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typhuss james halliwell
They arrived on the ship when they realized that it was jumping to several alternate realities. Typhuss and Caitlin Todd formed a friendship in 2360 when Typhuss joined SCIS. Captain Kira had a adversarial relationship with Commander Jonathan Ellis. Eventually, a peace agreement was signed between the two powers, which included the return of all prisoners of war. The next day Typhuss and Vala started to date. In 2377, after Typhuss returned to Earth, he became Olivia's partner again in SVU. In 2366, Olivia and Typhuss were ordered to track down former Starfleet Lieutenant Milo Surgant and former Cardassian Glinn Betras again. Soon after moving to Deep Space 9, Leeta became immediately attracted to Typhuss James Halliwell and kissed him to be close to him. T'Uerell believed that everything she had done, including the deaths of many Starfleet personnel, had been for the greater good. The crew was beamed to Voyager for medical attention and the Voyager crew attempted to repair the Equinox. Typhuss also took classes such as Engineering, Klingon Physiology, Survival Strategies, Temporal Mechanics and Transporter Theory in his third year at the academy. Typhuss was married to a Bajoran dabo girl named Leeta. Upon graduation in 2354, Typhuss was assigned to duty aboard Starbase 32 as science officer. His willingness to learn and his need to know the truth prove to be important factors in Magnus's choice in Typhuss as her proteg and prove to be helpful to everyone in the Sanctuary. Intendant Kira had a great affection for Typhuss, who in contrast views Intendant Kira with a tremendous amount of disdain and distrust. While Typhuss initially refused to take part in the proposed investigation, his recurring nightmares eventually convinced him to join the mission and confront his fears. They came to Earth with two plans; the re-activated Doomsday machine which, piloted by Seven attacked the cube, inflicting huge damage. Chiggers spread scrub typhus, fleas spread murine typhus, and body lice spread epidemic typhus. She, the Doctor, Kim and Kes then examined the virus that poisoned the planet and found that it was not native to Praja. (Star Trek: Intrepid). Moments before the ship was destroyed with all hands, Tuvok transmitted these sensor readings to Starfleet Command, enabling the Federation to develop countermeasures against the phased polaron beam weapons. Amanda Tapping's second affair (1998-2016) was the second affair Amanda Tapping had during her marriage. Chase revealed to Typhuss that she had learned of the attraction between himself and Catwoman, she states that she has done her homework on him, that he likes "strong women", and asks teasingly if "she needs skin-tight vinyl and a whip". They always go to each other for advice. Now acting-captain Chakotay reorganized the senior staff and Typhuss was given Tom Paris's old position at conn. (VOY - String Theory novel: Evolution), In 2375, the USS Voyager entered Devore space, carrying a number of telepathic Brenari refugees, who they had rescued from a freighter. Halliwell then piloted the ship until it rammed into the Romulan warbird, severely damaging it. Both persons were on the Enterprise preparing plans to resist. Chase took Typhuss to her apartment and had some wine with him. (Star Trek: Voyager episode: "Hunters"), In 2374, while exploring a toxic, Demon-class planet, Paris, Halliwell and Kim came into contact with the planet's atmosphere and were bioformed. (VOY episode: "Counterpoint"), Later that year, Lieutenant Commander Tuvok, Ensign Tom Paris, Lieutenant Halliwell and The Doctor were on a shuttle mission in a shuttle when they encountered a subspace sinkhole which damaged their engines and threw them into a subspace pocket, within which was a three-planet system. The conflict took place over several border planets, including Castal I and Galen IV. Typhuss was named after his great great grandfather, Typhuss James Halliwell who was the Captain of the USS Excalibur in 2278. Janeway then gave Chakotay and Neelix bands that to help them return. (Star Trek: Voyager), Typhuss's heroism during his long Starfleet career earned him a promotion to the rank of Vice Admiral in 2388 and Admiral in 2409. By 2390, Typhuss was in command of the USS Hoshi Sato. His wife Kira and his friends from Team Arrow, Oliver Queen, John Diggle, Felicity Smoak and Dinah Drake visit him in sickbay on the Intrepid. Kohlar, who was attempting to buy time for repairs, replied to Voyager's hail. Typhuss and Jennifer Shepard formed a friendship in 2354, after he joined Starfleet Intelligence. Typhuss and the others rescued Seven, awarded by Captain Janeway in 2375. Tom and Typhuss decide to remain friends. Because the Nehret is only contagious to Klingons, she and the baby became infected. Typhuss also took classes such as Forensic Psychology, Basic Warp Design, Advanced hand-to-hand combat and Early Starfleet History in his fourth year at the academy. Typhuss James Halliwell is a male Human Starfleet officer in the 24th century who is the husband of Laurel Lance-Halliwell, he is the son-in-law of Quentin Lance and Dinah Lance and the brother-in-law of Sara Lance . He is currently Captain of the USS Defiant. (VOY episode: "Fair Haven"), In the year 2376, the USS Voyager received Anticipation's distress signal when it entered the sector. Unknown to Vala a the time the "hot man" was in fact Typhuss James Halliwell. Upon receiving news from Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the existence of the weapon, Admiral Janeway immediately ordered the vessels nearest to his position to the Bassen Rift, hoping the interference would stop the Remans from calling for reinforcements. The most common symptoms are fever, headaches, and sometimes rash. The silver blood would not let Voyager leave unless it could duplicate the rest of Voyager's crew to populate the planet. In 2350, Typhuss fell in love with Helen Magnus after she saved his life. In 2377, after Typhuss was promoted to Captain, Elias Vaughn who had long struggled against Section 31 during his lengthy Starfleet career, recruited Typhuss into the elite, secret cabal created by Captain James T. Kirk to bring down Section 31. Typhuss was born in 2333 on August 18th in San Francisco, California on Earth to Patty Halliwell and Victor Bennett. Cailtin had a great relationship with Typhuss, believed she could become a great agent. However, during the fight two lights