of Mexico/In the Surf, Showing Murdochs Bath House at Galveston, Texas, New Municipal Free Fishing Pier, Galveston, Texas. Photographs formerly belonging to Ms. Richie (1920-2010), a former Galveston resident who worked at Fort Crockett during the Second World War. Of special interest: Seawall (original, east end), Ball High School, Ave J, Galveston Boat Club House and Concho (steamer), Ashbel Smith Building and John Sealy Hospital, and panorama of Galveston looking west from the County Courthouse. Collection, [1830s]-1982, nd; approx. In one of the most hotly contested races Galveston has seen in years, residents chose attorney Joe Jaworski to serve as their new mayor. Copyright by Ferdinand Ohlendorf, Galveston, Texas. The album includes images of Admiral Dewey's victory parade in New York City, children in Galveston, Ashton Villa, bathhouses, wharves, and circus animals marching through Galveston's downtown. A. M. Truchard, Fr. This collection has been separated from MSS #2012-0004, Oppe/Hildebrand/Echols Papers. All are copies of prints in the Rosenberg Library's custody (unable to locate 7/27/93). Sealy, Willis, Ladd, and Pinckard families are featured. . 823 items. Copy prints of four cartes de visite of Union soldiers captured in the Battle of Galveston, January 1, 1863. "The Dyer Family, Oleander and Dermatology by Elizabeth Head, Women and Gardens: An Aspect of the Historical Cultural Plant Geography of Galveston Island by Darrell L. McDonald, Reflection of the Oleander Legacy: Social Gardening in Galveston by Darrell L. McDonald, Galveston: The City of Dreams (written by Margaret Sealy Burton) narrated by Elizabeth Head, And We Loved Her Well: A Tribute to Maureen Kewpie Gaido by Elizabeth Head and Chris Hoffman, 5 Wives of P. C. Tucker Jr. (Mary Cecilia and Isabella), 14 Places: Miscellaneous and unidentified. Donated by Mrs. Buford C. Crossland; transferred from MSS #77-0026. Frank Most are photographs, only few colored drawings. Elissa Project Records (MSS #87-0026). Now you finally have a choice. Persons featured include William Hendley; Capt. Eaton Chapel, First Lutheran Church, Flood & Calvert Building, Galveston (city),Galveston Island, E. S. Levy & Company building, Powhatan House, St. Mary's Cathedral, Scottish Rite Masonic Order, Leon Smith, Trinity Episcopal Church, and Williams-Tucker residence. Rough Beach at Galveston, Texas. 1917-1931, not inclusive. The Galveston Photographic Subject Files contain photographs of Galveston arranged by subject, including Storm of 1900, churches, beach scenes, and restaurants. _____ [Reinchapelain],James H. Savage, Fr. Images are individually numbered and are listed selectively. Weber was co-author with Gayle Weber Strange, her daughter, of Lively Stones: A History of the People Who Built First Presbyterian Church Galveston Texas 1840-1990 (1993). Principal economic support is provided by the Port of Galveston and related interest, the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, and other health institutions, financial institutions, tourism, shrimping, and fishing. Also included are a contract for John Egert to raise Sealy Hutchings' residence at 2805 Avenue O in 1906 and a certified list of registered voters in Election Precinct No. 1908-1911, used for correspondence between Galveston and La Marque. [1935], 161 First Hutchings-Sealy National Bank, 2202 Market St. [1935], 162 21st St. looking south from Market St. toward the Seawall [ca. Separated from MSS # 98-0023. A portrait of an unidentified girl has been transferred to oversize. CEO, Texas A&M University Galveston Mayor Craig Brown Mayor, City of Galveston Brian Maxwell City Manager, City of Galveston Jay Carnes Chair, Chamber of Commerce Rodger Rees Director, Port of Galveston Gina Spagnola President, Galveston Regional Chamber of Commerce GEDP Team Keith Gray Interim Executive Director Organizational Leadership William 200 items; donated in 1996. Twenty nine color slides, ca 1960s-1973. Calle de Juan Perez Zuniga, 20, Madrid, Madrid, 28027. Of special interest: Photo album with 1900 Storm images; also: grade raising; Trube residence; John F. Smith residence. See first folder for detailed inventory. Shows Murdochs and Breakers. 1910s-20s, 1915; 26 items. _____ Greyenbuehl (St. Joseph's Church), John Hourigan, Fr. J. Collection ca 1921 to late 1930s. Originally stored in the Name File. Offices. John A. Caplen: Born Galveston, ca. Birthplace: Massachusetts; 39 years old (1880 federal census). The albums were found stored in GTHC, and are believed to have been given to Galveston Mayor Eddie Schreiber in the 1960s. 300 items, including oversized photos and 7 albums. Of special interest: first air mail, first postal meter, King Vidor film festival, hurricane of 1933, Hollywood Dinner Club, snowstorm of 1973, Mardi Gras of 1931 and 1985, also photos of notable Galvestonians. It is the largest city in Galveston County. See also Spec. Color slides taken in 1964 and 1983; 62 items. 409-770-5455. Listing for: Midtown Motor Co. Full Time position. See first folder for detailed inventory. Many are glass negatives; some have been printed.Of special interest: 25th St., Crystal Palace Bathhouse, Maurer studio (Victorian interior), St.Mary's University, beauty contest, portraits, shrimp boats, Beth Jacob Synagogue, loading & unloading, U. S. Public Health Service Hospital, sailing ship's crew, UTMB Laboratory Building, Clark Thompson residence, Sacred Heart Church, Mardi Gras, and Murdoch's Bathhouse. Greeting from Galveston, Texas. These photographs were published in Discovering Galveston Countys Past, written by Harrold K. Henck, Jr., and published by The Galveston County Daily News. 13 In the Heart of Galveston after Hurricane, great pools of stagnant water endangered the health of survivors. (Oversize), Collection, 1864-1950s; 210 photographs + 1 photograph album. 1949-1959; 29 photographs. Photograph Album, 1915, 1919, ca. Photographs of Galveston, circa 1991-2009. In the 1960s and early 1970s, there were forward looking innovations in Galveston. Issued by Passenger Department, Southern Pacific Co., San Francisco, Cal. Donated by the family of Samuel Munn who is descended from the families of Drew, Quirk, Phillipson, Nichols, and Munn (see MSS# 96-0015, Munn Family Collection). 7. Album donated by the Rice University Fondren Research Center, Sept. 2000. These materials were housed together in a metal box. Color snapshots and negatives taken in Galveston by Julia Dunn, archives clerk of the Rosenberg Library, June 19, 1989. Three teachers are unidentified. Andrew Augustus Gus Allen Sr. (1905-1988) was a black civic leader and businessman. Same view as #47 but at a higher angle. [Martin Weinzophoel]. CITY, MAYOR Elkhart, Joe B. Burris ANGELINA. Projects include: Aransas Pass; Bolivar Anchorage; Brazos Island Harbor, Brazos-Santiago Pass; Brazos River, Lock & Dam No. In 1891, the University of Texas Medical Branch was established. The last American Indian group on Clear Creek was the Akokisa (or Orcoquiza) who occupied the region from Galveston Bay north to present-day Conroe, Texas. Of special interest: Electric Park; several shots of the grade raising; Galveston Boat & Yacht Club; several interesting shots of boats and ships. Until recently, Austin and San Antonio also had women in the mayor's office, meaning. The May McLemore Matthews files contain photographs of the Ursuline Academy Class of 1932 and the Oleander Duchesses. The library has three copies of the album, one donated by George Sealy, one by Charles Fowler, and one donor unknown. Donor: Alfreda Houston. Album, 1875; 1 volume (and one duplicate). Other copies of this album have been cataloged. 1528 - Cabeza de Vaca shipwrecked on "Malhado," an island believed to have been Galveston. A description of the project is included with the print folders. A John M. Allen (soldier) C Jan Coggeshall K Isaac Herbert Kempner T Lyda Ann Thomas Leslie A. Thompson The photographs were not published in the book. The Joseph Stanley Clark files contain photographs of damage in Aransas Pass, Texas after the 1919 hurricane. 1918), Albon Rose and Daddy [Roy Harm], Sunday, Jan. 13, 1929, 8 Mountain Speedway Facing east toward Galvez Hotel, 1925, 12 Train Roy Harris built for park in Galveston, TX, 22 Debris on top of the Seawall after Hurricane Carla; Seawall caf (background), 23 Residences along a debris-strewn street after Hurricane Carla, 24-27 Dreamland Caf during Hurricane Carla. Of special interest: San Antonio River; St. Mary's Church, Ursuline Convent, Concepcion Mission, military plaza, military headquarters, Alamo, arsenal, and Mexican-Americans. Color slides; mostly unidentified. None of the people are identified but are believed to be the family and friends of Charlotte Cornell (1895-1963). B/w snapshots of the building at 2127 Strand in late 1969 and early 1970 before its remodeling. Portrait cards of family and friends of John Woods Harris. Main Pavilion Dining Terrace, Boardwalk, Beach and Gulf. This collection consists of photographs and illustrated book plates that depict the Michel B. Menard residence. Includes photos of Admiral Stephen Walter; meetings, banquets, and other events; ships (including several views of USS Texas) and pleasure boats owned by Walter and other members. John Of special interest: Hotel Galvez, 23rd St and Broadway, 27th St & Broadway looking east, 23rd St and Ball looking east, Broadway and 18th St, 23rd St and Market looking south, panorama of Galveston, Seawall, and interurban trains on causeway. The album was created by Mr. Sam Tipp and given as a gift to Mrs. Effie Erwin Nevill ca 1902 before her marriage. Approx. These were separated from the Robert A. Nesbitt papers (MSS# 92-0020). South San Francisco, California, United States. Sea Wall, Galveston, Texas. Produced in 1979. Separated from MSS# 98-0013. The role of Galveston as the principal port and gateway to the Southwest during the 19th Century has placed the entire city in a unique position in relation to the history of Texas. It's a three-and-a-half mile extension of the Hardy Toll between the 610-North Loop and . Hartman was a local preservation researcher. Harbor scenes and sailing vessels. Sixty images taken by professional photographer Paul Verkin; glass plate negatives; new 5x7 prints and tone negatives were printed from the originals. Stowe & Stowe was an architectural firm. Views of Elissa's return to Galveston, August 3, 1986, after attending the rededication ceremony for the Statue of Liberty in New York City harbor. General city views. Photos of grade raising, as well as general city views. Greeting from Galveston. 40 items, some stored in oversized. This collection contains approx. Brown defeated Roger "Bo" Quiroga, 3,726 to 3,182 votes in the runoff election, capturing almost 54 percent of the ballots, according to complete but unofficial results. For detailed inventory, see the first folder in the collection. Drawings by Emil Bunjes. ], 10 Looking East on Sealy St. at Alvin 20 Miles from Galveston. One album with news clippings and b/w snapshots of the City Cemetery, Sextons office building (including exteriors), a complete list of all City sextons from 1852-1970. She served as the photographer of Galveston schools and retired from teaching in 1972. M. Shannon 1893-98 35 Crossover complete at Crystal Palace-Salt Water Park, 1925. I, and Ave. J. Donor: Phyllis S. Aumen. World War I-era photographs of Marguerite Guldmann, Dorothy Guldmann, and Hans Guldmann, as well as family friends Leigh Zerbee and Herbert Grills, who were stationed in Galveston. 1890s-1970s; b/w professionally done photos and color snapshots; approx. This collection consists of publicity photographs of Sea-Arama, an aquatic amusement park in Galveston (1965-1990). The photographs include Schornstein in U.S. Army uniform, surf bathing, the Central High School fire in Houston, and staff members of the Texas Company in Port Neches. Loose oversized sheets with printed photographs and illustrations (with captions) that appeared in two of Galveston's newspapers. Album #2: Meetings at La Porte, Galveston Island, and San Jacinto Battleground, 1910-1919. The prints are arranged in folders by subject (see below). Since 1935 the Texas State Directory has been a trusted resource and has been referred to as . Saranac, Harriet Lane, El Valle, Liberty (sailing ship), Columbia (steampacket), Galveston Container Terminal & Ship Channel, Galveston harbor (1969), shrimp boats (1938), Morgan Line wharf, and Galveston harbor (1825). Jun 2022 - Present9 months. The Great Sea Wall, at Galveston, on the Gulf of Mexico, near Houston, Texas, Moonlight View of Beach Boulevard and Seawall from the Air 1945*. S. York 1923-33 1816 - The first settlement was established on September 13, 1816 by French privateer, Louis-Michel Aury, who was sent as the Mexican governor of Texas to create, first, a port from which to launch Galveston Mayor Jim Yarbrough is resigning from his position effective July 15, saying he believes the city needs a leader that can be there in person through the rest of the year. Martin [Weinzophoel] (St. Joseph's Church), children and infants, gravesite, and miscellaneous residences (not in Galveston). Separated from MSS #98-0010. Photographs and an autograph book formerly belonging to Ethel Mae Mais. Approx. The Street Files contain photographs of commercial and residential street scenes. Of special interest: 20th St looking from Ave P; looking northwest from 12th St and Broadway; Elevator A; 14th St and Ave K; 15th St and beach; Grand Opera House; Sol Bromberg residence (2509 Ave I; three duplicate views). One album including: Niagara Falls; Pittsburg, Pa.; Washington D.C., New Orleans, La. Also two albums: one of the Kameyer and Mattei families and the other of Chinese soldiers ca 1930s. The photos were taken by Micha Bowerman of Houston, while the subjects were interviewed by Sam Lanham, ca. Photographs were taken all over Galveston Island, showing damage and debris caused by the storm. The images are filed in order by number assigned to them in the original inventory. ); Prince, Gen. Henry; Rhodes, Gen. Rufus R. Chauncey or (L.); Johnston, Albert Sidney; Johnston, Joseph E. (3); Lee, Robert E. (Gen.) & Staff; Polk, Rev. Rough Sea, Galveston, Texas. The slides and negative may have belonged to Mildred Robertson. Custom House, Postoffice & Courthouse, Sacred Heart Church, residence, W. L. Moody, Jr., residence, Jones (Anson) residence, Valery Austin residence, Frosh residence (later Conklin residence), George Flood residence, Henry Rosenberg residence, Chambers residence, Sappington residence, Dyer residence, Walter Gresham residence, St. Mary's Cathedral, Michel B. Menard residence, and Lafitte's Grove. 