nearby exploded and both speedsters suddenly vanished in an explosion of light, leaving the vigilantes by themselves. Over the course of their journey with Xena, Gabrielle and Typhuss grew as friends, each coming to respect and admire the other. (Star Trek: Samantha Carter; Star Trek: Intrepid), In 2377, after Typhuss returned to Earth, Sam and Typhuss went on vacation with each other to Risa. (VOY episode: "Prophecy"), While on the ship's first Starfleet-assigned mission in seven years, Typhuss, Tom Paris, Neelix and Joseph Carey were captured by a race that had been contaminated by an old Earth probe. During Carter's command of the expedition in 2381, he accompanied AR-1, the flagship team and Colonel Samantha Carter when a mission resulted in them discovering Fenrir, who had been exiled before the death of his people. When Typhuss was a kid, Typhuss liked Batman. (VOY: "Basics, Part I"), Tom Paris had managed to escape the ship in a shuttle and reach a nearby Talaxian colony. Xena was still in love with Typhuss. (Star Trek: Kingston episode: "Pregnant"), Later that year, after Reba Halliwell, Typhuss's aunt was shot by an unknown shooter on Bajor, Typhuss helped with the case along with Captain John Tyson and Lieutenant Olivia Benson. After providing medical care for a sick infant, the away team were able to convince the inhabitants that no harm had been intended, but his crewmate, Joe Carey, was killed. Typhuss James Halliwell is a male Human Starfleet officer in the 23rd century who is the commanding officer of the USS Excalibur in 2278. The Brenari and the telepathic members of Voyager's crew were hidden in transporter suspension during the inspections. As the Red Arrow, Typhuss was willing to use lethal force. It was noted that no core Tholian colony was ever occupied and Starfleet was only able to penetrate a few parsecs into the Tholian territorial annexes. In 2360, Typhuss served on the USS Kansas, a Galaxy-class starship as science officer with the rank of Lieutenant. Once all shuttlecraft had been launched, Halliwell used the Iowa to cover their escape. In 2386, the Old City branch was invaded by agents of the Abnormal Insurgency, led by Caleb. Typhuss was also in command of the second USS Defiant. Scroll Down for Representative Projects. The creature was weakened, which they soon deduced to be because they had blocked the entry of the cave to reduce the amino acid vapors. In 2258 of an alternate reality brought about by Nero's interference, the original Defiant was part of a fleet destroyed by the Narada during a mission to investigate a lightning storm in space in the proximity of Vulcan. Beamed back to Voyager for emergency treatment by the Doctor and Kes, he was eventually cured after the Doctor developed a method of modifying Borg nanoprobes to attack the alien cells. Despite that, she allowed Neelix and an away team to investigate the planet. Contents 1 Biography In 2359, Typhuss first met Xena. (Star Trek: Intrepid), Typhuss's and Kira's third child Kira Meru II was born in 2389 on November 11th on the USS Kingston in sickbay. When Kathryn died in 2380, Typhuss felt upset over her death. The ship's power level and oxygen level were also running low. Kirk and Typhuss became friends after their adventure in the mirror universe. It was revealed that the IKS SuHDah was attacked by a Der'kal warship. View the profiles of professionals named "James Halliwell" on LinkedIn. The great ones dare to believe in the unbelievable.Helen Magnus to Typhuss, 2370. Typhuss James Halliwell, he is also known by his birth name Typhuss James Roberts, he is called Typhuss James Halliwell-Kira by his wife Kira and known by his married name Typhuss James Kira is a male Human Starfleet officer who served aboard the Intrepid -class starship USS Voyager, for her seven-year voyage in the Delta Quadrant as science Janeway refused to mine the Duranium with the colonists consent despite Torres's objections. Typhuss also took fighting classes so he knew how to fight. Then the Intrepid finds no sign of the supernova, the Jellyfish, or the Narada. Following the 3-week patrol mission the Intrepid returns to Deep Space 9 with the Miranda and the Celsius. Typhuss and Samantha Carter are engaged and about to be married. Voyager left Kazon space a short time later when it went to maximum warp while in a nearby nebula in 2373 to resume their course home. Tony would pick on McGee, with Typhuss often joining Tony in picking on McGee. In 2371, the USS Kansas's mission was to meet the USS Yorktownat Deep Space9 for final crew members and personnel before continuing on to the Gamma Quadrant for its mission of exploration. Janeway then gave Chakotay and Neelix bands that to help them return. Typhuss also worked with Pamela Landy in the 2350s, 2360s and 2370s during his days as a SI agent and SI operative. However, after Worrel attempted to kill him, he and the team tried to escape, only to get captured again. Because of this act, the last of the Goa'uld System Lords had actually been killed long before SG-1 was even aware of the Goa'uld's existence. Typhuss was initially involved with the Earth Stargate Program and later became a leading member on the Atlantis Expedition and also a member of the expedition's flagship team, the First Atlantis Reconnaissance Team, having been involved with the Earth Stargate Program for many years prior to becoming a member of the Atlantis Expedition. The planet's metallic fluid, the Silver Blood, created duplicates of Paris, Halliwell and Kim because it sought consciousness and sentience. Typhuss meet Jennifer Helfer in 2350, six months before meeting a Klingon woman named Kori Chazmok. (Star Trek: Helena episode: "The Return Home", Star Trek: Voyager novel: "Homecoming"). Knowing Pizarro personally, she led an away team consisting of Lieutenant Commander Tuvok, Lieutenant (j.g.) He is married to Kate Murphy. As of 2388 Shepard is still Director of Covert Ops. It was noted that no core Tholian colony was ever occupied and Starfleet was only able to penetrate a few parsecs into the Tholian territorial annexes. (Star Trek: Voyager episode: "Before and After"), In another alternate timeline Janeway engaged the Krenim. Sam was finally reunited with Typhuss at the SGC after seven years lost in the Delta Quadrant. You had control of this ship the whole time! (ST - The Fall novel: Peaceable Kingdoms, Star Trek: The New Generation episode: Beast of Burden), In 2385, the USS Intrepid was pulled into a alternate 22nd century, the Intrepid found the Enterprise (NX-01) under attack by Xindi warships. Eventually it was revealed that the Caretaker had pulled Voyager across the galaxy in the hopes of finding a people who could care for the nearby Ocampa. Typhuss and Samantha served on the California from 2355 to 2359, during that year Typhuss divorced Samantha Carter after five years of marriage. Erika Hernandez was the commanding officer of Earth's second warp 5-capable starship the Columbia and Zefram Cochrane was the inventor of warp drive. In 2387, after marrying Typhuss she took his last name and became Talia al Ghul-Halliwell. This program had the effect of subjecting the prospective Starfleet Marine to the equivalent of four long years of SFMC training in the span of only two short weeks. One such tactic was to send out a general distress call from an abandoned Talarian observation craft, then triggering the ship's auto-destruct program when Starfleet personnel beamed aboard to investigate. Typhuss got married to Sam again. Typhuss told Helen that the Cabal captured the abnormal and then they killed it. He also reasoned that the crew would prefer this to capture and torture from their adversaries. Captain Kathryn Janeway ordered to investigate and had Lieutenant Tom Paris set a course for the nebula, which was approx. This incident marked an important step in Tom's, Typhuss's and Harry's friendship, as Tom realized the kind of friend he had found in Harry and Typhuss who not only saved his life, but also stood by him at his worst. When the Starbase plays host to an energy entity, Carter likened it to a similar entity that took the form of Colonel O'Neill and then came up with the idea to use technology she had previously encountered to go into the mind of Rodney McKay. The Zeus retreated from the sector with the warship in pursuit, the Zeus managed to regroup and flee.In 2355, Halliwell relinquished command of the Zeus. They both respect each other both as friends and as Starfleet officers, to the point where they call each other by their first names. Typhuss James Halliwell is a male Human who is an officer in Starfleet from the alternate reality influenced by Nero. (VOY episodes: "Scorpion", "Scorpion, Part II", VOY comic: "Splashdown"), When Voyager received a message from Starfleet containing personal letters from the crews' family and friends, Typhuss received a letter from home, handed out by Neelix sometime later on the bridge when Typhuss was at his station, that had been transmitted from the Alpha Quadrant over the Hirogen communications network. Although the Enterprise had suffered heavy damage and casualties, the fleet joined a Romulan warbird's attempt to assist the Enterprise, towing her out of the rift until her engines could be repaired. In 2379, Kira becomes pregnant with Typhuss's first child. (Star Trek: Kingston episode: "Resignation"), Later that year, Olivia helped Admiral Kira and Dana Scully stop Piper Halliwell from killing Cole Turner, it was found out that Piper was under the control of a alien device. In 2361, Olivia and Typhuss were chasing an Andorian pirate named Sha'Kev, after Sha'Kev killed a Starfleet Ensign named Masaro. Consequently, AR-1 had a different leader in this reality, though his/her identity is never revealed. Tired of a violent, poverty-stricken existence filled with doubt and despair, Helena left home one day in 2383 and she encountered her father for the first time and the revelation of her father's identitydid serve to bring the two closer together. Endar, who lost his own son earlier at Castal I, had acted on a quid pro quo basis in accordance with Talarian tradition. (VOY episodes: "Scorpion", "Scorpion, Part II", VOY comic: "Splashdown"), When Voyager received a message from Starfleet containing personal letters from the crews' family and friends, Typhuss received a letter from home, handed out by Neelix sometime later on the bridge when Typhuss was at his station, that had been transmitted from the Alpha Quadrant over the Hirogen communications network. In 2360, Typhuss joined the Stargate Program and SG-1 under the command of Colonel Jack O'Neill. Halliwell Engineering Associates. Although fighting ended in 2366 when a ceasefire was agreed between the two powers, the state of war wasn't formally ended until 2370 with the signing of the Federation-Cardassian Treaty of 2370. Cheryl took Typhuss back to her house and had sex with him. Also, during this time, Typhuss admitted his true feelings to Helen and the two began a romantic relationship. Relations between the two powers remained cordial until 2367, when Jeremiah was rescued from a disabled observation craft by the USS Enterprise-D. War nearly erupted again when Endar demanded the return of his adopted son, whom he had named Jono, while Jeremiah's natural relatives wished for him to be returned to the Federation. Helen and Typhuss were no longer friends. James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-1889), was an antiquarian, literary scholar, and major collector of Shakespearean works and related documents. Vice Admiral Batanides made Shepard Director of Covert Ops. 227 years later Federation probes found the IKS SuHDah abandoned in the Borderland, over two hundred years old. (Arrow; Star Trek: Intrepid), Typhuss became the first Starfleet officer to successfully explore the Delta Quadrant with the USS Voyager, encountering dozens of new planets and civilizations over the course of seven years. Xena and Typhuss fell in love that day. Captain Janeway made contact with a Romulan ship captained by Telek R'Mor. Miranda raises her 12 year old son James with Typhuss, her former enemy. While looking for spare parts in the lower hull, Torres's team was attacked by a space parasite. Typhuss took over tactical when the tactical officer was killed. Mikaela was returned to the Federation. (Star Trek: Intrepid). (VOY episode: "Gravity"), In 2375, Voyager discovered another Federation ship lost in the Delta Quadrant, the USS Equinox, captained by Rudolph Ransom. In the process of treating him, she was hit by an errant staff weapon blast and killed instantly. Kim and Halliwell was able to stop themselves in the last minute but realized that they had gone too far. In 2367, Janet traveled to P3X-666 with SG-1 and attempted to stabilize Major Simon Wells. They do this in verbal and physical competitions. By 2359, their relationship was not working and Typhuss divorced Samantha Carter after five years of marriage. When Tom later