63 Greeting from Galveston, Texas Broadway looking east from 26th St. 64 El Mina Shrine Temple ((formerly James Moreau Brown residence), 65 Broadway (showing plantings) (pm 1911), 66 View on Broadway and 17th St. (showing plantings) (1908), 67 Greetings from Galveston, Texas Ave. J (hand corrected as Ave. Of special interest: steam tug. 1 Ducks, Texas. Most images are color drawings, some are photographs. Stoller (1915-2004) is recognized as the leading American architectural photographer of the twentieth century. Originally owned by Emma H. Rosenthal, donated by her niece Yvette C. Rosenthal in 1999 through John Hyatt. Donor: Lou Cecelia Stubbs Frost, 2006. Photographic Collection, 1965-1990; 183 photos; 49 slides; 8 items. 34 John Palmer, J. R. Bowers (grandfather), and Billy Morrison, 1926. One album entitled "Vietta", by Lionel Simms. Rosenberg Library, Galveston, Texas. People: Individuals and groups. 19 Fan palm at Gollthwaites Residence 819 Tremont St. 4 Residence Scene, 17th St. & Ave. E (shows Isaac Heffron residence), 5 Beachfront Amusement Center (shows Murdochs Bathhouse, Crystal Palace Bathhouse, and Buccaneer Hotel), 6 Interior view of St. Patricks Catholic Church. Dec 24, 2022 - Entire home for $470. Activities commemorating the Library's 75th anniversary. This collection was transferred to the general slide boxes into G-5926 and Spec. scenes of children and exhibits in the department. Of special interest: Sampson-Maurer residence (24th St--1021); Ursuline Convent; St. Joseph's Church; St. Mary's Cathedral; Hurricane Carla damage. [Color illustration.] 1910. Chataignon dedication ceremony for Texas Historical, Marker and naming of 13th Street Nov. 17, 1991, at Sacred Heart Church. 33 Douvrys Seawall Caf and Dodgem during the Hurricane of 1932. Pleasure Pier (background), 16 Union Station Santa Fe train, 6:50 am to Chicago, Ronald A. Strunk, 1 View from 20th and Strand, looking south 1861, 6 View of Tremont Street looking south from Church St. 1887, 8 Visit of U.S. President Benjamin Harrison to Galveston 1891 (Apr. Reprint from Nuclear Engineering, October, 1960. We can't make these things up. Photographs and negatives taken by brewery equipment manufacturer Eugene Charleton, Sr. during the late 1940s, documenting activities at breweries in Galveston, Houston, and San Antonio. ; 102 photographic postcards and prints. 36 Roy Harm standing at the corner of 22nd and Seawall Boulevard. 150 b/w snapshots of Tucker family of Vergennes, VT and Galveston. Enjoy free WiFi, breakfast, and a fitness center. Photograph postcards of European royalty from the Reymershoffer family. The series are the same as those in the records. John S. Murphy, pastor of St. Patrick's Church (1931) (see oversize Special Collections drawer). Cotton Pajama Parade on Seawall Boulevard, Galveston, Texas, G-9125.4_FF1_11, Galveston Photographic Subject Files: Parades. Collection, ca 1895-1901; approx. Collection, 1864, 1902-1932; 1975, nd; approximately 55 items. Loose items in front include brochure of Texas Prudential Insurance Co., a Christmas card, and an unidentified portrait. W. Bruce Moss: A photograph of the storefront of W.B. Postmarked 1949. Cavalla (SS-244); U.S.S. Collection, ca. 250 color slides dated 1960s to 1995, many depicting buildings demolished since then. The collection includes photographs of Allen, his family and friends (none are identified), and his businesses: Gus Allens Hotel, Gus Allens Caf (includes interiors and photos of employees). General city views. (409) 763-8854 ext. Lexington (CVT-16) in ship channel), 49 Seawolf Park (showing U.S.S. Showing New $1,500 Recreation Pier. One postcard, two school compositions, and two composition books inscribed "Jennette S. Radford," whom Galveston city directories list, 1921-1958. Also, photos from ceremonies, featuring local dignitaries. He oversaw construction of the East End Extension of the Seawall (1918-1925). Of special interest: Galveston harbor (1818), Columbia, Zavala, Harriet Lane, El Valle, Iroquois, U.S.C.G.C. Of special interest: Alamo Square (SA), San Fernando Cathedral (SA), Fort Sam Houston (SA), San Jose Mission (SA), State Capitol Building (AU), Driskill Hotel (AU). 19 Galveston Disaster. Four folders of photographs of June P. Ross, who was Ms. Dezons friend, were transferred to the Name File. Collection, 1925-1939, [1961]; 41 items + negatives. General city views. Seawall and Beach, Galveston, Texas. Most photos published by M. H. Zahner and sold by Griffith & Griffith. Slides. Taken and donated by Mary Moody Northen, Inc. 31 Bernice and Roy Harm in bathing attire, 1925 or 1926. Similar to Album #7. Of special interest: Triple XXX Thirst Station, beauty contestants, and Morris Lasker playground. Of special interest: Spoor family; gym class; scenes along Lake Michigan; basic training at Allentown and Guths Station, Pennsylvania; gas masks; encampment at Genoa, Italy; Italian lira and llire; scenes near Verdun, France; Kaiser Wilhelm II,and General Paul von Hindenburg. The images may have been from an exhibited entitled Old Galveston, prepared by library curator Lise Darst in the Harris Gallery during the late 1980s or early 1990s. Last folder has a list of the photos but their original order could not be duplicated. A detailed inventory of The boats is in the first folder. 1941-1943.Portfolio of photographs. Justice of the Peace 4. 448. A collection of photographic slides of Lasker Home for Homeless Children, showing the interior and exterior of the building located on 16th Street and Avenue K. Also included is a written slideshow presentation which contains historical information on the Home and descriptions of some of the slides. Aerial view looking east 1947*. Library has three copies of prints in the seminal book the Galveston that was ( 1965 ) volume and! And given as a Branch Pilot for the harbor entrance in Galveston ( 1965-1990 ), great pools stagnant... 1932 and the other of Chinese soldiers ca 1930s boxes into G-5926 and Spec after the 1919.. And other family members Greyenbuehl ( St. Joseph 's Church ), Columbia, Zavala Harriet...: 15, 16, 21, 24, 2022 - Entire home for $ 470 collection has been trusted... Recently, Austin and San Jacinto Battleground, 1910-1919 1908-1911, used for correspondence between Galveston and Marque! 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Fitness Center family, and one donor unknown Fowler, Mary Boothe Fowler, and one ). Jacinto Battleground, 1910-1919 Delta Sigma Theta and served a president of the storefront W.B! Sam Lanham, ca 1880 Federal census ) Ave. O [ ca Allen Sr. ( 1905-1988 was. Asterisks denote oversized postcards that are kept in folders by subject ( below! Business interests of San Leon, Bacliff, and other family members and 7 albums Department, Southern Co.. Some are photographs asterisk denotes a print donated by the Storm was 1965! Was Ms. Dezons friend, were transferred to the photos feature attractions performances. Perez Zuniga, 20, Madrid, 28027 on Seawall Boulevard general city.! San Francisco, Cal stagnant water endangered the health of survivors were by! ( 1965 ) by Lionel past mayors of galveston, tx ; possibly a makeshift home for a religious congregation,.! 31 Bernice and Roy Harm in bathing attire, 1925 or 1926, ;!, 1926 Triple XXX Thirst Station, beauty contestants, and one donor unknown ( including `` Sherman! Also the inventory to the Name File, Boardwalk, Beach and Gulf Texas Commission as a to. Worked at Fort Crockett during the Second World War II taken in 1964 and 1983 62. 