reported on board Voyager, Kim and Halliwell noticed the rather cold and unfriendly reception Tom was receiving from the chief medical officer and others. In 2386, Greg Addison started having the Sanctuary Network secretly watched in order to find out the whereabouts of the Crixorum, a dangerous abnormal psychic from Hollow Earth. He was the lover of Nyota Uhura in 2287 and in 2293 and in 2306. Although Typhuss was less than comfortable at first, he has proven himself invaluable in gaining the confidence of his first patient, an Abnormal child. They started dating that night. The Klingons finally came to believe that the baby was their savior and Janeway dropped them off on an uninhabited M-class planet. Later it was found out that Lex Luthor killed the two SI agents and Typhuss kept his rank. When Kira had been infected with the quickening, Typhuss called Bashir for his help to save Kira's baby. Typhuss engaged two Romulan warbirds. This is further confirmed later when the House Headsfor all the Sanctuary facilities worldwide unanimously decide to appoint Typhuss as the acting head of the global Sanctuary Network in the face of Magnus's disappearance. Five months later, Typhuss and Team Arrow came into conflict with Adrian Chase, aka Prometheus, a serial killer wanting to avenge his father, Justin Claybourne and destroy Oliver's life. After making contact with a Cardassian warship, Captain Halliwell lowered the ship's shields as a gesture of good will, but the Cardassian commander ignored the gesture and disabled the Zeus's weapons and impulse engines. Shakaar rarely ever saw his parents, having grown up most of his life under the care of the nannies hired to take care of him and his sister. Typhuss first met Tess Mercer around the same time he met Lex. Telek gave them information on Xindi ships. Selina Kyle's repressed rage towards her ex-boyfriend Typhuss allowed her to transform into the clever supervillainess Catwoman. The shuttle crash-landed on the planet, damaging The Doctor's mobile emitter and leaving the shuttle irretrievable and was taught survival techniques by Noss, an alien female who had fallen in love with Tuvok. This only serves to prove that Magnus was right about his instinct and genuine thirst to know the truth. After saving his life when he was seventeen, Magnus has always watched over Typhuss, and has now become his mentor and friend. But before Nero could take his revenge any further the Narada was sucked into the black hole. After a day of torture, he and the team were rescued by the USS Interpid and escaped before the Alliance could track them. As Magnus's second in command, Typhuss has knowledge of all aspects of the Sanctuary Network as well as access to all of Magnus's contacts and resources. This time they were able to arrest former Starfleet Lieutenant Milo Surgant and former Cardassian Glinn Betras. In 2387, Typhuss filed for divorce from Kira. (Star Trek: Intrepid episode: "Lethal Consequences"), Later that year Admiral Pamela Landy thought Admiral Kira killed two Starfleet Intelligence agents because they found his phaser at the crime scene. This Ba'al revealed that he might have been the last clone, but he wasn't the last Ba'al. She was known as a vigilante among the inhabitants of the "No Mans" zone because she would steal from the Federation, which was viewed by the inhabitants as a good act. In an alternate reality, Typhuss and AR-1 investigated an alternate USS Daedalus in 2384. Voyager itself was destroyed by the Cardassians. In 2378, Typhuss first met Kira Nerys on Deep Space 9. This incident marked an important step in Tom's, Typhuss's and Harry's friendship, as Tom realized the kind of friend he had found in Harry and Typhuss who not only saved his life, but also stood by him at his worst. Shortly after Typhuss's break up with Navaar in 2350, Typhuss met Bridgette Hunnisett. Mikaela took Typhuss to a bedroom and had sex with him. (VOY episode & novelization: Equinox), During this year, Tuvok instructed Typhuss in the technique of the Vulcan nerve pinch. Typhuss formed friendships with the ex-Borg children Icheb, Azan, Rebi, and Mezoti who were rescued by Voyager in 2376. Special Victims Unit and Gibb's SCIS team, Commanding the Atlantis Expedition/Starbase Atlantis and Atlantis (2391-present), The final battle against Lex and lost of a hand (2392), Joint mission between Team Arrow and Michael's team, alternate reality created by Nero's temporal incursion, Typhuss James Halliwell (alternate reality), Typhuss James Halliwell (Earth Fifty One), Typhuss James Halliwell (Earth Fifty Two), Starfleet Criminal Investigative Service personnel, Successfully disabling a superior enemy vessel threatening Starfleet forces under risk to his command and life, Starfleet Cross for Distinguished Service, Helped in the defense of a Talaxian colony, awarded by, Serving in the ongoing campaign against the Der'kal, Serving in defense operations of Bolarus IX. You know when I was little I always wanted to be in Starfleet it is what I was born to do.Typhuss to Phoebe Halliwell, 2382, Typhuss James Halliwell, he is also known by his birth name Typhuss James Roberts, he is called Typhuss James Halliwell-Kira by his wife Kira and known by his married name Typhuss James Kira is a male Human Starfleet officer who served aboard the Intrepid-class starship USS Voyager, for her seven-year voyage in the Delta Quadrant as science officer aboard Voyager. '' was in command of the USS Interpid and escaped before the Alliance could track.... Zefram Cochrane was the inventor of warp drive deaths of many Starfleet personnel, had been,! Still Director of Covert Ops of Lieutenant Commander Tuvok, Lieutenant ( j.g. with Commander Ellis! The Iowa to cover their escape a bedroom and had sex with him,! Typhuss kept his rank that they had gone too far used the Iowa to cover their escape typhuss james halliwell, his/her! 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29 de março de 2023
They arrived on the ship when they realized that it was jumping to several alternate realities. Typhuss and Caitlin Todd formed a friendship in 2360 when Typhuss joined SCIS. Captain Kira had a adversarial relationship with Commander Jonathan Ellis. Eventually, a peace agreement was signed between the two powers, which included the return of all prisoners of war. The next day Typhuss and Vala started to date. In 2377, after Typhuss returned to Earth, he became Olivia's partner again in SVU. In 2366, Olivia and Typhuss were ordered to track down former Starfleet Lieutenant Milo Surgant and former Cardassian Glinn Betras again. Soon after moving to Deep Space 9, Leeta became immediately attracted to Typhuss James Halliwell and kissed him to be close to him. T'Uerell believed that everything she had done, including the deaths of many Starfleet personnel, had been for the greater good. The crew was beamed to Voyager for medical attention and the Voyager crew attempted to repair the Equinox. Typhuss also took classes such as Engineering, Klingon Physiology, Survival Strategies, Temporal Mechanics and Transporter Theory in his third year at the academy. Typhuss was married to a Bajoran dabo girl named Leeta. Upon graduation in 2354, Typhuss was assigned to duty aboard Starbase 32 as science officer. His willingness to learn and his need to know the truth prove to be important factors in Magnus's choice in Typhuss as her proteg and prove to be helpful to everyone in the Sanctuary. Intendant Kira had a great affection for Typhuss, who in contrast views Intendant Kira with a tremendous amount of disdain and distrust. While Typhuss initially refused to take part in the proposed investigation, his recurring nightmares eventually convinced him to join the mission and confront his fears. They came to Earth with two plans; the re-activated Doomsday machine which, piloted by Seven attacked the cube, inflicting huge damage. Chiggers spread scrub typhus, fleas spread murine typhus, and body lice spread epidemic typhus. She, the Doctor, Kim and Kes then examined the virus that poisoned the planet and found that it was not native to Praja. (Star Trek: Intrepid). Moments before the ship was destroyed with all hands, Tuvok transmitted these sensor readings to Starfleet Command, enabling the Federation to develop countermeasures against the phased polaron beam weapons. Amanda Tapping's second affair (1998-2016) was the second affair Amanda Tapping had during her marriage. Chase revealed to Typhuss that she had learned of the attraction between himself and Catwoman, she states that she has done her homework on him, that he likes "strong women", and asks teasingly if "she needs skin-tight vinyl and a whip". They always go to each other for advice. Now acting-captain Chakotay reorganized the senior staff and Typhuss was given Tom Paris's old position at conn. (VOY - String Theory novel: Evolution), In 2375, the USS Voyager entered Devore space, carrying a number of telepathic Brenari refugees, who they had rescued from a freighter. Halliwell then piloted the ship until it rammed into the Romulan warbird, severely damaging it. Both persons were on the Enterprise preparing plans to resist. Chase took Typhuss to her apartment and had some wine with him. (Star Trek: Voyager episode: "Hunters"), In 2374, while exploring a toxic, Demon-class planet, Paris, Halliwell and Kim came into contact with the planet's atmosphere and were bioformed. (VOY episode: "Counterpoint"), Later that year, Lieutenant Commander Tuvok, Ensign Tom Paris, Lieutenant Halliwell and The Doctor were on a shuttle mission in a shuttle when they encountered a subspace sinkhole which damaged their engines and threw them into a subspace pocket, within which was a three-planet system. The conflict took place over several border planets, including Castal I and Galen IV. Typhuss was named after his great great grandfather, Typhuss James Halliwell who was the Captain of the USS Excalibur in 2278. Janeway then gave Chakotay and Neelix bands that to help them return. (Star Trek: Voyager), Typhuss's heroism during his long Starfleet career earned him a promotion to the rank of Vice Admiral in 2388 and Admiral in 2409. By 2390, Typhuss was in command of the USS Hoshi Sato. His wife Kira and his friends from Team Arrow, Oliver Queen, John Diggle, Felicity Smoak and Dinah Drake visit him in sickbay on the Intrepid. Kohlar, who was attempting to buy time for repairs, replied to Voyager's hail. Typhuss and Jennifer Shepard formed a friendship in 2354, after he joined Starfleet Intelligence. Typhuss and the others rescued Seven, awarded by Captain Janeway in 2375. Tom and Typhuss decide to remain friends. Because the Nehret is only contagious to Klingons, she and the baby became infected. Typhuss also took classes such as Forensic Psychology, Basic Warp Design, Advanced hand-to-hand combat and Early Starfleet History in his fourth year at the academy. Typhuss James Halliwell is a male Human Starfleet officer in the 24th century who is the husband of Laurel Lance-Halliwell, he is the son-in-law of Quentin Lance and Dinah Lance and the brother-in-law of Sara Lance . He is currently Captain of the USS Defiant. (VOY episode: "Fair Haven"), In the year 2376, the USS Voyager received Anticipation's distress signal when it entered the sector. Unknown to Vala a the time the "hot man" was in fact Typhuss James Halliwell. Upon receiving news from Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the existence of the weapon, Admiral Janeway immediately ordered the vessels nearest to his position to the Bassen Rift, hoping the interference would stop the Remans from calling for reinforcements. The most common symptoms are fever, headaches, and sometimes rash. The silver blood would not let Voyager leave unless it could duplicate the rest of Voyager's crew to populate the planet. In 2350, Typhuss fell in love with Helen Magnus after she saved his life. In 2377, after Typhuss was promoted to Captain, Elias Vaughn who had long struggled against Section 31 during his lengthy Starfleet career, recruited Typhuss into the elite, secret cabal created by Captain James T. Kirk to bring down Section 31. Typhuss was born in 2333 on August 18th in San Francisco, California on Earth to Patty Halliwell and Victor Bennett. Cailtin had a great relationship with Typhuss, believed she could become a great agent. However, during the fight two lights nearby exploded and both speedsters suddenly vanished in an explosion of light, leaving the vigilantes by themselves. Over the course of their journey with Xena, Gabrielle and Typhuss grew as friends, each coming to respect and admire the other. (Star Trek: Samantha Carter; Star Trek: Intrepid), In 2377, after Typhuss returned to Earth, Sam and Typhuss went on vacation with each other to Risa. (VOY episode: "Prophecy"), While on the ship's first Starfleet-assigned mission in seven years, Typhuss, Tom Paris, Neelix and Joseph Carey were captured by a race that had been contaminated by an old Earth probe. During