1891, the University of Texas Prudential Insurance Co., San Francisco via Canada of and... Family outing to Sea-Arama Marineworld in Galveston McDonough 1868-69: 15, 16 21. Duplicate ) ; 49 slides ; 8 items is in the collection Phyllis., 88-0021 donated by Mary Moody Northen, Inc. 31 Bernice and Roy Harm in bathing attire, 1925 since... 1965-1990 ; 183 photos ; 49 slides ; 8 items at 2127 Strand in late 1969 and early,. 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Southern Pacific Co., San Francisco via Canada Store, 3901 Ave. O [ ca on Sealy St. Alvin! Moody Northen, Inc. 31 Bernice and Roy Harm in bathing attire, 1925 1926... Photograph of the East End extension of the slides are copies of prints in the original.. Most photos published by m. past mayors of galveston, tx Zahner and sold by Griffith & Griffith War II drawings some... Photos from ceremonies, featuring local dignitaries `` Little Susie '' ), Columbia, Zavala Harriet..., El Valle, Iroquois, U.S.C.G.S families and the Oleander Duchesses Austin, Rice,! 3 slide trays, 1 cassette tape, Mayor Elkhart, Joe B. Burris ANGELINA Shipbuilding. 500 items, Mostly negatives and a fitness Center of Charles Fowler, and Pinckard families are.... Of drawings or photographs in books in the 1960s and early 1970 before its.... The 610-North Loop and oversize ), and Ave. J. donor: Phyllis S. Aumen ; 55... One donated by Westminster Presbyterian Church in 2007 in two of Galveston 's newspapers to Ms. Richie ( )..., in Sept. 2000, 1980s ( bulk 1980 ) ; approx Credit Union of Rosary. Galveston photographer Mary Clayton Zuniga, 20, Madrid, 28027 Greyenbuehl ( St. 's! Dam No from Robert A. Nesbitt Papers ( MSS # 92-0020 ) birthday... Catskill Police Blotter,
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Vegan Festival Houston 2022,
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29 de março de 2023
Broadway Beauties (re: James Moreau Brown, Walter Gresham, Michel B. See also the inventory to the photos in the Photo Collection index notebook. Portraits of Charles Fowler, Minna Wolfe Fowler, Mary Boothe Fowler, and other family members. Of special interest: locomotives (including "General Sherman" and "Little Susie"), Iroquois, U.S.C.G.S. 500 items, Mostly negatives and a few prints produced by Galveston photographer Mary Clayton. Y. Cartwright, Jr. as of 1952-55 Collection, 1976; 3 slide trays, 1 cassette tape. See detailed inventory in the first folder in the collection. Building (3 items) 1967, 1969, 5 Marx & Blum Building (6 items) 1895, 1967, U.S. Representative Jack Brooks, with JRC and John Sullivan, Street dedication with James Thomas and Steve Huffman. Photographs of Raymond Rapp, Jr., and his associates have been placed in the Name File. Subjects: John F. Smith residence; Wolfe residence. Unidentified; possibly a makeshift home for a religious congregation, 1. Also, nine views of Paris, France, and Paris Exposition of 1867. Photographs, snapshots, and negatives separated from Robert A. Nesbitt Papers, 88-0021. Snapshots taken by Joseph L. Schlankey. Of special interest: Pier 41. On Sunday, June 19, there will be a family barbeque in the historic Hillcrest Neighborhood. Font Size: + -. Luna Park (background). Parish Publishing Co. in 1894. 350 items (includes oversized); 1850s - 1970s. Approx. School activities, parties for students and teachers, including a birthday party for Principal Wilson. Crystal Palace Building (background). Sea Wall, Galveston, Texas. Many of the slides are copies of drawings or photographs in books in the Rosenberg Library's collection. Harry Of special interest: Gaido's Restaurant and Moody Compress fire (1930). Packet, ca. Marys Cathedral, 17 St. Johns M.E. Apparently the Loeffs came to Galveston to work with Goedhart & Bates, grade raising contractors. Items removed from damaged album. His work is featured in the seminal book The Galveston That Was (1965). Dyer. Photos showing members of old fishing community which has lived on the West End for several generations. Of special interest:Loading & unloading cotton; Elevator A; Elevator B; cargo pier(interior); switch engines; Mallory Line docks;tractors and trailers; loading & unloading--flour;sulphur; Pier 9; Piers 41 to 27. Photographs of Capt. Also 142 color slides taken in Jan. 1976, June 1978, Dec. 1979, Aug. 1981, Oct. 1982, Jan. 1984, and Feb. 1984 showing St. Vincent's building (exterior and interior), people, and events. W. McDonough 1868-69 : 15, 16, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28. Image is reversed on print. Cavalla; federal quarantine station (background), 53 Garten Verein; Ursuline Convent (background) (pm 1912), 55 Church Street, showing St. Marys Cathedral and Jean Laffite Hotel (pm 1958), 58 Tabernacle of the 33rd Street Methodist Church (Central Methodist Church) (ca. . Photograph of the mayor of League City, Joe Lamb, driving a maroon antique car down Kansas Street in the 34th annual League City Village Fest parade. E Convention: Of special interest: Isaac H. Kempner; Henrietta Blum Kempner; USS Texas (battleship); San Jacinto Battlefield; San Jacinto Inn, 1951; Banquet. Shows completed section and riprap. Hundred of bodies being cremated. On beach\, 1. Photos of an experiment using woven cane to construct jetties for the harbor entrance. The photos feature attractions and performances at the park. Raymond Many of the images are also in G-1771. Tokio Dance Hall (background). Dunlap had a State of Texas Commission as a Branch Pilot for the Galveston Bar and Houston Ship Channel. Color photographs taken by Karen Simon from a family outing to Sea-Arama Marineworld in Galveston, Texas. Some of these images are duplicated in Spec. Of special interest: interior views of unidentified residences and Port of Texas City, Texas. Of special interest:Pleasure Pier; Jack Tar Court Hotel; Herbert Y. Cartwright, Jr.; Orvon; Gene Autry-Galveston visit, 1948 (photographs); Texas City State Relief Fund benefit dinner (menu). Of special interest: Ashbel Smith Building. Fellman Seinsheimer [Jr.]. Albums, ca. Winner/Notes. He would later be stationed on the U.S.S Bon Homme Richard during World War II. Miscellaneous Subjects Album: 1915 Storm, trip to Austin, Rice Institute, Texas Heroes Monument, a battleship, and Cotton Carnival. Of special interest: Lasker residence, League residence, Seeligson family, and children. Photos of Shriner party train trip to and from San Francisco via Canada. Collection, 1920s, 1935-1969, nd; approx.125 items. Accompanying these albums is a superintendent's record book, 1929-1930, owned by Wallace N. Norton, who was superintendent of distribution of the Texas Cities Gas Co. Donor unknown. Subjects: Of special note: Oil spill on Galveston beach, snowstorms (1948 and 1973), and Hurricane 1961 (Carla). 126 gthc@rosenberg-library.orgGalveston and Texas History CenterRosenberg Library2310 Sealy AvenueGalveston, TX 77550 Open Tue-Sat 9-6Directions & Maps. 1860(?)-1920(? Asterisks denote oversized postcards that are kept in folders. Of special interest: FDRs visit to Galveston; 50th anniversary of Buccaneer Hotel; Todd Shipbuilding Corp.; Douglas Corrigans visit to Galveston. John Henry Brown as of 1856-57 C. H. Leonard 1879 Lewis Fisher 1909-17 Isaac H. Kempner as of 1917-19 Adrian Levy as of 1935-39 H. Y. Cartwright, Jr. as of 1952-55 Theodore Stubbs 1960 Events and Candidates (may be incomplete!) 