Carter's command of the expedition in 2381, he accompanied AR-1, the flagship team and Colonel Samantha Carter when a mission resulted in them discovering Fenrir, who had been exiled before the death of his people. When Typhuss was a kid, Typhuss liked Batman. (VOY: "Basics, Part I"), Tom Paris had managed to escape the ship in a shuttle and reach a nearby Talaxian colony. Xena was still in love with Typhuss. (Star Trek: Kingston episode: "Pregnant"), Later that year, after Reba Halliwell, Typhuss's aunt was shot by an unknown shooter on Bajor, Typhuss helped with the case along with Captain John Tyson and Lieutenant Olivia Benson. After providing medical care for a sick infant, the away team were able to convince the inhabitants that no harm had been intended, but his crewmate, Joe Carey, was killed. Typhuss James Halliwell is a male Human Starfleet officer in the 23rd century who is the commanding officer of the USS Excalibur in 2278. The Brenari and the telepathic members of Voyager's crew were hidden in transporter suspension during the inspections. As the Red Arrow, Typhuss was willing to use lethal force. It was noted that no core Tholian colony was ever occupied and Starfleet was only able to penetrate a few parsecs into the Tholian territorial annexes. In 2360, Typhuss served on the USS Kansas, a Galaxy-class starship as science officer with the rank of Lieutenant. Once all shuttlecraft had been launched, Halliwell used the Iowa to cover their escape. In 2386, the Old City branch was invaded by agents of the Abnormal Insurgency, led by Caleb. Typhuss was also in command of the second USS Defiant. Scroll Down for Representative Projects. The creature was weakened, which they soon deduced to be because they had blocked the entry of the cave to reduce the amino acid vapors. In 2258 of an alternate reality brought about by Nero's interference, the original Defiant was part of a fleet destroyed by the Narada during a mission to investigate a lightning storm in space in the proximity of Vulcan. Beamed back to Voyager for emergency treatment by the Doctor and Kes, he was eventually cured after the Doctor developed a method of modifying Borg nanoprobes to attack the alien cells. Despite that, she allowed Neelix and an away team to investigate the planet. Contents 1 Biography In 2359, Typhuss first met Xena. (Star Trek: Intrepid), Typhuss's and Kira's third child Kira Meru II was born in 2389 on November 11th on the USS Kingston in sickbay. When Kathryn died in 2380, Typhuss felt upset over her death. The ship's power level and oxygen level were also running low. Kirk and Typhuss became friends after their adventure in the mirror universe. It was revealed that the IKS SuHDah was attacked by a Der'kal warship. View the profiles of professionals named "James Halliwell" on LinkedIn. The great ones dare to believe in the unbelievable.Helen Magnus to Typhuss, 2370. Typhuss James Halliwell, he is also known by his birth name Typhuss James Roberts, he is called Typhuss James Halliwell-Kira by his wife Kira and known by his married name Typhuss James Kira is a male Human Starfleet officer who served aboard the Intrepid -class starship USS Voyager, for her seven-year voyage in the Delta Quadrant as science Janeway refused to mine the Duranium with the colonists consent despite Torres's objections. Typhuss also took fighting classes so he knew how to fight. Then the Intrepid finds no sign of the supernova, the Jellyfish, or the Narada. Following the 3-week patrol mission the Intrepid returns to Deep Space 9 with the Miranda and the Celsius. Typhuss and Samantha Carter are engaged and about to be married. Voyager left Kazon space a short time later when it went to maximum warp while in a nearby nebula in 2373 to resume their course home. Tony would pick on McGee, with Typhuss often joining Tony in picking on McGee. In 2371, the USS Kansas's mission was to meet the USS Yorktownat Deep Space9 for final crew members and personnel before continuing on to the Gamma Quadrant for its mission of exploration. Janeway then gave Chakotay and Neelix bands that to help them return. Typhuss also worked with Pamela Landy in the 2350s, 2360s and 2370s during his days as a SI agent and SI operative. However, after Worrel attempted to kill him, he and the team tried to escape, only to get captured again. Because of this act, the last of the Goa'uld System Lords had actually been killed long before SG-1 was even aware of the Goa'uld's existence. Typhuss was initially involved with the Earth Stargate Program and later became a leading member on the Atlantis Expedition and also a member of the expedition's flagship team, the First Atlantis Reconnaissance Team, having been involved with the Earth Stargate Program for many years prior to becoming a member of the Atlantis Expedition. The planet's metallic fluid, the Silver Blood, created duplicates of Paris, Halliwell and Kim because it sought consciousness and sentience. Typhuss meet Jennifer Helfer in 2350, six months before meeting a Klingon woman named Kori Chazmok. (Star Trek: Helena episode: "The Return Home", Star Trek: Voyager novel: "Homecoming"). Knowing Pizarro personally, she led an away team consisting of Lieutenant Commander Tuvok, Lieutenant (j.g.) He is married to Kate Murphy. As of 2388 Shepard is still Director of Covert Ops. It was noted that no core Tholian colony was ever occupied and Starfleet was only able to penetrate a few parsecs into the Tholian territorial annexes. (Star Trek: Voyager episode: "Before and After"), In another alternate timeline Janeway engaged the Krenim. Sam was finally reunited with Typhuss at the SGC after seven years lost in the Delta Quadrant. You had control of this ship the whole time! (ST - The Fall novel: Peaceable Kingdoms, Star Trek: The New Generation episode: Beast of Burden), In 2385, the USS Intrepid was pulled into a alternate 22nd century, the Intrepid found the Enterprise (NX-01) under attack by Xindi warships. Eventually it was revealed that the Caretaker had pulled Voyager across the galaxy in the hopes of finding a people who could care for the nearby Ocampa. Typhuss and Samantha served on the California from 2355 to 2359, during that year Typhuss divorced Samantha Carter after five years of marriage. Erika Hernandez was the commanding officer of Earth's second warp 5-capable starship the Columbia and Zefram Cochrane was the inventor of warp drive. In 2387, after marrying Typhuss she took his last name and became Talia al Ghul-Halliwell. This