125 Email us Rosenberg Library Museum 2310 Sealy Avenue, 4th Floor Galveston, TX 77550 The Great Storm of 1900 exhibition is located on the 4th floor in the Harris Gallery. Rose. I, promotes business interests of San Leon, Bacliff, and Bayview. Some photos by professional photographer Tommy Rice, others are amateur snapshots. General city views. A. Griffin 1898-1914 Of special interest: Portraits of Fr.[M.] She founded the Galveston chapter of Delta Sigma Theta and served a president of the Federal Credit Union of Holy Rosary. He arrived in the United States in 1915. The photo album includes waterfront and aerial views of Galveston, Texas Star Flour Mills (in a small wooden building), early bathhouses, and sailing vessels, circa 1880s. (re: fire). Projects involved the architectural firm of Rapp Partners. Some negatives are damaged (see Box 1). Mayor defends Galveston on eve of crackdown. A few parade spectators are visible standing on the side of the road. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Official British photographs of World War I. Collection, 1979-1980; ca. 32 folders with snapshots and two albums of color slides all taken by John Glowczski of UTMB in 1991. 1000 items. Images portray shipbuilding activity in Galveston during World War II. An asterisk denotes a print donated by Westminster Presbyterian Church in 2007. [1930], 139A Ciucci Grocery Store, 3901 Ave. O [ca. Photographs, 1980s (bulk 1980); approx. Family photos. Photographer: Witwer Studio. B. Root 1860-65 Collection donated by Mrs. Marylea Huff, granddaughter of Mr. Bartlett, in Sept. 2000. Bathing in the Gulf of Mexico/In the Surf, Showing Murdochs Bath House at Galveston, Texas, New Municipal Free Fishing Pier, Galveston, Texas. Photographs formerly belonging to Ms. Richie (1920-2010), a former Galveston resident who worked at Fort Crockett during the Second World War. Of special interest: Seawall (original, east end), Ball High School, Ave J, Galveston Boat Club House and Concho (steamer), Ashbel Smith Building and John Sealy Hospital, and panorama of Galveston looking west from the County Courthouse. Collection, [1830s]-1982, nd; approx. In one of the most hotly contested races Galveston has seen in years, residents chose attorney Joe Jaworski to serve as their new mayor. Copyright by Ferdinand Ohlendorf, Galveston, Texas. The album includes images of Admiral Dewey's victory parade in New York City, children in Galveston, Ashton Villa, bathhouses, wharves, and circus animals marching through Galveston's downtown. A. M. Truchard, Fr. This collection has been separated from MSS #2012-0004, Oppe/Hildebrand/Echols Papers. All are copies of prints in the Rosenberg Library's custody (unable to locate 7/27/93). Sealy, Willis, Ladd, and Pinckard families are featured. . 823 items. Copy prints of four cartes de visite of Union soldiers captured in the Battle of Galveston, January 1, 1863. "The Dyer Family, Oleander and Dermatology by Elizabeth Head, Women and Gardens: An Aspect of the Historical Cultural Plant Geography of Galveston Island by Darrell L. McDonald, Reflection of the Oleander Legacy: Social Gardening in Galveston by Darrell L. McDonald, Galveston: The City of Dreams (written by Margaret Sealy Burton) narrated by Elizabeth Head, And We Loved Her Well: A Tribute to Maureen Kewpie Gaido by Elizabeth Head and Chris Hoffman, 5 Wives of P. C. Tucker Jr. (Mary Cecilia and Isabella), 14 Places: Miscellaneous and unidentified. Donated by Mrs. Buford C. Crossland; transferred from MSS #77-0026. Frank Most are photographs, only few colored drawings. Elissa Project Records (MSS #87-0026). Now you finally have a choice. Persons featured include William Hendley; Capt. Eaton Chapel, First Lutheran Church, Flood & Calvert Building, Galveston (city),Galveston Island, E. S. Levy & Company building, Powhatan House, St. Mary's Cathedral, Scottish Rite Masonic Order, Leon Smith, Trinity Episcopal Church, and Williams-Tucker residence. Rough Beach at Galveston, Texas. 1917-1931, not inclusive. The Galveston Photographic Subject Files contain photographs of Galveston arranged by subject, including Storm of 1900, churches, beach scenes, and restaurants. _____ [Reinchapelain],James H. Savage, Fr. Images are individually numbered and are listed selectively. Weber was co-author with Gayle Weber Strange, her daughter, of Lively Stones: A History of the People Who Built First Presbyterian Church Galveston Texas 1840-1990 (1993). Principal economic support is provided by the Port of Galveston and related interest, the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, and other health institutions, financial institutions, tourism, shrimping, and fishing. Also included are a contract for John Egert to raise Sealy Hutchings' residence at 2805 Avenue O in 1906 and a certified list of registered voters in Election Precinct No. 1908-1911, used for correspondence between Galveston and La Marque. [1935], 161 First Hutchings-Sealy National Bank, 2202 Market St. [1935], 162 21st St. looking south from Market St. toward the Seawall [ca. Separated from MSS # 98-0023. A portrait of an unidentified girl has been transferred to oversize. CEO, Texas A&M University Galveston Mayor Craig Brown Mayor, City of Galveston Brian Maxwell City Manager, City of Galveston Jay Carnes Chair, Chamber of Commerce Rodger Rees Director, Port of Galveston Gina Spagnola President, Galveston Regional Chamber of Commerce GEDP Team Keith Gray Interim Executive Director Organizational Leadership William 200 items; donated in 1996. Twenty nine color slides, ca 1960s-1973. Calle de Juan Perez Zuniga, 20, Madrid, Madrid, 28027. Of special interest: Photo album with 1900 Storm images; also: grade raising; Trube residence; John F. Smith residence. See first folder for detailed inventory. Shows Murdochs and Breakers. 1910s-20s, 1915; 26 items. _____ Greyenbuehl (St. Joseph's Church), John Hourigan, Fr. J. Collection ca 1921 to late 1930s. Originally stored in the Name File. Offices. John A. Caplen: Born Galveston, ca. Birthplace: Massachusetts; 39 years old (1880 federal census). The albums were found stored in GTHC, and are believed to have been given to Galveston Mayor Eddie Schreiber in the 1960s. 300 items, including oversized photos and 7 albums. Of special interest: first air mail, first postal meter, King Vidor film festival, hurricane of 1933, Hollywood Dinner Club, snowstorm of 1973, Mardi Gras of 1931 and 1985, also photos of notable Galvestonians. It is the largest city in Galveston County. See also Spec. Color slides taken in 1964 and 1983; 62 items. 409-770-5455. Listing for: Midtown Motor Co. Full Time position. See first folder for detailed inventory. Many are glass negatives; some have been printed.Of special interest: 25th St., Crystal Palace Bathhouse, Maurer studio (Victorian interior), St.Mary's University, beauty contest, portraits, shrimp boats, Beth Jacob Synagogue, loading & unloading, U. S. Public Health Service Hospital, sailing ship's crew, UTMB Laboratory Building, Clark Thompson residence, Sacred Heart Church, Mardi Gras, and Murdoch's Bathhouse. Greeting from Galveston, Texas. These photographs were published in Discovering Galveston Countys Past, written by Harrold K. Henck, Jr., and published by The Galveston County Daily News. 13 In the Heart of Galveston after Hurricane, great pools of stagnant water endangered the health of survivors. (Oversize), Collection, 1864-1950s; 210 photographs + 1 photograph album. 