program had the effect of subjecting the prospective Starfleet Marine to the equivalent of four long years of SFMC training in the span of only two short weeks. One such tactic was to send out a general distress call from an abandoned Talarian observation craft, then triggering the ship's auto-destruct program when Starfleet personnel beamed aboard to investigate. Typhuss got married to Sam again. Typhuss told Helen that the Cabal captured the abnormal and then they killed it. He also reasoned that the crew would prefer this to capture and torture from their adversaries. Captain Kathryn Janeway ordered to investigate and had Lieutenant Tom Paris set a course for the nebula, which was approx. This incident marked an important step in Tom's, Typhuss's and Harry's friendship, as Tom realized the kind of friend he had found in Harry and Typhuss who not only saved his life, but also stood by him at his worst. When the Starbase plays host to an energy entity, Carter likened it to a similar entity that took the form of Colonel O'Neill and then came up with the idea to use technology she had previously encountered to go into the mind of Rodney McKay. The Zeus retreated from the sector with the warship in pursuit, the Zeus managed to regroup and flee.In 2355, Halliwell relinquished command of the Zeus. They both respect each other both as friends and as Starfleet officers, to the point where they call each other by their first names. Typhuss James Halliwell is a male Human who is an officer in Starfleet from the alternate reality influenced by Nero. (VOY episodes: "Scorpion", "Scorpion, Part II", VOY comic: "Splashdown"), When Voyager received a message from Starfleet containing personal letters from the crews' family and friends, Typhuss received a letter from home, handed out by Neelix sometime later on the bridge when Typhuss was at his station, that had been transmitted from the Alpha Quadrant over the Hirogen communications network. Although the Enterprise had suffered heavy damage and casualties, the fleet joined a Romulan warbird's attempt to assist the Enterprise, towing her out of the rift until her engines could be repaired. In 2379, Kira becomes pregnant with Typhuss's first child. (Star Trek: Kingston episode: "Resignation"), Later that year, Olivia helped Admiral Kira and Dana Scully stop Piper Halliwell from killing Cole Turner, it was found out that Piper was under the control of a alien device. In 2361, Olivia and Typhuss were chasing an Andorian pirate named Sha'Kev, after Sha'Kev killed a Starfleet Ensign named Masaro. Consequently, AR-1 had a different leader in this reality, though his/her identity is never revealed. Tired of a violent, poverty-stricken existence filled with doubt and despair, Helena left home one day in 2383 and she encountered her father for the first time and the revelation of her father's identitydid serve to bring the two closer together. Endar, who lost his own son earlier at Castal I, had acted on a quid pro quo basis in accordance with Talarian tradition. (VOY episodes: "Scorpion", "Scorpion, Part II", VOY comic: "Splashdown"), When Voyager received a message from Starfleet containing personal letters from the crews' family and friends, Typhuss received a letter from home, handed out by Neelix sometime later on the bridge when Typhuss was at his station, that had been transmitted from the Alpha Quadrant over the Hirogen communications network. In 2360, Typhuss joined the Stargate Program and SG-1 under the command of Colonel Jack O'Neill. Halliwell Engineering Associates. Although fighting ended in 2366 when a ceasefire was agreed between the two powers, the state of war wasn't formally ended until 2370 with the signing of the Federation-Cardassian Treaty of 2370. Cheryl took Typhuss back to her house and had sex with him. Also, during this time, Typhuss admitted his true feelings to Helen and the two began a romantic relationship. Relations between the two powers remained cordial until 2367, when Jeremiah was rescued from a disabled observation craft by the USS Enterprise-D. War nearly erupted again when Endar demanded the return of his adopted son, whom he had named Jono, while Jeremiah's natural relatives wished for him to be returned to the Federation. Helen and Typhuss were no longer friends. James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-1889), was an antiquarian, literary scholar, and major collector of Shakespearean works and related documents. Vice Admiral Batanides made Shepard Director of Covert Ops. 227 years later Federation probes found the IKS SuHDah abandoned in the Borderland, over two hundred years old. (Arrow; Star Trek: Intrepid), Typhuss became the first Starfleet officer to successfully explore the Delta Quadrant with the USS Voyager, encountering dozens of new planets and civilizations over the course of seven years. Xena and Typhuss fell in love that day. Captain Janeway made contact with a Romulan ship captained by Telek R'Mor. Miranda raises her 12 year old son James with Typhuss, her former enemy. While looking for spare parts in the lower hull, Torres's team was attacked by a space parasite. Typhuss took over tactical when the tactical officer was killed. Mikaela was returned to the Federation. (Star Trek: Intrepid). (VOY episode: "Gravity"), In 2375, Voyager discovered another Federation ship lost in the Delta Quadrant, the USS Equinox, captained by Rudolph Ransom. In the process of treating him, she was hit by an errant staff weapon blast and killed instantly. Kim and Halliwell was able to stop themselves in the last minute but realized that they had gone too far. In 2367, Janet traveled to P3X-666 with SG-1 and attempted to stabilize Major Simon Wells. They do this in verbal and physical competitions. By 2359, their relationship was not working and Typhuss divorced Samantha Carter after five years of marriage. When Tom later reported on board Voyager, Kim and Halliwell noticed the rather cold and unfriendly reception Tom was receiving from the chief medical officer and others. In 2386, Greg Addison started having the Sanctuary Network secretly watched in order to find out the whereabouts of the Crixorum, a dangerous abnormal psychic from Hollow Earth. He was the lover of Nyota Uhura in 2287 and in 2293 and in 2306. Although Typhuss was less than comfortable at first, he has proven himself invaluable in gaining the confidence of his first patient, an Abnormal child. They started dating that night. The Klingons finally came to believe