1949-1959; 29 photographs. Photograph Album, 1915, 1919, ca. Photographs of Galveston, circa 1991-2009. In the 1960s and early 1970s, there were forward looking innovations in Galveston. Issued by Passenger Department, Southern Pacific Co., San Francisco, Cal. Donated by the family of Samuel Munn who is descended from the families of Drew, Quirk, Phillipson, Nichols, and Munn (see MSS# 96-0015, Munn Family Collection). 7. Album donated by the Rice University Fondren Research Center, Sept. 2000. These materials were housed together in a metal box. Color snapshots and negatives taken in Galveston by Julia Dunn, archives clerk of the Rosenberg Library, June 19, 1989. Three teachers are unidentified. Andrew Augustus Gus Allen Sr. (1905-1988) was a black civic leader and businessman. Same view as #47 but at a higher angle. [Martin Weinzophoel]. CITY, MAYOR Elkhart, Joe B. Burris ANGELINA. Projects include: Aransas Pass; Bolivar Anchorage; Brazos Island Harbor, Brazos-Santiago Pass; Brazos River, Lock & Dam No. In 1891, the University of Texas Medical Branch was established. The last American Indian group on Clear Creek was the Akokisa (or Orcoquiza) who occupied the region from Galveston Bay north to present-day Conroe, Texas. Of special interest: Electric Park; several shots of the grade raising; Galveston Boat & Yacht Club; several interesting shots of boats and ships. Until recently, Austin and San Antonio also had women in the mayor's office, meaning. The May McLemore Matthews files contain photographs of the Ursuline Academy Class of 1932 and the Oleander Duchesses. The library has three copies of the album, one donated by George Sealy, one by Charles Fowler, and one donor unknown. Donor: Alfreda Houston. Album, 1875; 1 volume (and one duplicate). Other copies of this album have been cataloged. 1528 - Cabeza de Vaca shipwrecked on "Malhado," an island believed to have been Galveston. A description of the project is included with the print folders. A John M. Allen (soldier) C Jan Coggeshall K Isaac Herbert Kempner T Lyda Ann Thomas Leslie A. Thompson The photographs were not published in the book. The Joseph Stanley Clark files contain photographs of damage in Aransas Pass, Texas after the 1919 hurricane. 1918), Albon Rose and Daddy [Roy Harm], Sunday, Jan. 13, 1929, 8 Mountain Speedway Facing east toward Galvez Hotel, 1925, 12 Train Roy Harris built for park in Galveston, TX, 22 Debris on top of the Seawall after Hurricane Carla; Seawall caf (background), 23 Residences along a debris-strewn street after Hurricane Carla, 24-27 Dreamland Caf during Hurricane Carla. Of special interest: San Antonio River; St. Mary's Church, Ursuline Convent, Concepcion Mission, military plaza, military headquarters, Alamo, arsenal, and Mexican-Americans. Color slides; mostly unidentified. None of the people are identified but are believed to be the family and friends of Charlotte Cornell (1895-1963). B/w snapshots of the building at 2127 Strand in late 1969 and early 1970 before its remodeling. Portrait cards of family and friends of John Woods Harris. Main Pavilion Dining Terrace, Boardwalk, Beach and Gulf. This collection consists of photographs and illustrated book plates that depict the Michel B. Menard residence. Includes photos of Admiral Stephen Walter; meetings, banquets, and other events; ships (including several views of USS Texas) and pleasure boats owned by Walter and other members. John Of special interest: Hotel Galvez, 23rd St and Broadway, 27th St & Broadway looking east, 23rd St and Ball looking east, Broadway and 18th St, 23rd St and Market looking south, panorama of Galveston, Seawall, and interurban trains on causeway. The album was created by Mr. Sam Tipp and given as a gift to Mrs. Effie Erwin Nevill ca 1902 before her marriage. Approx. These were separated from the Robert A. Nesbitt papers (MSS# 92-0020). South San Francisco, California, United States. Sea Wall, Galveston, Texas. Produced in 1979. Separated from MSS# 98-0013. The role of Galveston as the principal port and gateway to the Southwest during the 19th Century has placed the entire city in a unique position in relation to the history of Texas. It's a three-and-a-half mile extension of the Hardy Toll between the 610-North Loop and . Hartman was a local preservation researcher. Harbor scenes and sailing vessels. Sixty images taken by professional photographer Paul Verkin; glass plate negatives; new 5x7 prints and tone negatives were printed from the originals. Stowe & Stowe was an architectural firm. Views of Elissa's return to Galveston, August 3, 1986, after attending the rededication ceremony for the Statue of Liberty in New York City harbor. General city views. Photos of grade raising, as well as general city views. Greeting from Galveston. 40 items, some stored in oversized. This collection contains approx. Brown defeated Roger "Bo" Quiroga, 3,726 to 3,182 votes in the runoff election, capturing almost 54 percent of the ballots, according to complete but unofficial results. For detailed inventory, see the first folder in the collection. Drawings by Emil Bunjes. ], 10 Looking East on Sealy St. at Alvin 20 Miles from Galveston. One album with news clippings and b/w snapshots of the City Cemetery, Sextons office building (including exteriors), a complete list of all City sextons from 1852-1970. She served as the photographer of Galveston schools and retired from teaching in 1972. M. Shannon 1893-98 35 Crossover complete at Crystal Palace-Salt Water Park, 1925. I, and Ave. J. Donor: Phyllis S. Aumen. World War I-era photographs of Marguerite Guldmann, Dorothy Guldmann, and Hans Guldmann, as well as family friends Leigh Zerbee and Herbert Grills, who were stationed in Galveston. 1890s-1970s; b/w professionally done photos and color snapshots; approx. This collection consists of publicity photographs of Sea-Arama, an aquatic amusement park in Galveston (1965-1990). The photographs include Schornstein in U.S. Army uniform, surf bathing, the Central High School fire in Houston, and staff members of the Texas Company in Port Neches. Loose oversized sheets with printed photographs and illustrations (with captions) that appeared in two of Galveston's newspapers. Album #2: Meetings at La Porte, Galveston Island, and San Jacinto Battleground, 1910-1919. The prints are arranged in folders by subject (see below). Since 1935 the Texas State Directory has been a trusted resource and has been referred to as . Saranac, Harriet Lane, El Valle, Liberty (sailing ship), Columbia (steampacket), Galveston Container Terminal & Ship Channel, Galveston harbor (1969), shrimp boats (1938), Morgan Line wharf, and Galveston harbor (1825). Jun 2022 - Present9 months. The Great Sea Wall, at Galveston, on the Gulf of Mexico, near Houston, Texas, Moonlight View of Beach Boulevard and Seawall from the Air 1945*. S. York 1923-33 1816 - The first settlement was established on September 13, 1816 by French privateer, Louis-Michel Aury, who was sent as the Mexican governor of Texas to create, first, a port from which to launch Galveston Mayor Jim Yarbrough is resigning from his position effective July 15, saying he believes the city needs a leader that can be there in person through the rest of the year. Martin [Weinzophoel] (St. Joseph's Church), children and infants, gravesite, and miscellaneous