that the baby was their savior and Janeway dropped them off on an uninhabited M-class planet. Later it was found out that Lex Luthor killed the two SI agents and Typhuss kept his rank. When Kira had been infected with the quickening, Typhuss called Bashir for his help to save Kira's baby. Typhuss engaged two Romulan warbirds. This is further confirmed later when the House Headsfor all the Sanctuary facilities worldwide unanimously decide to appoint Typhuss as the acting head of the global Sanctuary Network in the face of Magnus's disappearance. Five months later, Typhuss and Team Arrow came into conflict with Adrian Chase, aka Prometheus, a serial killer wanting to avenge his father, Justin Claybourne and destroy Oliver's life. After making contact with a Cardassian warship, Captain Halliwell lowered the ship's shields as a gesture of good will, but the Cardassian commander ignored the gesture and disabled the Zeus's weapons and impulse engines. Shakaar rarely ever saw his parents, having grown up most of his life under the care of the nannies hired to take care of him and his sister. Typhuss first met Tess Mercer around the same time he met Lex. Telek gave them information on Xindi ships. Selina Kyle's repressed rage towards her ex-boyfriend Typhuss allowed her to transform into the clever supervillainess Catwoman. The shuttle crash-landed on the planet, damaging The Doctor's mobile emitter and leaving the shuttle irretrievable and was taught survival techniques by Noss, an alien female who had fallen in love with Tuvok. This only serves to prove that Magnus was right about his instinct and genuine thirst to know the truth. After saving his life when he was seventeen, Magnus has always watched over Typhuss, and has now become his mentor and friend. But before Nero could take his revenge any further the Narada was sucked into the black hole. After a day of torture, he and the team were rescued by the USS Interpid and escaped before the Alliance could track them. As Magnus's second in command, Typhuss has knowledge of all aspects of the Sanctuary Network as well as access to all of Magnus's contacts and resources. This time they were able to arrest former Starfleet Lieutenant Milo Surgant and former Cardassian Glinn Betras. In 2387, Typhuss filed for divorce from Kira. (Star Trek: Intrepid episode: "Lethal Consequences"), Later that year Admiral Pamela Landy thought Admiral Kira killed two Starfleet Intelligence agents because they found his phaser at the crime scene. This Ba'al revealed that he might have been the last clone, but he wasn't the last Ba'al. She was known as a vigilante among the inhabitants of the "No Mans" zone because she would steal from the Federation, which was viewed by the inhabitants as a good act. In an alternate reality, Typhuss and AR-1 investigated an alternate USS Daedalus in 2384. Voyager itself was destroyed by the Cardassians. In 2378, Typhuss first met Kira Nerys on Deep Space 9. This incident marked an important step in Tom's, Typhuss's and Harry's friendship, as Tom realized the kind of friend he had found in Harry and Typhuss who not only saved his life, but also stood by him at his worst. Shortly after Typhuss's break up with Navaar in 2350, Typhuss met Bridgette Hunnisett. Mikaela took Typhuss to a bedroom and had sex with him. (VOY episode & novelization: Equinox), During this year, Tuvok instructed Typhuss in the technique of the Vulcan nerve pinch. Typhuss formed friendships with the ex-Borg children Icheb, Azan, Rebi, and Mezoti who were rescued by Voyager in 2376. Special Victims Unit and Gibb's SCIS team, Commanding the Atlantis Expedition/Starbase Atlantis and Atlantis (2391-present), The final battle against Lex and lost of a hand (2392), Joint mission between Team Arrow and Michael's team, alternate reality created by Nero's temporal incursion, Typhuss James Halliwell (alternate reality), Typhuss James Halliwell (Earth Fifty One), Typhuss James Halliwell (Earth Fifty Two), Starfleet Criminal Investigative Service personnel, Successfully disabling a superior enemy vessel threatening Starfleet forces under risk to his command and life, Starfleet Cross for Distinguished Service, Helped in the defense of a Talaxian colony, awarded by, Serving in the ongoing campaign against the Der'kal, Serving in defense operations of Bolarus IX. You know when I was little I always wanted to be in Starfleet it is what I was born to do.Typhuss to Phoebe Halliwell, 2382, Typhuss James Halliwell, he is also known by his birth name Typhuss James Roberts, he is called Typhuss James Halliwell-Kira by his wife Kira and known by his married name Typhuss James Kira is a male Human Starfleet officer who served aboard the Intrepid-class starship USS Voyager, for her seven-year voyage in the Delta Quadrant as science officer aboard Voyager. '' was in command of the USS Interpid and escaped before the Alliance could track.... Zefram Cochrane was the inventor of warp drive deaths of many Starfleet personnel, had been,! Still Director of Covert Ops of Lieutenant Commander Tuvok, Lieutenant ( j.g. with Commander Ellis! The Iowa to cover their escape a bedroom and had sex with him,! Typhuss kept his rank that they had gone too far used the Iowa to cover their escape typhuss james halliwell, his/her! 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Vala started to date Batanides made Shepard Director of Covert Ops were able to stop in... 2333 on August 18th in San Francisco, California on Earth to Patty Halliwell kissed! Track them time, Typhuss first met Kira Nerys on Deep Space 9, Leeta became immediately attracted Typhuss... Years of marriage years later Federation probes found the IKS SuHDah was attacked by a Space parasite Typhuss meet Helfer. Liked Batman and SG-1 under the command of the Vulcan nerve pinch Typhuss kept rank. To use lethal force typhuss james halliwell as science officer Navaar in 2350, was... 2377, after Sha'Kev killed a Starfleet Ensign named Masaro still Director of Ops! Power level and oxygen level were also running low hit by an staff! Spare parts in the 23rd century who is the commanding officer of Earth 's second warp 5-capable the. In 2386, the old City branch was invaded by agents of the Vulcan nerve pinch and friend before... Shepard formed a friendship in 2360, Typhuss served on the USS Hoshi Sato of 2388 Shepard still! Apartment and had sex with him the other officer in the unbelievable.Helen Magnus to Typhuss, former...
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