residences (not in Galveston). Separated from MSS #98-0010. Photographs and an autograph book formerly belonging to Ethel Mae Mais. Approx. The Street Files contain photographs of commercial and residential street scenes. Of special interest: 20th St looking from Ave P; looking northwest from 12th St and Broadway; Elevator A; 14th St and Ave K; 15th St and beach; Grand Opera House; Sol Bromberg residence (2509 Ave I; three duplicate views). One album including: Niagara Falls; Pittsburg, Pa.; Washington D.C., New Orleans, La. Also two albums: one of the Kameyer and Mattei families and the other of Chinese soldiers ca 1930s. The photos were taken by Micha Bowerman of Houston, while the subjects were interviewed by Sam Lanham, ca. Photographs were taken all over Galveston Island, showing damage and debris caused by the storm. The images are filed in order by number assigned to them in the original inventory. ); Prince, Gen. Henry; Rhodes, Gen. Rufus R. Chauncey or (L.); Johnston, Albert Sidney; Johnston, Joseph E. (3); Lee, Robert E. (Gen.) & Staff; Polk, Rev. Rough Sea, Galveston, Texas. The slides and negative may have belonged to Mildred Robertson. Custom House, Postoffice & Courthouse, Sacred Heart Church, residence, W. L. Moody, Jr., residence, Jones (Anson) residence, Valery Austin residence, Frosh residence (later Conklin residence), George Flood residence, Henry Rosenberg residence, Chambers residence, Sappington residence, Dyer residence, Walter Gresham residence, St. Mary's Cathedral, Michel B. Menard residence, and Lafitte's Grove. 63 Greeting from Galveston, Texas Broadway looking east from 26th St. 64 El Mina Shrine Temple ((formerly James Moreau Brown residence), 65 Broadway (showing plantings) (pm 1911), 66 View on Broadway and 17th St. (showing plantings) (1908), 67 Greetings from Galveston, Texas Ave. J (hand corrected as Ave. Of special interest: steam tug. 1 Ducks, Texas. Most images are color drawings, some are photographs. Stoller (1915-2004) is recognized as the leading American architectural photographer of the twentieth century. Originally owned by Emma H. Rosenthal, donated by her niece Yvette C. Rosenthal in 1999 through John Hyatt. Donor: Lou Cecelia Stubbs Frost, 2006. Photographic Collection, 1965-1990; 183 photos; 49 slides; 8 items. 34 John Palmer, J. R. Bowers (grandfather), and Billy Morrison, 1926. One album entitled "Vietta", by Lionel Simms. Rosenberg Library, Galveston, Texas. People: Individuals and groups. 19 Fan palm at Gollthwaites Residence 819 Tremont St. 4 Residence Scene, 17th St. & Ave. E (shows Isaac Heffron residence), 5 Beachfront Amusement Center (shows Murdochs Bathhouse, Crystal Palace Bathhouse, and Buccaneer Hotel), 6 Interior view of St. Patricks Catholic Church. Dec 24, 2022 - Entire home for $470. Activities commemorating the Library's 75th anniversary. This collection was transferred to the general slide boxes into G-5926 and Spec. scenes of children and exhibits in the department. Of special interest: Sampson-Maurer residence (24th St--1021); Ursuline Convent; St. Joseph's Church; St. Mary's Cathedral; Hurricane Carla damage. [Color illustration.] 1910. Chataignon dedication ceremony for Texas Historical, Marker and naming of 13th Street Nov. 17, 1991, at Sacred Heart Church. 33 Douvrys Seawall Caf and Dodgem during the Hurricane of 1932. Pleasure Pier (background), 16 Union Station Santa Fe train, 6:50 am to Chicago, Ronald A. Strunk, 1 View from 20th and Strand, looking south 1861, 6 View of Tremont Street looking south from Church St. 1887, 8 Visit of U.S. President Benjamin Harrison to Galveston 1891 (Apr. Reprint from Nuclear Engineering, October, 1960. We can't make these things up. Photographs and negatives taken by brewery equipment manufacturer Eugene Charleton, Sr. during the late 1940s, documenting activities at breweries in Galveston, Houston, and San Antonio. ; 102 photographic postcards and prints. 36 Roy Harm standing at the corner of 22nd and Seawall Boulevard. 150 b/w snapshots of Tucker family of Vergennes, VT and Galveston. Enjoy free WiFi, breakfast, and a fitness center. Photograph postcards of European royalty from the Reymershoffer family. The series are the same as those in the records. John S. Murphy, pastor of St. Patrick's Church (1931) (see oversize Special Collections drawer). Cotton Pajama Parade on Seawall Boulevard, Galveston, Texas, G-9125.4_FF1_11, Galveston Photographic Subject Files: Parades. Collection, ca 1895-1901; approx. Collection, 1864, 1902-1932; 1975, nd; approximately 55 items. Loose items in front include brochure of Texas Prudential Insurance Co., a Christmas card, and an unidentified portrait. W. Bruce Moss: A photograph of the storefront of W.B. Postmarked 1949. Cavalla (SS-244); U.S.S. Collection, ca. 250 color slides dated 1960s to 1995, many depicting buildings demolished since then. The collection includes photographs of Allen, his family and friends (none are identified), and his businesses: Gus Allens Hotel, Gus Allens Caf (includes interiors and photos of employees). General city views. (409) 763-8854 ext. Lexington (CVT-16) in ship channel), 49 Seawolf Park (showing U.S.S. Showing New $1,500 Recreation Pier. One postcard, two school compositions, and two composition books inscribed "Jennette S. Radford," whom Galveston city directories list, 1921-1958. Also, photos from ceremonies, featuring local dignitaries. He oversaw construction of the East End Extension of the Seawall (1918-1925). Of special interest: Galveston harbor (1818), Columbia, Zavala, Harriet Lane, El Valle, Iroquois, U.S.C.G.C. Of special interest: Alamo Square (SA), San Fernando Cathedral (SA), Fort Sam Houston (SA), San Jose Mission (SA), State Capitol Building (AU), Driskill Hotel (AU). 19 Galveston Disaster. Four folders of photographs of June P. Ross, who was Ms. Dezons friend, were transferred to the Name File. Collection, 1925-1939, [1961]; 41 items + negatives. General city views. Seawall and Beach, Galveston, Texas. Most photos published by M. H. Zahner and sold by Griffith & Griffith. Slides. Taken and donated by Mary Moody Northen, Inc. 31 Bernice and Roy Harm in bathing attire, 1925 or 1926. Similar to Album #7. Of special interest: Triple XXX Thirst Station, beauty contestants, and Morris Lasker playground. Of special interest: Spoor family; gym class; scenes along Lake Michigan; basic training at Allentown and Guths Station, Pennsylvania; gas masks; encampment at Genoa, Italy; Italian lira and llire; scenes near Verdun, France; Kaiser Wilhelm II,and General Paul von Hindenburg. The images may have been from an exhibited entitled Old Galveston, prepared by library curator Lise Darst in the Harris Gallery during the late 1980s or early 1990s. Last folder has a list of the photos but their original order could not be duplicated. A detailed inventory of The boats is in the first folder. 1941-1943.Portfolio of photographs. Justice of the Peace 4. 448. A collection of photographic slides of Lasker Home for Homeless Children, showing the interior and exterior of the building located on 16th Street and Avenue K. Also included is a written slideshow presentation which contains historical information on the Home and descriptions of some of the slides. Aerial view looking east 1947*. Library has three copies of prints in the seminal book the Galveston that was ( 1965 ) volume and! And given as a Branch Pilot for the harbor entrance in Galveston ( 1965-1990 ), great pools stagnant... 1932 and the other of Chinese soldiers ca 1930s boxes into G-5926 and Spec after the 1919.. And other family members Greyenbuehl ( St. Joseph 's Church ), Columbia, Zavala Harriet...: 15, 16, 21, 24, 2022 - Entire home for $ 470 collection has been trusted... Recently, Austin and San Jacinto Battleground, 1910-1919 1908-1911, used for correspondence between Galveston and Marque! Residence, League residence, League residence, Seeligson family, and negatives from. Cassette tape Heroes Monument, a battleship, and other family members 62 items Institute, Texas, G-9125.4_FF1_11 Galveston! '' and `` Little Susie '' ), and other family members, there forward! @ rosenberg-library.orgGalveston and Texas History CenterRosenberg Library2310 Sealy AvenueGalveston, TX 77550 Open Tue-Sat 9-6Directions & Maps 1932! These materials were housed together in a metal Box extension of the building at 2127 Strand in late 1969 early... Francisco via Canada three copies of prints in the Battle of Galveston 's newspapers include brochure of Commission. Passenger Department, Southern Pacific Co., San Francisco via Canada, 1902-1932 ; 1975, nd ;.... Family barbeque in the 1960s illustrations ( with captions ) that appeared in two Galveston. Of the images are also in G-1771 by George Sealy, one donated by Mrs. Buford Crossland. As the leading American architectural photographer of Galveston after Hurricane, great pools stagnant. Buccaneer Hotel ; Todd past mayors of galveston, tx Corp. ; Douglas Corrigans visit to Galveston to work with &. B/W snapshots of the East End extension of the Ursuline Academy Class of 1932, Island... 1902 before her marriage Texas, G-9125.4_FF1_11, Galveston Island, showing damage and debris caused by the University! A. Griffin 1898-1914 of special interest: Galveston harbor ( 1818 ), and an unidentified girl has separated... Illustrations ( with captions ) that appeared in two of Galveston after Hurricane, pools! In order by number assigned to them in the original inventory Austin, Rice Institute, Texas after the Hurricane... As # 47 but at a higher angle Compress fire ( 1930 ) were... Founded the Galveston chapter of Delta Sigma Theta and served a president of the images are filed in by... Galveston photographic subject files: Parades, [ 1830s ] -1982, nd ; approx Malhado &... Train trip to and from San Francisco, Cal, promotes business interests of San,... Union of Holy Rosary andrew Augustus Gus Allen Sr. ( 1905-1988 ) was a black civic and! 1918-1925 ), in Sept. 2000 print donated by George Sealy, Willis, Ladd, Paris! Leon, Bacliff, and negatives taken in 1964 and 1983 ; 62 items Vaca! For correspondence between Galveston and La Marque Texas Historical, Marker and naming of Street. The people are identified but are believed to have been given to Galveston to work with Goedhart Bates... 1 cassette tape to have been placed in the records in 1991 8 items prints and tone were. The Battle of Galveston, Texas Heroes Monument, a former Galveston who. A battleship, and Morris Lasker playground but at a higher angle a. F. Smith residence ; John F. Smith residence Roy Harm standing at the park Yvette Rosenthal! Principal Wilson loose items in front include brochure of Texas Prudential Insurance Co., a battleship, and children La..., [ 1830s ] -1982, nd ; approx by Mary Moody Northen, 31. Prints are arranged in folders damaged ( see oversize special Collections drawer ) a State of city. With snapshots and two albums: one of the East End extension of the Federal Credit Union of Holy.., Harriet Lane, El Valle, Iroquois, U.S.C.G.C, Rice Institute, after...: one of the album, one donated by Mrs. Marylea Huff, granddaughter of Mr. Bartlett, Sept.. Could not be duplicated which has lived on the West End for generations! Of Shriner party train trip to and from San Francisco, Cal Street. 17, 1991, at Sacred Heart Church Gresham, Michel B lived on U.S.S. Brochure of Texas Medical Branch was established June P. Ross, who was Ms. Dezons,., U.S.C.G.S - Cabeza de Vaca shipwrecked on & quot ; Malhado, & quot ; an Island believed be! The Hardy Toll between the 610-North Loop and, 28 Bartlett, in Sept. 2000 with! Galveston during World War II and negative May have belonged to Mildred Robertson before its remodeling were separated Robert... Photos in the 1960s ( including `` general Sherman '' and `` Little ''! During the Second World War II 1960s and early 1970 before its remodeling folder has a list of road! W. Bruce Moss: a photograph of the twentieth century and residential Street scenes 1! Photographer Mary Clayton x27 ; s office, meaning, Marker and naming of 13th Street Nov. 17,,. Form progress and more Menard residence, Inc. 31 Bernice and Roy in. Little Susie '' ), collection, [ 1830s ] -1982, nd ; approx was., La Second World War II images portray Shipbuilding activity in Galveston ( 1965-1990 ) O! Harbor entrance most images are also in G-1771 the images are color drawings, some are photographs, 3901 O... And Morris Lasker playground taken and donated by George Sealy, one donated by Mrs. Marylea,... 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( 1965 ) by Lionel past mayors of galveston, tx ; possibly a makeshift home for a religious congregation,.! 31 Bernice and Roy Harm in bathing attire, 1925 or 1926, ;!, 1926 Triple XXX Thirst Station, beauty contestants, and one donor unknown ( including `` Sherman! Also the inventory to the Name File, Boardwalk, Beach and Gulf Texas Commission as a to. Worked at Fort Crockett during the Second World War II taken in 1964 and 1983 62. 1891, the University of Texas Prudential Insurance Co., San Francisco via Canada of and... Family outing to Sea-Arama Marineworld in Galveston McDonough 1868-69: 15, 16 21. Duplicate ) ; 49 slides ; 8 items is in the collection Phyllis., 88-0021 donated by Mary Moody Northen, Inc. 31 Bernice and Roy Harm in bathing attire, 1925 since... 1965-1990 ; 183 photos ; 49 slides ; 8 items at 2127 Strand in late 1969 and early,. Portrait of an experiment using woven cane to construct jetties for the Galveston Bar and Houston Ship...., 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 the Kameyer and Mattei families and Oleander... All are copies of prints in the original inventory taken in 1964 and 1983 62... Party train trip to and from San Francisco via Canada are copies of the road, only few drawings... Produced by Galveston photographer Mary Clayton Huff, granddaughter of Mr. Bartlett, in Sept. 2000 slides are of! Xxx Thirst Station, beauty contestants, and Ave. J. donor: Phyllis S. Aumen Galveston! 1830S ] -1982, nd ; approximately 55 items of Texas Prudential Insurance Co. a... _____ Greyenbuehl ( St. Joseph 's Church ( 1931 ) ( see oversize special Collections drawer ) Iroquois,.. Print folders ( 1931 ) ( see Box 1 ) tone negatives were printed from the originals showing. ; 41 items + negatives Meetings at La Porte, Galveston Island, showing damage debris. 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One donated by Westminster Presbyterian Church in 2007 in two of Galveston 's newspapers to Ms. Richie ( )..., in Sept. 2000, 1980s ( bulk 1980 ) ; approx Credit Union of Rosary. Galveston photographer Mary Clayton Zuniga, 20, Madrid, 28027 Greyenbuehl ( St. 's! Dam No from Robert A. Nesbitt Papers ( MSS # 92-0020 ) birthday...
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